HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-03-12; Housing Commission; MinutesMinutes of: HOUSING COMMISSION
Time of Meeting: 6:OO P.M.
Date of Meeting: March 12,1998
Chairperson Wellman called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:06 p.m.
Commissioner Scarpelli led the pledge of allegiance.
Present: Chairperson Wellman, Commissioners Calverley, Escobedo, Latas, Noble, Rose, Scarpelli, and
Absent: Commissioner Walker
Staff Present: Debbie Fountain, Housing and Redevelopment Director
Craig Ruiz, Management Analyst
Toni Espinoza, Housing Specialist I1
Bobbi Nunn, Housing Program Manager
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Rose, and duly seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Regular
Meeting of February 12, 1998, as submitted.
Calverley, Escobedo, Noble, Rose, Wellman
VOTE: 5-0-3
NOES: None
ABSTAIN: Latas, Scarpelli, Schlehuber
There were no comments from the audience.
1. SDP 97-02 THE TERRACES AT SUNNY CREEK - Request for approval of a recommendation to the City
Council of an affordable housing agreement and site development plan for the construction of 50 affordable
apartments and 28 second dwelling units to satisfy the inclusionary housing requirements for the Terraces at
Sunny Creek.
Craig Ruiz reviewed the background of the request and stated that 30 percent of this project is affordable as opposed to
the standard 15 percent minimum the Housing Commission typically has seen.
Mr. Ruiz explained the City’s Growth Management Control Point, which sets the maximum number of residential units
for each of the quadrants in the City. Most of the residential development that has occurred has not reached the
“maximum allowable for each project”; resulting in an “excess dwelling bank.” Mr. Ruiz explained these as units that
were not used that come below this cap. Some projects are eligible to receive units that were not used elsewhere in the
quadrant for their projects, and this project is one of them, he said. In 1984 this project was approved as a commercial
project; and when the Growth Management Ordinance was adopted, the maximum residential units established for this
property was 22 units. What the applicant is requesting is to receive 228 units from the excess dwelling bank.
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Mr. Ruiz explained Policy 43, which the City Council adopted to deal with excess dwelling units. He said this project
meets two of the priorities. The first priority is housing development for lower income households. If the applicant was
proposing to do the standard 15 percent affordable, they would be doing 37.5 units. In exchange for these excess
dwelling units, the applicant will provide an additional amount of affordable units; hence they will be providing
approximately 3 1 percent affordable. The other priority this project hits is the third priority--the lowest priority.
Mr. Ruiz discussed projects proposing zone changes from non-residential to residential, and said the applicant meets the
three criteria. The criteria include (1) property was zoned for other than residential on or before July 1986; (2) project
is compatible for residential use without significant mitigation; and (3) the density does not exceed the growth
management control points on any adjacent property.
Mr. Ruiz discussed the single-family portion of the project and said it is proposed to be developed in 11 phases with the
second dwelling units being spread out through the development. Mr. Ruiz described the second dwelling units as being
over 600 square feet in size with private entrances, kitchens, and separate bedrooms. The second dwelling units will be
developed in accordance with the City’s current Ordinance and will be rented at 80 percent of median income without
rent restrictions.
Mr. Ruiz showed the site plan for the 50-unit affordable apartment complex. He said it would be constructed in three
buildings: Building A is 12 units, Building B is 8 units, and Building C is 30 units. The apartment complex will consist
of studio units and I-, 2-, and 3-bedroom units and will be at 80 percent of median income. Some of the amenities
include a tot lot, barbecue facilities, picnic area, and laundry facilities. Some of the units will have hook-ups for laundry
units inside; and for those that do not have hook-ups inside, there is a common area for a laundry facility.
Mr. Ruiz explained that the developer has had experience developing both commercial and residential projects, so the
developer will also be the manager of the affordable project. The office for the manager will be adjacent to the project
in the commercial facility. There is a state requirement that says that any project of greater than 16 units has to have an
on-site manager as well; so there will be both on-site and off-site management of this property. One of the things
required in the Affordable Housing Agreement is a management plan. What Staff will review in the management plan is
how the manager will coordinate between the office being “next door” and the residential.
