HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-09-09; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved: JI -a1-19 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: September 9, 2019 TIME OF MEETING: 5:30 PM PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chamber CALL TO ORDER: Commission Chair Majer called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Laurie Boone, Anne Estes, Pearl Ly, Chad Majer, Robert Prosser Absent: none Staff Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Kyle Lancaster, Parks and Recreation Director Tim Selke, Parks Superintendent Sarah Dana, Senior Librarian Dianna Galindo, Sr. Office Specialist APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on July 8, 2019 were approved (3/0/2/0) PUBLIC COMMENT: None HERITAGE TREE REPORT: ITEM #3 Parks and Recreation Director Kyle Lancaster and Parks Superintendent Tim Selke updated the Commissioners on the Heritage Tree report as part of Carlsbad Community Forest Management Plan. By proper motion and vote the commissioners received the plan and recommended its adoption by City Council. (5/0). ENCINA POWER PLAl\l T -Sl\llOl<ESTACI{: Th e commission hearcl from 4 community res idents w ho shared their thoughts on t he historic significa nce of the Encin a Powe1· Plant smokestack. Gl enn Bernard spoke in opposition to leaving the smokestack up. An open space and natural environment are what he wou ld like to see in that area. • Bil l Bow man approves of leve ling the smo kestack and had id eas as to what co uld be clon e wit h that area and fee ls the people of Carlsbad sho uld decid e. • Jim Strickland stated that the smokestack is a historic part of Carlsbad and would like to see it st ay. Lela Pan ag ides co mpa1·ecl the smokestack as a landmark like the Eiffel Towe1·, Big Ben and the Space f\leedl e. Ms. Panagides stated that t he power plant ha s brought in much revenue to Carlsbad and is a visible symbol of the City of Carlsba d. By proper motion and vote t he co mmission move d to take no action on this item. (5/0). PROPERTi ES OF CONCERN : Sr. Librarian Sa rah Dana shared a draft of a sp rea dsheet of historical properties the Carlsbad History staff are updating. Th e multi-pa ge spreadsheet in cludes properties that have been di sc ussed or considered historically significant in the reco1·ds of the Historic Preservation Commission, City Council, city staff, city consultants, marked w ith a plaque, or incluclecl in the Historic Cor/sbocl: A Se/f-Guiclec/ Tour brochure. IVl s. Dana also noted that Roth ancl Associates were hired by the City in 1990 to complete a survey of sites with potential histori c significa nce in Carlsbad . The re sulting 5-volume report is now housed in the Genealogy & Carlsbad History section at the Georgina Co le Library. This survey was adopted by City Council as the Historic Resources Inventory in 1991. In 1993, City Council "delet ed" the Inventory and stipulated in clusion on any historic listing be voluntary. The Historic Resources Inventory has been retained in the Library's Ca1·lsbacl Hi story Collection as a valuable reference so urce fo1· histo ric information about the properties included in the survey. MEETIN G SCHED ULE: By proper motion and vote the commission moved to change the meeting t imes to 6 p.m. for al l future meetings. {4/1). CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATE: Commissioners Boone and Majer updated the co mmission that the annual meeting of the Carlsbad Historical Society will be held at a private res id ence in late October COMMI SSION LIAISON ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commission Liaison Smithson informed the commissioners that we now have an Ex-Officio meeting representative from the planning commission, Alicia Lafferty. Liaison Smithson shared the date of November 7, 2019 for the Boards and Commissions dinner and let them know they should receive their invitations soon. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioner Estes asked if there is consideration for the Historic Preservation Commission meetings to be recorded or broadcast. Commission Liaison Smithson replied that the city currently does not have the funding or staff to support that Commissioner Majer would like to revisit the process on making the State Street area a historic district. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 6:59 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, ~