HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-03-09; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutes MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: March 9, 2020 TIME OF MEETING: 6:00 PM PLACE OF MEETING: Georgina Cole Library Community Room CALL TO ORDER: Commission Chair Majer called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Laurie Boone, Anne Estes, Chad Majer, Robert Prosser Ex-Officio Planning Commissioner Alicia Lafferty Absent: Commissioner Pearl Ly Staff Present: Suzanne Smithson, Deputy Library Director Sarah Dana, Sr. Librarian Fiona Everett, Sr. Management Analyst APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on January 13, 2020 were approved (4/0/1/0 with Commissioner Ly absent). PUBLIC COMMENT: None TOUR OF CARLSBAD HISTORY COLLECTION: Sr. Librarian Sarah Dana led the commissioners on a tour of the Carlsbad History Collection at the Georgina Cole Library. The tour started upstairs in the public area of the Library where the published materials in the Genealogy and History Collection are housed. Joined by Librarian Jennifer Snapp-Cook, staff shared some highlights from the collection including city directories, yearbooks, a plat map, the Carlsbad Journal on microfilm, the Extensis Portfolio photo database and a few vertical files, to illustrate how these resources can are used by patrons conducting historical property research. The tour concluded with a tour of the archives storage room in the staff area of the Library, and included highlights from the manuscript collections, such as photos, maps and ephemera located in the Shipley Family Papers, oversized materials and a potentially unknown blueprint attributed to Irving Gill in the map collection. Staff explained that most of the resources in the Carlsbad History Collection have been donated by the community. During the tour, Library staff and members of the Commission discussed the influence of former librarians Georgina Cole and Geoff Armour in the development of the collection, its move from under the HVAC system to a climate-controlled room during the renovations in 2015-16, plans to increase online access to the collection through digitization, the cataloging of historical materials and ideas for soliciting new donations. COMMISSION WORK PLAN DISCUSSION: The commissioners discussed progress on the 2019-20 work plan. Commissioner Boone shared that she received requests for plaques from two property owners but wanted direction from the City before moving forward. Commission Liaison Smithson stated that it is up to the Commission to develop and administer the plaque program as it is not defined in the municipal code. She noted historically, the plaque program has been a voluntary program and property owners can choose to participate or not participate. Properties do not require any official historic designation to receive a plaque and she used the plaque at the Red Apple Inn/Army & Navy Academy as an example. To move forward, Commission Liaison Smithson will share examples of plaque programs in other cities with commissioners. Commissioner Boone recommended an ad hoc committee to draft guidelines for a plaque program for review at the May meeting. Chad Majer agreed to work with Commissioner Boone on a proposal for the plaque program. In regard to the 2020-21 work plan, Commissioner Boone spoke about a proposal from Marilyn Campbell, who worked for the City of Carlsbad in the past, to write profiles for the 19 mayors of Carlsbad. Ms. Campbell would conduct all the research and write the profiles with assistance from Susan Gutierrez at the Carlsbad Historical Society. According to Ms. Campbell, the work can be done in three months at a cost of $3,750 for 19 biographies. Commissioner Liaison Smithson suggested the biographies, along with a potential recommendation to City Council to consider the Mills Act, should be discussed at the May or July 2020 meeting when the Commission is outlining its 2020-21 work plan. The Commission heard from community member Maurie Van Buren, who introduced herself as a Historic Preservation Consultant, regarding the plaque program and the Mills Act. She commended the Commission’s concurrent consideration of the Mills Act, plaques and tourism. Ms. Van Buren suggested incorporating GPS to help residents and tourists find and learn about historic properties. She also suggested the Commission to consider the effect of the 2019 Affordable Housing Act on historic property designation and challenged the Commission to update the City’s Historic Inventory. PROPERTIES OF CONCERN: Commission Liaison Smithson shared an inquiry the Library received regarding the historic significance of the Red Apple Inn/Army & Navy Academy and any restrictions for developing the property. The library’s research and response were shared with commissioners. Chair Majer shared he had received questions regarding the new neon signage at the Carlsbad Theater and wondered if anyone had any information. Ex-Officio Planning Commissioner Lafferty mentioned that while the lighting is not in compliance with City ordinances, she was told someone had to complain before anything would be done. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATE: Commissioner Boone related that the Historical Society is working with Sr. Librarian Sarah Dana and her staff on oral histories in conjunction with what this commission is doing. She also shared that Channel 10 news had recently run a story on the Magee House that was now available on YouTube. COMMISSION LIAISON ANNOUNCEMENTS: Commission Liaison Smithson let the commissioners know that the 3rd grade art presentation is confirmed to be held on Tuesday, June 9th at City Council starting at 6 p.m. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Ex-officio Commissioner Lafferty reported on a training for Planning Commissioners she attended on objective design standards and how those standards may be used in relation to historic preservation. In response to Commissioner Boone’s question regarding the next meeting, Commission Liaison Smithson confirmed the next meeting will be held on May 11, 2020. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, Dianna Galindo