Mr. Ruiz stated that at this time there is no request for financial assistance.
Chairperson Wellman asked if there were any questions of Staff.
There was some discussion about access to the main units from the second dwelling units and covered parking.
Commissioner Calverley asked if the airplane noise was addressed.
Mr. Ruiz responded that it was addressed in the environmental impact reports and in certain building code requirements.
Commissioner Calverley asked if the potential residents would sign anything saying they are aware of the airport noise
Mr. Ruiz responded negatively.
Commissioner Escobedo asked if the zoning has been changed.
Mr. Ruiz responded that the applicant made an application to change the use of the property in 1997. The City Council
will either approve or deny the zoning change.
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Chairperson Wellman asked if the applicant is bound to the 30 percent affordable and asked if there was language
stating such.
Mr. Ruiz responded that Staff is proposing the following language:
“The developer’s negotiated requirement for affordable housing is 30 percent of the total housing units
to be produced. This results in a total affordable housing requirement of 78 units for the Terraces at
Sunny Creek. Those units provided above the City’s 15 percent inclusionary housing requirement
shall not be considered excess units and may not be sold as housing credits to an alternative affordable
housing developer.”
Chairperson Wellman invited the applicant to speak.
Mike Howes, Hofman Planning Associates, 2386 Faraday Avenue, Suite 120, Carlsbad, 92008, addressed the
Commission, and said this project is only the second affordable project in the northeast quadrant. He said the project is
going to provide affordable rental units in close proximity to existing future jobs, shopping, and public recreational
facilities. He added that residents would be able to walk to jobs at the future commercial center and to Taylor Made.
He said that Russell Grosse, the project’s applicant, has already filed a site development plan for a 17-acre general
commercial site. The applicant plans to develop the projects concurrently, and hopes to start construction in mid 1999.
Mr. Howes added that the project is close to public transportation on El Camino.
Mr. Howes addressed the inquiry about airport noise, and said this condition is generally a condition put on by the
Planning Department when the project goes through the Planning Commission. If the project is within the airport
influence area, the residents are put on notification. Residents will also have to sign a waiver that they are aware they
are next to El Camino Real and College Avenue because they could be impacted by those noises as well.
I Chairperson Wellman asked if there were any questions of Mr. Howes.
There was some discussion of the extension of College.
There was some discussion about the laundry facilities. Mr. Howes said that all the units, except the studios, would be
set up to accept a washeddryer. In addition, there is a laundry facility at the end of Building C.
Chairperson Wellman commented that Martha Anna Pillsbury did not sign the application.
Mr. Howes responded that Ms. Pillsbury passed away last month and that her trustees are involved and are trying to get
her estate settled. He added that if Ms. Pillsbury’s trustees pull out, the entire project might run into some difficulties.
Chairperson Wellman expressed concern about the type of landscaping proposed near the uncovered vehicles.
Chairperson Wellman commented that the plans show Units 6 and 4 with decks and patios, and asked if all the units will
have decks and patios.
Glenn Groth, Groth Architects, 708 Civic Center Drive, Oceanside, CA, addressed the Commission and stated as far as
he knows all of the units will have either a deck or a patio. Second or third floor units will have a deck, and each one of
the first floor units will have some sort of a small patio, he said. He added they might have mislabeled something in a
given area (on the blue prints).
Chairperson Wellman asked about child-proofing the windows in the second and third story units with iron railings.
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Mr. Groth responded that Fire Department regL.lions require the windows to be secondary exits from the building in
the event of an emergency.
There was some discussion about the construction of the stairs.
Chairperson Wellman asked how the affordable apartments would blend with the housing track,
Mr. Groth responded that they would try to pick up some of the French provincial-type detailing and have matching
concrete slat roofs and colors with the housing project.
Commissioner Latas asked about plumbing in the second dwelling units for washeddryer units.
Mike O’Hara, Grosse Development, stated that the units would be plumbed for washeddryer units.
