HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-09-09; Housing Commission; MinutesMinutes of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: CALL TO ORDER: HOUSING COMMISSION 6:00 P.M. September 9, 1993 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS Chairman Scarpelli called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Staff Present: Chairman Scarpelli, Commissioners Calverley, Escobedo, Noble, Rombotis, Sato, Wellman, Avis and Peterson Evan Becker, Housing and Redevelopment Director Reggie Harrison, Housing Program Manager Debbie Fountain, Senior Management Analyst Clint Philips, Senior Management Analyst Commissioner Avis arrived at 6:01 p.m. and Commissioner Peterson arrived at 6:02 p.m. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: There were no requests to address the Board. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Rombotis made a motion to approve the minutes of August 12, 1993. Commissioner Calverley indicated that she did not vote in favor of the Aviara Land purchase and that it was not reflected in the minutes. After some discussion, it was decided that the tape would be reviewed and the minutes would be brought back for approval at the next meeting. Commissioner Rombotis withdrew his motion to accept the minutes. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. Housing Commission -2 -September 9, 1993 NEW BUSINESS: 1. APPLICATION FOR 1993 FEDERAL HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM FUNDS -Request for approval of a recommendation to submit an application for 1993 Federal HOME Investment Partnership Program funds in the amount of $1 million and appropriate $250,000 in matching funds from the Redevelopment low and Moderate Income Housing Set-Aside Fund in order to provide rental assistance opportunities for lower-income residents within the City of Carlsbad. Debbie Fountain, Senior Management Analyst, reviewed the HOME program in detail (as outlined in the staff report) and explained that the application would have to be filed by October 1, 1993. The program would begin in the first quarter if the $1,000,000 funding was received. Reggie Harrison, Housing Program Manager, described the specifics of the Tenant-based Rental Assistance Home Program Plan and indicated that this plan was selected because it was similar to the Section 8 program that was already being administered. He compared the Certificates and Housing Vouchers Plans to the Carlsbad Tenant-Based Assistance as detailed in the information included in the Commissioners' packets for the evening. Chairman Scarpelli inquired about the 80% median income rent and Evan Becker, Housing and Redevelopment Director, responded that it was $878 for a family of four. In response to Commissioner Romobotis' question about how long the $1,000,000 would last, he was informed by staff that it was intended for a two year term. At the end of the two year period, they would reapply for assistance but there was no guarantee that it would be renewed. Chairman Scarpelli asked for additional information on whether or not tenants would lose their position in the queue and if they would go back to the Section 8 list. Mr. Harrison stated that the applicant would return to the same selection and priorities prior to participating in the program, and that at the worse case, they would receive two years rental assistance and then go back to the position they were in prior to the two year period. Commissioner Wellman expressed concern that the rental approach was selected rather than new construction or rehabilitation. She indicated her preference to pursue the purchase of land rather than rental assistance because of the lack of housing available in Carlsbad. She also was concerned about renters having to go back out on the street if funding was not renewed after the two year period. Housing Commission -3 -September 9, 1993 Commissioner Sato asked for clarification on HUD and whether the renters would transfer over to HUD if they dropped off the program after the two year period. Staff informed her that they could stay on the same program if they received additional funding. Mr. Becker responded to Commissioner Wellman's suggestion about pursuing land purchase. He explained that the request for this application was a competitive application that would probably be approved at this time. He also indicated that it was necessary to have a specific project when applying for the funds. Commissioner Wellman explained that she felt this could happen quickly and indicated that it was necessary to start the long term process now in order to get it done. Chairman Scarpelli pointed out that it was necessary to file the application by October 1st and that property acquisition could be considered next year. Commissioner Wellman stated that this program would only provide assistance for 100 families whereas a property acquisition could provide more. She indicated that it was necessary to address the current shortage of housing in Carlsbad, and felt the Commission should try and accomplish this within the current time frame. Commissioner Avis indicated that the criteria for the application was to have a real project and that it could take over a year to develop one. He indicated that he did not disagree with the policy point and suggested the possibility of a sub-committee being formed to develop policy direction and look at possible projects. He was concerned that a quality project could not be gathered within a week. Commissioner Avis also suggested that they should not aggressively seek moneys having to dislodge funding at end of two years. Chairman Scarpelli asked staff to confirm whether or not there would be enough housing in Carlsbad to support the additional 100 units being subsidized. Mr. Harrison explained that staff decided to provide assistance only in Carlsbad and that if housing was not available in Carlsbad, then the tenant could go outside the City. Commissioner Avis wanted to know if the resolution allowed the tenant to go outside the City, and Mr. Becker explained what was being done at the Housing Commission -4 -September 9, 1993 present time. He indicated that the waiting list had 1,400 names but only 700-800 were Carlsbad residents. He mentioned that the amount of need is more than what can be provided in Carlsbad but clarified that staff's concern was primarily with the distribution of rental housing across the City. Commissioner Sato asked how many existing Section 8 participants were not living in Carlsbad, and Mr. Harrison informed her that there were 473, with about 60 families living outside of Carlsbad for various reasons. Chairman Scarpelli suggested loosening up the wording on Item 2, pages 1 and 2. ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Motion by Commissioner Avis, and duly seconded, to approve the adoption of Resolutions No. 93-007 and 93-008 with the amendment that on page 1, section 2, of Resolution No. 93- 007, clarification be made that there is a clear priority for Carlsbad residency requirement but is not mandatory. 8-1 Chairman Scarpelli, Commissioners Avis, Calverley, Escobedo, Noble, Peterson, Rombotis, Sato Commissioner Wellman None Commissioner Avis indicated that this was the first strong policy statement developed by the Commission (Priority for acquisition and rehabilitation as preference to rental subsidy). Mr. Becker discussed in detail various programs which will reflect policy. Commissioner Wellman said that she had no conception of the overall whole and was uncomfortable voting at the end. She suggested a policy session to hear what everyone was thinking. Commissioner Avis explained that in time they would get more knowledgeable. Mr. Becker indicated that an overall attack would be good to present. Chairman Scarpelli felt it was a good point and asked for an outline of the whole picture. Other commissioners agreed that there should be a workshop to present the whole picture. Mr. Becker committed to getting to it at the earliest point possible. Housing Commission -5 -September 9, 1993 ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the Regular meeting of September 9, 1993, was adjourned at 7:16 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~~ EVAN BECKER ~inll_and ~ent Director ~RK Minutes Clerk September 13, 1993 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DEPAR➔ SUMMARY OF ACTION(S) TAKEN BY HOUSING COMMISSION AT THEIR MEETING OF SEYfEMBER 9, 1993 The following summary of action taken during the Housing Commission meeting of September 9, 1993 is provided for your review: 1. APPLICATION FOR 1993 FEDERAL HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM FUNDS: The Commission approved a resolution recommending that the City Council authorize staff to submit an application for 1993 Federal HOME Investment Partnership Program funds in the amount of $1 million. They also approved a second resolution recommending that the Housing and Redevelopment Commission appropriate $250,000 in matching funds from the Redevelopment Low and Moderate Income Housing Set- Aside funds in order to provide rental assistance opportunities for lower-income residents within the City of Carlsbad. As part of their discussion on this item, the Commission also agreed to hold a workshop to review the policies/priorities of the City in terms of developing affordable housing opportunities. The workshop will be scheduled as soon as possible. The next meeting of the Housing Commission is scheduled for October 14, 1993 at 6:00pm in the City Council Chambers. cc: City Manager Assistant City Manager Financial Management Director Assistant to the City Manager City Attorney Community Development Director Department Heads