HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-04-22; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved: · 0-13-,4 I. ITEM #3 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Minutes MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION CO MMISSION DATE OF M EETING: April 22, 2019 TIME OF M EETING: 5:00 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chamber CALL TO ORDER: Commission Chair Chad Majer called the meeting to order at 5:09 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Laurie Boone, Anne Estes (arrived 5:14), Chad Majer and Sam Souri Absent: None Staff Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Sandra Riggins, Sr. Office Specialist PUBLIC COMMENT: Rob Smith, a 41-year resident of Carlsbad, asked questions related to the application process. He is interested in applying for the vacancy in the Historic Preservation Committee. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Jan. 14, 2019 meeting approved (3-0-1-0 with Estes absent) Feb. 11, 2019 meeting approved (3-0-1-0 with Estes absent) DISCUSS ANNUAL WORI< PLAN (FY 2019-2020) The com_mission discussed the annual work plan and voted to accept the draft workplan, as written, to present to City Council for review and approval (4-0-0-0). PROPERTIES QI= CONCERN The city owned Magee House at 258 Beech Street is in disrepair and needs a lot of repairs. There is currently a project working on refurbishing and replacing the decking and hand rail. There needs to be a complete survey of the property to see the extent of the repairs needed to include dry rot, possible termite problems, a window separating from its frame and other damages. Comments from two commissioners brought it to the attention of the parks and recreation and facility maintenance division of Public Works. Commissioners drafted a letter during the meeting to be sent to Public Works Supervisor Brian Bacardi and Public Works Manager John Maashoff, expressing their concerns for the condition of disrepair and encouraging them to consider adding the property repairs to future budget expenditures. By proper motion and vote the commission accepted to present the letter as composed during the meeting to Mr. Bacardi and Mr. Maashoff (4-0-0-0). A motion was made and accepted to visit each of the 19 properties formerly designated by City Council (1986-1990) as having historic significance during the next scheduled meeting on May 13, 2019 at 5 p.m. (4-0-0-0). The commissioners will divide the 19 properties to research and review and then share with the other commissioners on May 13. COMMISSION LIAISON ANNOUCEIVIENTS Third Grade art contest will be presented at city council on June 11., 2019. Application for the replacement of the vacant Historic Preservation Commission position are due by Monday, May 6. The unexpired term will end in 2022. Liaison Smithson encouraged the commissioners to view a new process of interviewing applicants for commissions which occurred during the city council meeting held on April 16. Suzanne Smithson passed out the article, "Why Notre Dame Matters" as an article of interest regarding historic structures. COMMISSIONER ANNOUNCEMENTS None ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 6:27 p.m. /[)~~ Dianna Galindo for Sa