Commissioner Schlehuber asked if the developer has experience managing affordable housing.
Mr. O’Hara responded that Rusty Grosse would manage the site.
Ms. Fountain asked Mr. Howes to explain how they selected the uncovered parking versus the covered parking.
Mr. Howes responded it is a cost factor. He added they would like to make the project affordable and not have to ask for
financial assistance.
Chairperson Wellman asked about the projected square footage cost of building the affordable apartments.
Mr. O’Hara responded that the cost is approximately $5O/square foot.
There being no other persons desiring to address the Commission on this topic, Chairperson Wellman declared the
public testimony closed and opened the item for discussion among the Commission members.
Commissioner Noble commented that this project meets all the requirements and City codes and added that it is not the
job of the Housing Commission to negotiate with the developer on certain amenities, such as parking, etc.
Chairperson Wellman recommended incorporating into the Resolution the paragraph Mr. Ruiz wrote clarifying there are
no excess units that could be subject for sale later on.
The applicant is in agreement with the finding Mr. Ruiz wrote.
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Scarpelli, and duly seconded, that the Housing
Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 98-005 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL to
the City Council of an Affordable Housing Agreement and Site Development Plan
SDP 97-02 for the construction of 50 affordable apartment units and 28 second units
in order to satisfy the requirements of the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance in the
Terraces at Sunny Creek.
Along with Resolution No. 98-005, it is recommended that the following language
be incorporated, ‘The developer’s negotiated requirement for affordable housing is
30 percent of the total housing units to be produced. This results in a total
affordable housing requirement of 78 units for the Terraces at Sunny Creek. Those
units provided above the City’s 15 percent inclusionary housing requirement shall
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not be considered excess units and may not be sold as housing credits to an
alternative affordable housing developer.”
Calverley, Escobedo, Noble, Rose, Scarpelli, Schlehuber, Wellman
VOTE: 7- 1-0
NOES: Latas
Commissioner Latas stated that he voted “no” because of the lack of a laundry unit in the second dwelling units. He
commented that the blue prints for Unit 4 show a pantry which could be made into a laundry facility, but would reduce
the unit’s storage space.
ACTION: Minute motion by Commissioner Noble, and duly seconded, that the Housing
Commission RECOMMEND to the City Council that they take a new look at the
requirements for covered parking for apartment units throughout the City.
Calverley, Escobedo, Latas, Noble, Rose, Scarpelli, Schlehuber, Wellman
VOTE: 8-0-0
NOES: None
Ms. Fountain reminded the Commissioners that the April, and possibly the May, meeting will be held at the Safety
Ms. Fountain reported that Continental Homes (Rancho Carrillo project) got their applications in on time. They were
supposed to get a lottery number either March 11 or 12, 1998, from the 9 percent tax credit. There were 180
applications, which is more than the applicant thought there would be.
Ms. Fountain said that at either the April or May meeting Staff will be making a presentation on housing element reform
and what has been happening with the sub-committee that has been working with SANDAG on housing element reform
and self-certification. She added that each city has to prepare and get a housing element approved every five years,
although the recent cycle was extended for two years. Staff will be working on their next housing element this year, and
it has to be approved by 1999. For several years, there has been some work going on with housing element reform
where cities can possibly self-certify their own housing element. What have come with this are some negotiations on
what actually will count in meeting goals, and it will become stricter than it is currently in terms of what counts and
what does not count. The cities will have to make a determination whether they want to self-certify or whether they
want to go through the State. The City of Carlsbad has had difficulty in getting its housing elements approved by the
State; so it is difficult to decide which is the best route. Dennis Turner of the Planning Department has been working
with the SANDAG Committee, and Julie Nyguard is the Council representative on the Committee, and they currently
have a draft plan prepared that cities were commenting on up to last Friday. At the April or May meeting Staff will
make a presentation based upon the results of the sub-committee work and how that might effect what the City is doing.
Ms. Fountain added that it does have some implications related to second dwelling units.
