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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-01-13; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved: J -l) -,}.._tJ.;l.O HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMM ISSIO N MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: January 13, 2020 TIME OF MEETING: 6:00 PM PLACE OF MEETING: Georgina Cole Library Community Room CALL TO ORDER: Commission Chair Majer called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. HOLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Laurie Boone, Anne Estes, Pearl Ly, Chad Majer, Robert Prosser Ex-Officio Planning Commissioner Alicia Lafferty Absent: none Staff Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Sarah Dana, Sr. Librarian Dianna Galindo, Sr. Office Specialist APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on November 21, 2019 were approved (5/0). Commissioner Boone clarified her vote on item #5 of the November 21, 2019 meeting, stating she agreed with the motion to deny the application to make the Encina smokestack a historic landmark but does not agree that the stack fits the criteria of the municipal code. PUBLIC COMMENT: The commissioners heard from community member Don Christiansen regarding dead and dying heritage trees. Mr. Christiansen shared a handout of what has been done in other cities with historic trees and encouraged putting this on a future agenda to discuss. Mr. Christiansen related that even if a tree is dead it still has value. A tree's life span is around 100 years which many of the trees in the area are reaching its life span. He would like to get ahead of the curve so that there is something set in place on what can be done with the trees and/or the remaining stumps instead of grinding it clown and forgetting they were ever there. He had a conversation with Parks & Recreation Director l<yle Lancaster and Parks Services Manager Tim Selke regarding the trees. There was a tree that went down on Grand Avenue on November 22, 2019; Mr. Christiansen believes that t he stu mp left behind cou ld be turn ed into a bench. Mr. Christianse n recommend ed opening this topic up for public input to see what can be done to the dying trees, He woul~ like fo r the Historic Preservation Commission to recommend that this topic go to City Coun cil. The commissioners made no motion. 2019-2020 WORI< PLAN: Commission Liaison Smithson informed the commiss ioners that the commission's 2019-2020 work plan will be presented to City Council on Tuesday, January 14, 2020. ยท Commission Cha ir Majer will be in attendance to answer any questions. Th e co mmissioners would like to start oral histories according to the 2019-20 work plan. Commiss ioner Pro sser mentioned how Carlsbad should get cin board with the Mills Act . Commiss ion Liaison Smithson replied that this would be something to put on May agenda when the commission works on their 2020-2021 work plan. 2020 THIRD GRADE HISTORIC SITE ART PRESENTATION: Commission Liaison Smithson handed out photos of last ye ar's presentation and a draft of the letter that will be sent out to Carlsbad 3rd grade teachers in February inviting them to participate this spring. By proper-motion and vote the commissioners approved the draft letter to be sent to the teachers once the dates are confirmed (5/0). Commissioner Boone commented that she whole heartedly supports this program. PROPERTIES OF CONCERN: Sr. Librarian Sarah Dana shared a supplement to the updated spreadsheet of historic properties the Commission received at the November 2019 meeting. In completing that spreadsheet, Library staff identified 21 properties with some type of plaque noting historic status. At the January meeting, Commission members were provided with a packet containing photos of the plaques and the text of each plaque. In two cases-Alt l(arlsbad and the Culver-Myers-Capp House-the current location of the plaque is unknown; however, library staff were able to provide historic photos of the plaques located in the Carlsbad History Collection: The packet is intended to provide the Commission with a quick reference guide that may assist their work in designing future plaques as part of their work plan. Commission Liaison Smithson encouraged the commissioners to look over the list and pick a few of their individual favorites so that at one of our next meetings we can talk about next steps in selecting properties that have Council action that need a plaque so that we can have all these in sync that are on the list. Ex-officio Planning Commissioner Lafferty mentioned the commercial buildings designed by Irving Gill. Although unverified, there is speculation that parts of the Army Navy Academy feels reminiscent of Gill's work and asked if there is any information that would clarify the speculation. Commissioner Prosser asked if anyone goes out to maintain t he plaqu es that are currently on displ ay. Commission Liaison Smithson replied that since this is a voluntary program and often on private property, it would be the property owner's responsibility to do the maintenance. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATE: Commissioners Boone related that every Friday and Saturday the public can take a tour of the Magee House and that the commissioners are welcome to volunteer. She feels this would be a great way to get familiar with the history of Carlsbad. She also let the commission know that longtime member Tina Colling has passed away and her memodal service will be held this Saturday January 18. COMMISSION LIAISON ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commission Liaison Smithson asked the commissioners if they would like to receive the summaries from the other commissions and boards and if they would like to receive Adelante newsletter from the Congress of History of San Diego County. Commission Liaison Smithson invited the commissioners to tour the archival room in the staff area of Genealogy and tour of History Collection here at the Georgina Cole Library. The commissioners agreed that they would like to tour the Collection and archival room at their March meeting, which will be opportune as that meeting will be held at the Cole Library. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioner Boone mentioned that she would like to be at the Council meeting for the presentation of the work plan. Commissioner Estes would like the commissioners to receive texts or phone calls when an important or time-sensitive email has been sent for their review. Ex-officio Planning Commissioner Lafferty stated that the comment period for the Local Coastal Program has been extended to the end of January, but the date would need to be confirmed. She also mentioned that the City Council, Housing, Traffic & Mobility and Planning Commissions are having a joint meeting at Faraday on January 21, 2020 at 5 p.m. for a presentation of the future of housing laws that are changing that will affect zoning and coastal programs. This will affect our Growth Management Plan, so we need to be proactive and understand what it is. Ex-officio Planning Commissioner Lafferty encouraged the commissioners to join the group. ADJOURNMENT: