HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-07-10; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINU TES MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: July 10, 2017 TIME OF MEETING: 5:00 PM PLACE OF MEETING: Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chair Geidner called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Geidner, Boone, Bender, Nelson Absent: Commissioner Garcia Staff Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Approval of minutes: ITE M #3 Approved: q -11 -17 By proper motion (Boone/Bender} the minutes of the March 13, 2017 {3, 0, 2, O} and by proper motion (Nelson/Bender} the minutes of the May 8, 2017 (3, 0, 2, O} meetings were approved. Cultural Resources Guidelines Presentation: The City's Principal Planner, Teri Delcamp, along with Ecorp Consultant, Lisa Westwood, presented information on the Draft Tribal, Cultural and Paleontology Resources Guidelines. The Cultural Resource Guidelines have been in place since 1990. The Planning Commission and City Council requested to update the guidelines to ensure it is complete and compatible with CEQA. City Council recently adopted Council Policy #83 "Tribal Cultural Resource Protection" to identify and protect Native American resources. With many new laws that have gone into effect since 1990, the decision was made to redo the guidelines to assist the City Planning staff in making decisions and help in managing our cultural resources. Once these guidelines are finalized, it is hoped that it will lead to greater historic preservation and creative ways to preserve that history. The Commission was very interested in the presentation and shared preliminary thoughts and asked questions. The commission would like to formally comment on the Draft Report. To do so the Commission would like to hold a "special meeting" in August or at the regular meeting HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of July 10, 2017 meeting Page 2 scheduled in September to make comments on the guidelines depending when the upcoming and yet to be determined public comment period will be held. Historic property inventory: Commission Liaison Smithson updated the commissioners that she has a pending request to set up a meeting with the City Attorney and Special Projects Manager, Mick Calarco. At this meeting they will go through all the details of the information that has been sent to the City Attorney's office. Ordinance revisions for the Municipal Code: Covered under historic property inventory Community clean up event: Commission Liaison Smithson informed the commission that a letter to Mr. Capp has been mailed asking him of his interest in a volunteer clean-up of the exterior of his property at 3140 Highland Drive. She is waiting to hear back from him. If he is agreeable, the City Housing and Neighborhood Services Department is willing to assist with support. Properties of concern: None noted Carlsbad Historical Society update: Commissioner Boone relied that the Society had a tea and tour of the Magee House for thirteen guests. This is one of the ways th~ Society makes money so this was a great event. The Magee House continues to have issues with transients and trash in the area. There has been much communication and cooperation with the police. She recommended if anyone in the area sees something out of sorts to please call the non-emergency police number. Commissioner Geidner mentioned how dark it is in that area and was wondering about the lighting. Commissioner Boone mentioned that Society President, Susan Gutierrez, is working with the police and is sure the issue of lighting has come up. She also mentioned that two park rangers have been hired to help with maintaining the parks and is hopeful that this will help. Commission Liaison announcements: • Commission Liaison Smithson handed out an updated commissioner roster. She also shared that the current Chair, Chris Garcia has moved out of the area and has resigned from the commission. • She handed out an invitation to the Citizens of the Year event to each of the commissioners. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes of July 10, 2017 meeting Page 3 • She also mentioned if any of the commissioners do not have a link to the village and barrio parking study she would send the link to them. • Commission Liaison Smithson informed the commissioners that she had begun working with to City Planner, Don Neu regarding having someone from Planning attend the Historic Preservation Commission meetings. Because we are updating the ordinance this would be a good time to change from having someone from the Planning Commission to having a Planning Department staff member. • Commission Liaison Smithson updated the commission on a new location for the regular planned Historic Preservation Commission meeting. Instead of meeting in the Council Conference Room, the commission in will meet in the Georgina Cole Library Community Room beginning with the September meeting. Commissioner comments: • Commissioner Boone shared pictures from different sources of events that have occurred in Carlsbad over the past 100 years to contribute to the photos that will be going up at Pine Street Park. She also mentioned that she noticed a house located in the Barrio area located close to Lola's that was being refurbished. After a short conversation with the owner, the owner mentioned she had made a call to the Planning Department to check if her property was listed on a historic property list and was told that Carlsbad has no historic properties. This is very concerning to all the commissioners. Commissioner Geidner recommended drafting a FAQ to hand out to property owners who would be interested in having their property on the voluntary historic inventory list. • Commissioner Boone reminded the commissioners of the Citizen of the Year presentation on July 11 at 4 p.m. and that at the Planning Commission meeting being held Wednesday, July 19, there will be a public comment period regarding the parking study. Public Comment: The commission heard from Diana Ricker and Michele Mandujano voicing their concerns regarding the mural on the side of the Circle K building on Roosevelt and Oak. They both really appreciate the Hispanic history of Carlsbad; Michele has a family member that is featured on the mural and would like to have a commemorative plaque for the mural. They asked if the commission could recommend who may be able to help with a grant to help fund the installation of a plaque. Commission Liaison Smithson noted the Historic Preservation Commission doesn't manage grants but she would follow up with Ms. Ricker and Ms. Mandujano with some additional ideas. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m. Dianna Galindo Recording Secretary