Chairperson Wellman asked if there was a draft report available to the Housing Commissioners to review.
Ms. Fountain responded that she could get a copy of what was sent out for comments. She added that the report would
probably be revised based on the comments.
Commissioner Rose asked for an update of groundbreaking dates.
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Ms. Fountain responded that the Laurel Tree apartments will be breaking ground in June if everything goes well. The
Rancho Carrillo project hopes to break ground this year, depending on when they get their financing. The Sambi
project (the for-sale townhome project) is trying to get their financing right now and hopefully will break ground this
Chairperson Wellman asked the Commissioners if they would like to be notified when the regulatory agreements are
available in final draft form. The Commissioners responded that they should be notified that the agreements are
available for review.
There was some discussion about how people get on the list and apply for affordable housing. Ms. Fountain explained
that the developers or builders have their own marketing plans on how they market the affordable units. Once units are
available, they set up the rules on how people apply for the units. Ms. Fountain said that Staff reviews the marketing
plans as they come out. The Housing and Redevelopment Department keeps a list of people who are interested in either
rental or for-sale product; and once the units are available, Staff forwards the list to the developers or builders. Once
the developer or builder starts their marketing plan, they will accept applications for affordable housing.
Commissioner Scarpelli commented that the Terraces at Sunny Creek project is the first project in the City where a
private developer is actually going to do the management of the affordable housing. He said one of the areas the
Housing Commission is concerned about is that the management of the affordable housing be very tight mainly to avoid
any backlash from the community about having affordable in their neighborhood. He recommended that the
management plans be looked at closely since this is a much different situation than the City has had with Bridge
Housing and W, for example.
Commissioner Schlehuber announced his resignation from the Housing Commission.
By proper motion, the Regular meeting of March 12, 1998 was adjourned at 7:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, n v&- D BBIE FOUNTAIN
Housing and Redevelopment Director
Minutes Clerk
me City of Cadsbad Housing & Redevelopment Department
1.1 Item No 1
Staf Craig D. Ruiz
Management Anallist
DATE: MARCH 12,1998
That the Hou’sing Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 98-005 RECOMMENDING
APPROVAL to the City Council of an Affordable Housing Agreement and Site Development
Plan SDP 97-02 for the construction of 50 affordable apartment units and 28 second units in
order to satisfy the requirements of the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance in the Terraces at Sunny
In 1984, a Tentative Map and the Sycamore Creek Specific Plan were approved on this site
which allowed for the development of a professional/office complex, hotel and tennis club.
Several years later the Tentative Map was approved as a final map. Approval of the final map
would allow for the development of the site at any time.
Due to changing market conditions and the need for low and moderate priced housing in the City
of Carlsbad, the applicant is proposing to change the site from non-residential uses to residential.
The proposed project will provide two product types in the residential medium density and
residential high density range.
The Terraces at Sunny Creek will include a total of 250 housing units. Of these 250 units, a
minimum of 37.5 units (15%) must be affordable to low income households per the requirements
of Carlsbad’s Inclusionary Ordinance. Approval of the 50 unit affordable housing rental project
(SDP 97-02) along with 28 second units will allow for the construction of the 250 housing units
within the Terraces at Sunny Creek. Of these 250 units, 172 will be market rate units and 78
Terraces at Sunny Creek
March 12,1998
* Pane 2
(3 1%) will be affordable to lower income households. The Affordable Housing Agreement with
CanAm Properties, LLC, is attached for review by the Housing Commission.
The applicant is providing twice the number of affordable units as a tradeoff for the allocation of
229 residential units to this site from the “excess unit bank” of the Northeast Quadrant of
Carlsbad. The Approved Zone 15 Local Facilities Management Plan allocated a maximum of 2 1
residential units to this site. As proposed with 250 units, the project exceeds the Growth
Management Control Point by 229 residential units. This density increase of 229 units may be
approved by the City Council under City Council Policy 43. The transfer of 229 units to this site
will leave 165 units in the City’s ‘excess dwelling unit bank’ for the Northeast Quadrant.
