HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-11-21; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved:
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DATE OF MEETING: November 21, 2019
PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chamber
Commission Chair Majer called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Laurie Boone, Anne Estes, Pearl Ly, Chad Majer, Robert Prosser
Ex-Officio Planning Commissioner Al.icia Lafferty
Absent: none
Staff Present: Ron l<emp, Assistant City Attorney,
Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director
Sarah Dana, Sr. Librarian
Dianna Galindo, Sr. Office Specialist
The minutes of the meeting held on September 9, 2019 were approved (5/0)
ITE M #3
The commissioners heard from community member Don Christiansen regarding Heritage Trees. Mr.
Christiansen shared a hand out of what has been done in other cities with historic trees and encouraged
putting this on a future agenda to discuss.
A public hearing was held in response to a written request from community member Jim Stricklan_d
regarding the potential historic designation of the Encina Power Station stack. Mr. Strickland shared a
presentation about the historic significance of the stack.
The commission then heard comment from Eric Leuze1 Vice President of Cabrillo Power. Mr. Leuze
shared that there is no interest from Cabrillo Power as the owners of the property in having the stack
designated as a historic landmark. He noted that the demolition is set to begin in April according to the
agreement with the City of Carlsbad.
The commission heard testimony from members the public:
1. A group of 6 students from Calavera Hills Middle School shared their ideas regarding the Encina
Power Plant. They would hope to preserve the stack as a park and historical site.
2. Community member Bill Bowman would like to see the stack turned into a historic monument
and given back to the people of Carlsbad to enjoy as a park or amphitheater with the stack in
the background.
3. Community member Kathryn Wilken shared her opinion that the smoke stack has been a
significant landmark. When she drives from San Diego and sees the smoke stack she knows she's
"home}}. Its presence is a familiar one and should be preserved.
By proper motion and vote the commission moved to deny the application to make the stack a historic
landmark. The commission acknowledged that the stack fits the criteria of the municipal code in that it
reflects elements of the city's cultural1 sociat political _and architectural history but property owner1s
agreement is required. Therefore, the commission cannot recommend that it become a historic
landmark. (4/1)
The commissioners discussed the procedures on establishing a Historic District that are recorded in the
Municipal Code 22.06.040. The commissioners discussed potential interest in designating State Street as
historic and keeping the character of the area historic. Commissioner Prosser feels the commission
should really ponder over what would be the benefit for the businesses on State Street to agree to have
the area designated as historic. Commission Liaison Smithson suggested that this could be something
that can be added to the commission work plan. Commissioner Lafferty suggested that it would help to
identify certain buildings of interest. By identifying historic buildings, it could possibly help keep the
character of the Village and Barrio area. This topic is open for more discussion.
Sr. Librarian Sarah Dana shared an update of the spreadsheet of historic properties which the Carlsbad
History staff distributed to the commission last month. Staff have continued to work on adding and
simplifying the organization of the information regarding each property for ease of understanding. The
multi-page spreadsheet includes properties that have been discussed or considered historically
significant in the records of the Historic Preservation Commission1 City Council 1 city staff, city
consultants, marked with a plaque, or included in the Historic Carlsbad: A Self-Guided Tour brochure.
Ms. Dana also shared that there is a quick reference list of the 1990 inventory that can be reached
on line via carlsbadlibrary.org. Commissioner Majer suggested it be a goal to look over the list to decide
what buildings would be of interest and investigate what incentives would be for the property owners.
Commissioners Boone encouraged all the Historic Preservation Commissioners to consider joining the
Historical Society. She feels it would be very beneficial for each commissioner to get to know the history
of Carlsbad .
Commissioner Boone shared that the Historical Society was deeply connected with the 125th anniversa ry
of St. Michaels by the Sea . Susan Gutierrez gave a wonderful presentation on the history of the Magee
On Veteran's Day the Army Navy Academy gave a presentation on the history of the Red Apple Inn, a
property which has one of this commission's plaques.
Commission Li aison Smithson had announcements to share:
1. She informed the commissioners that on November 12, 2019 the Traffic and Mobility
Commission presented their work plan to Council which can be seen online. She also stated that
the Historic Preservation Commission may be presenting their work plan to Council in January.
2. There has been discussion about recording the boards and commission meetirJgs.
3. Parks and Recreation Department is working on a master plan for the next 5 years and they are
inviting stakeholders to participate in the discussion. They are asking the Parks and Recreation
Commission and the Senior Commission as well as the Historic Preservation Commission since
they over see our historic parks such as Leo Carrillo and Magee Parle Commissioners
acknowledged that they had received the invitations.
4. Revised copies of the Heritage Tree report held at the Cole and Dove Libraries. There are a few
additional copies if a commissioner should want their own copy.
Commissioner Estes handed out an article on a Danish lighthouse she thought would be of interest to
the other commissioners.
Commissioner Prosser shared an idea how Little Italy in San Diego has a GPS app that shows you points
of interest. That may be something this commission could investigate having the historic walking tour of
downtown with a GPS type app that people could download as they walk around.
Ex-officio Planning Commissioner Lafferty stated that the planning commission discussed the draft
version of Local Coastal Program. In Section 5 page 25 shows a list of trails and hotels; the historic
resource list only shows the Santa Fe Depot and Alt Karlsbad with no other historic buildings on the list.
The due date for commentary period is November 29 and she encourages any of the commissioners to
comment if they so choose. Staff Liaison Smithson committed to sending the link to the review
document on the city's website.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by,