HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-07-08; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved: q -9 -l°t_ ITEM #4 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: July 8, 2019 TIME OF MEETING: 5:00 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chamber CALL TO ORDER: Commission Chair Majer called the meeting to order at 5:26 p.m. after waiting for a quorum to be present. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Laurie Boone, Anne Estes, Chad Majer Absent: none Staff Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Sarah Dana, Senior Librarian Dianna Galindo, Sr. Office Specialist APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on May 13, 2019 were approved {3/0/0/0) PUBLIC COMMENT: The commission heard from community member Jim Strickland regarding his concern for the Encina Power Plant smokestack. Mr. Strickland shared a short power point with the commissioners showing ideas on preserving the chimney stack and his desire for it to have historic designation. He distributed print copies of his presentation to the commissioners. The commission moved to add the Encina Power Plant smokestack to the September 9, 2019 agenda for further discussion {3/0/0/0). The commissioners would like to walk the site before the next meeting. NEW COMMISSIONERS: No new commissioner appointments will be made until the revised appointment process is confirmed by City Council. The commission currently has two vacan cies. The corn mission would like t o keep the Magee Hou se as a property of concern. MEETING LOC/1.TIOl\!S /-\1\lD TIM[S: By prnper motion and vote (2/1/0/0) the commission moved to keep the me eting in the council chan1ber for the all future meetings at 5:00 p.rn . with the exception to start the Sept ember 9 and l\lovember 4 meetings at 6 p.m . to accommodate holiday sc hedule and another co mmission who will meet in the co uncil chamber earlier those sa rne days. Cf.l.HLSBAO HISTORiCAL SOCIETY UPD/-ffE: Commissioner Boone updated the commission on the 3rd grade student tours being ve1·y successfu l this past yea 1·. There has much cooperation between the Hi storical Soci ety and Carlsbad Po lice Department to make sure the park is free of disruptive people he lping the publi c and students feel safe when tou1·ing the Magee House. Commiss ioner Boone also 1·elated t hat the president of the Historical Society has reached out to City Pub li c Works to remove the bench at the entrance of the Magee House. On the weekends there have been people lying on the bench making it look uninvit ing for those who would like to take a tou1-. Also, before opening for tours the porch needs to be washed off because of offensive odors. There has been much effort to keep the Magee House a pleasant experience for the publi c and not all ow it tum in to a homeless encampment. COMM ISSIO N LIAISON ,l\NNOUNCEMEN TS: Comm ission Li aison Sm ithson in formed the commiss ione rs that the Community Forest Management Plan, w hich in cludes the Heritage Tree Reports, is being updated and likely be ava ilable to the public in mid-August. Parks and Recreation Director l<yle Lancaster and possibly the arbori st will p1·ese nt at ou1· September meeting to update t he co mmissioners on the revision to the reports and plan. Liaison Smithson will send them the lin k to t he in fo 1·mation when it is ava ilable. Liaison Sm ithson also mentioned t he Council's discuss ion of the Village and Ba rrio moratorium on bu ilding and development at their June 25 meeting. No action was taken but the discussion may be viewed on the city website un der "City Council Meeting Arch ive" if the commissioners are interested in viewing it. COMMISSION ER COMMENTS: Commissioner Estes as ked how the com1-rliss ion cou ld coo1-d inate the official property list, the wa lki ng tour brochure and the plaque prngram. Commission Liaison Sm ithson said there is a spreadsheet that a staff member had put together that shows the three data points of what is on the wa lking tou1-, the official property list and those with a plaque. The sp rea dsheet w ill be updated, verified, and shared with the commissioners. Commiss ioner Boone asked if we can get our goa ls to City Council soon, so the commission can start w it h 01·al histor·ies and video histories. Commissioner Majer would like to get the ora l histori es on a sched ul e. Commiss ion Li aison Smithso n repli ed that a 48 hours req uest can be sent to have the li brary sta ff record the ora l hi story. Commissioner Majer noted that there has been talk about making the State Street area a historic district. Maybe this is so mething this comm iss ion would like to explore. Com missioner Majer would like to add this as an age nda item and have a brief disc ussion on how this comm ission ca n start the process of designation. ADJOURN MENT: M eeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Re spectfully submitted by, q~~