As of January 1, 1997, there were 339 units in the “excess unit bank’’ according to the Growth
Management Update Report. However this number did not take into account all of the excess
units that were created by turning the 893 unit Carlsbad Highland residential project into a
mitigation bank. In addition, it did not take into account excess units created by projects that
were approved below their growth control points in the Northeast Quadrant of the City that had
not obtained building permits. Furthermore, it is highly likely that a substantial number of
additional excess units will be created when additional acreage in the Northeast Quadrant of the
City is set aside for habitat corridors to complete Carlsbad’s Habitat Management Program.
Therefore, staff believes that there are more than sufficient units in the “excess dwelling unit
bank” in this quadrant to allow for the proposed residential density transfer to this site.
The additional residential units are for the purposes of developing affordable as well as market
rate units. The project is subject to the standard 15% inclusionary housing requirement on the
total residential units proposed within the site. Staff supports the requested density increase as
the project meets the First Priority for the allocation of excess dwelling units under Policy 43.
As mentioned previously, the 50 multifamily units will be conditioned to be rented to low
income households for the useful life of the structures. This represents 20% of the total units
within the project. In addition, 28 of the single family homes will be developed with a second
unit over the garage which will result in a total of 78 affordable housing units or 3 1% of the units
in the project being affordable to a low income household. The number of affordable units being
proposed by this project was based on extensive review of the project and negotiations between
Housing and Redevelopment staff and the applicant.
The Affordable Housing Agreement for the Terraces at Sunny Creek establishes the phasing and
development of the inclusionary housing project pursuant to Chapter 21.85 of the City of
Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance, Inclusionary Housing. The site development plan (97-02) ensures
consistency with the applicable affordable housing agreement and provides the inclusionary
housing for the development of the entire project.
Terraces at Sunny Creek
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A. Location
The Terraces at Sunny Creek is located at the northeast intersection of El Camino Real
and the future extension of College Boulevard. The affordable units will be located on
Lot 173 as shown on the proposed Tentative Map CT 96-02 (See Exhibit 4).
B. UnitMix
The area designated for medium density development will consist of 172 single-family
detached units ranging in size from 1,605 to 2,s 19 square feet. Twenty-eight of these
units will be designed to accommodate 610 square foot one bedroom second units. As
required by the Commission’s Second Dwelling Unit Policy, because there is direct access
from the second unit to the main residence, a one bedroom floor plan has been provided.
The 2.18 acre 50-unit affordable portion of the project will be developed with studio, 1,2
and 3.bedroom apartment units. The proposed development includes twelve 437 square
foot &dio (24%), twelve 636 square foot one bedroom (24%), eight 8 1 1 and twelve 786
square foot two bedroom (40%) and six 1,106 square foot three bedroom units (1 2%).
C. Other Features and Amenities
The 50-unit affordable project will feature laundry facilities, a Tot Lot, BBQ and picnic
areas, and 103 parking spaces.
CanAm Properties, LLC, and Russell W. Grosse Development Co., Inc., will construct
and manage the affordable housing project. The Russell W. Grosse Development Co. has
developed and managed numerous shopping centers and apartment buildings. The
Architect for the project is Groth Architects. The engineer for the project is Manitou
A. Site Control
The site is currently owned by CanAm Properties, LLC and Martha Anne Pillsbury, c/o
Marjess Evans.
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Terraces at Sunny Creek
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B. LandCost
The 2.18 acre affordable housing site is valued at approximately $500,000.00. The value
of the land will be verified through an appraisal at a later date.
C. Site Characteristics
Currently, the subject property is vacant and the surrounding property contains some
scattered single family dwellings. The property to the south will be developed with
single family homes. College Boulevard will separate this site from future non-
residential development to the west.
A. Rent and Income Levels
The 50 affordable apartment units in the Terraces at Sunny Creek will be restricted and
affordable to households with incomes not exceeding 80% of the area median income
(AMI). The 28 second units, if rented, will be at rents not exceeding 80% of the AMI.
The rental requirements are consistent with the requirements of Carlsbad Municipal Code
Section 2 1.10, Second Dwelling Unit Ordinance.
B. Target Population
The affordable units will be targeted to lower-income households. With a growing
number of lower-income jobs in Carlsbad, there is a significant demand for affordable
housing for families which will improve the jobshousing balance. The affordable units in
this project will be within close proximity of industrial jobs on the opposite side of El
Camino Real and commercial jobs at the future shopping center to the west of the site.
Six (12%) of the 50 units will be three bedroom units to serve the needs of larger low
income households.
C. Terms of Affordability
The Affordable Housing Agreement will be executed with the developer to ensure the
affordability for the project’s usefid life or 55 years, as required by the City’s
Inclusionary Housing Ordinance.
D. Housing ElementIConsolidated Plan Consistency
Terraces at Sunny Creek
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The proposed affordable housing supports several Housing Element Goals and objective,
including Objective 3.5 (Lower Income New Construction), Objective 3.6 (Inclusionary
Housing), Objective 3.2 (Larger Units) and Goal 4 (Jobs-Housing Balance). The City of
Carlsbad's Consolidated Plan identifies housing opportunities for large, lower-income
renter families as a top ranking priority. The proposed project meets the priorities, goals
and objectives of the City for affordable housing. .
Approval of the Terraces at Sunny Creek Affordable Housing Agreement will allow
CanAm Properties, LLC, to obtain a final map for The Terraces which will allow for the
construction of a total of 250 housing units. Section 6 of the Affordable Housing
Agreement sets forth the phasing requirements for the affordable units. In general, the
developer will be allowed to obtain building permits for up to 38 single family homes
(22% of the market rate units) prior to the start of construction of Building C of the
affordable apartment project. Completion of Building C and the beginning of
construction of Buildings A and B will be required prior to construction of the 92"d
market rate unit (53% of the market rate units). Buildings A and B will be required to be
complete prior to issuance of the 129* market rate building permit (74% of the market
rate units).
The second units will be evenly distributed throughout the development and will be
constructed consistent with the phasing plan submitted for this project (See Exhibit 3).
The site development plan, tentative map and related discretionary applications will
require approval by both the Planning Commission and City Council. The site
development plan, which includes elevations and floor plans for the affordable housing
project (50 units) is attached for review by the Housing Commission at this time. Also
attached are the floor plans and elevations for the 28 second units and an exhibit showing
the lots upon which these units will be located. Prior to receiving a building permit for
these 28 single family homes, the developer will be required to receive a second dwelling
unit permit as required by Section 2 1.10 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Staff is
recommending approval of the site development plan, the related Affordable Housing
Agreement and the plans for the second dwelling units.
Terraces at Sunny Creek
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A Regulatory Agreement with the affordable housing developer will be required
regarding affordability requirements. The applicant will be required to file an annual
report indicating compliance with the requirements of the Affordable Housing Agreement
and the Regulatory Agreement. While the City will monitor the development of the
project and its on-going management, there will be a minimal long-term future role for
the City.
It is the role of the Housing Commission to make recommendations to the Planning
Commission and City Council based on several considerations with respect to affordable
housing projects. These are:
The proposal’s effectiveness in serving the City’s needs and priorities as
expressed in the Housing Element of the General Plan and the HUD
Consolidated Plan.
The proposal’s consistency with the City’s affordable housing policies and
ordinances as expressed in the Housing Element, Inclusionary Housing
Ordinance, Density Bonus Ordinance, etc.
The proposal’s development and operating feasibility, emphasizing the
development team capacity, financing sources and the role of the City in
providing financial assistance or incentives.
As indicated above, the proposed affordable housing project will serve the needs and
priorities set forth within the City’s Housing Element and consolidated Plan. It is also
consistent with the City’s Affordable Housing Policies and ordinances. If requested,
financial assistance is a separate issue which will be addressed at a future date with the
CanAm Properties, LLC. Any conditions of financial assistance provided to the
affordable housing developer will be set forth in a separate agreement. At this time, the
applicant is not requesting any financial assistance.
Staff is recommending approval of the proposed affordable housing project, as presented,
to satisfy the inclusionary housing obligation for The Terraces at Sunny Creek. As
required by the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, CanAm Properties, LLC, and the City
must enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement prior to recordation of a final map for
this project. As mentioned previously, the Affordable Housing Agreement presented for
review and a recommendation of approval by the Housing Commission records specific
Terraces at Sunny Creek
March 12,1998
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requirements of the Inclusionary Ordinance, including unit type, affordability levels and
construction timing.
In summary, staff is recommending that the Housing Commission approve a
recommendation to the Planning Commission and City Council for the site development
plan for the Terraces at Sunny Creek Affordable Housing Project and the related
affordable housing agreement, in substantially the form presented at this time.
2. Housing Commission Review Application
3. Draft Affordable Housing Agreement
4. Reduced Plan Exhibits
Housing Commission Resolution No. 98-005
I 2
CASE NO.: SDP 97-02
:WHEREAS, the developer of The Terraces at Sunny Creek, CANAM Propertyes,
Inc. has proposed to construct 50 apartment units and 28 second dwelling units affordable
to lower income households as a means to satisfy the affordable housing obligation as
permitted by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 2 1.85 of the City’s Inclusionary Housing
Ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the developer’s proposal to construct said units has been submitted to
the City of Carlsbad’s Housing Commission for review and consideration; and
WHEREAS, said Housing Commission did, on the 12th day of March, 1998, hold a
public meeting to consider said proposal to construct 50 affordable housing apartment units
and 28 affordable second dwelling units; and
WHEREAS, at said public meeting, upon hearing and considering all testimony, if
any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Commission considered all factors relating to
the proposal to construct said affordable housing units.
* NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Housing Commission of the
City of Carlsbad, California, as follows:
The above recitations are truk and correct.
The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the City of
Carlsbad’s Housing Element and Comprehensive Housing Affordability
Strategy, the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, and the Carlsbad General
The project will provide a total of 50 studio, one, two and three bedroom
affordable apartment units and 28 one bedroom second dwelling units. The
project, therefore, has the ability to effectively serve the City’s housing
needs and priorities as expressed in the Housing Element and the
Consolidation Plan.
That based on the information provided within the Housing Commission
Staff Report and testimony presented during the public meeting of the
Housing Commission on March 12, 1998, the Housing Commission
AdoDted Resolution No. 98-005, recommending APPROVAL to the City
Council of 50 affordable apartment units and 28 affordable second dwelling
units within the Terraces at Sunny Creek in order to satisfy the requirements
of the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. I
That the Housing Commission recommends that the City Manager or his
designee be authorized to execute the Affordable Housing Agreement in
substantially the form presented in Exhibit 3 of the Housing Commission
Staff Report, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney.
1. Recommendation of approval is granted for Site Development Plan 97-02,
incorporated by reference and on file in the Housing and Redevelopment
Department. Development shall occur substantially as shown unless otherwise
noted in the conditions of project approval by the Planning Commission City
2. The affordable housing units shall be deed restricted for “the useful life of the project”
which is a minimum of 55 years.
HC RES0 NO. 98-005
3. Upon final approval of said affordable housing project and prior the final map
approval, the applicant shall execute the Affordable Housing Agreement with the
City of Carlsbad in substantially the form presented to the Housing Commission in
the staff report dated March 12, 1998. The agreement is binding to all future
owners and successors in interest: The Affordable Housing Agreement shall
include all terms and conditions of said project approval required to comply with
the City’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Housing
Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 12th of March, 1998,
by the following vote, to wit:
Housing and Redevelopment Director
HC RES0 NO. 98-005
Exhibit 2
Hofrnan Planning
Planning Project Management Fiscal Analysis
February 26, 1998
Debbie Fountain
City of Carlsbad
Housing and Redevelopment Department
2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite B
Carlsbad, CA 92008
SUBJECT: Inclusionary Housing - The Terraces at Sunny Creek
Dear Debbie:
The purpose of this letter is to demonstrate how the proposed project fulfills the need for
affordable housing in compliance with the requirements of Carlsbad’s Housing Element
and Inclusionary Ordinance.
The proposed inclusionary housing units within The Terraces at Sunny Creek are in
compliance with Objective 3.2 of the Housing Element which requires the development of
housing units suitable to meet the needs of lower income larger households. This
proposed project also complies with Policy 3.6b of the Housing Element which requires
that 15% of all approved units in any residential specific plan or qualified subdivision shall
be set aside and made available to lower income households. The Terraces at Sunny
Creek will provide 50 multi family units and 28 second units, resulting in a total of 3 1% of
the units in the project being affordable to a low income household. Approximately 12%
of the 50 multi family units will be three bedroom units to serve the needs of larger low
income households. This project will provide low income housing to meet the unmet
housing needs of the community as expressed in Objective 3.9 of the Housing Element.
With a growing number of lower income jobs in Carlsbad, there is a significant demand for
affordable housing for families. This project is in compliance with Objective 4.1 of the
Housing Element by improving the jobshousing balance. The affordable units will be
within walking distance of industrial jobs on the opposite side of El Camino Real and
commercial jobs at the future shopping center to the west of the site.
In closing, the proposed project meets the priorities, goals and objectives of the City for
affordable housing.
Mike Howes
2386%&&&knue Suite 120 Carlsbad CA 92008 (619) 438-1465 Fax: (619) 438-2443
Name of AppIlcant: 'CanAm Properties I L L. C. -
MaiIingAddtess: 5850 Avenida Encinas, Suite A, Carlsbad, CA 92008
Teleohone No.: (760) 435-31 41 c
Identify Dcrdopment Team (IC, developer, builder, architect, -1:
CanAm Properties, L.L,C. (developer/builder); Manitou Engineering; Groth Architects; Hofman Planning Associates; Bassenian / Lagoni
bjectNamr . The Terraces at Sunny Creek
Describe Cenval Location of Pmjca:
Northeast intersection of El Camino Real and College Boulevard.
RojedAddmt: N/A
No(s)*: 209-060-597 209-090-1 2 and 209-090-1 0
Total Number of AZTortiabIt Units RequM (if appiicabfe):
Total Number of Atfordable Units Roped:
Type of Units (i~, garden apartments, detached, de.):
3 1
50 apartment units and 28 second units
~~(~n~~-ftet),,td~d~ Studio = 437 sq. ft.; One bedroom = 636 sq. ft.
Two bedroom = 811 sq. ft, and 786 sq, f.t.; Three bedroom = 1,106 sq. ft-
s' Pistriipnof Second units = 610 sq. ft. one%&oomf 20 two bedroom; 6 three bedroom; 28 sec ndary BvYt1310; uni?s
Desm'be any spedal featuncslmenitfa to be induded withim project:
This project will feature a Tot Lot and BBQ and picnic areas,
donthly Rent (by bdr. Size) or Sales Rice of Units: ,
~ Per City requirements for households earning 80% of the area's - median income.
rum of Affordability (le., 30 yn, life of project, etc.): Life of pro3ect .
hjeded Schedule for Construction of Affordable Housing Units:
Construction to start in late 1998.
V the affordable units are being constructed to Satisfy the City of Carisbad's Inciuionary Housing requirement, how will they be phased with respect to aonstrudon of the market rate units? Please Explain Project Phasing:
The secondary units will be built concurrently with the market rate units. Construction of the affordable multi family project will start prior to the issuance of the 38th building permit for the single family portion of the project. Once construction of the multi family portion of the site commences, it will continue to keep pace with the
Rcare attach a copy of devdopmcnt and operating Rnanci?l proformas showing sources and uies of funds to
Pccompltsh the affordable unitr proposed in this applidom In the proformas, please identify your subsidy sources
and appropriate justifmltorrr for use of these sources.
Dcscriie the local financial prdstlncc or indws, if any, including specific terms desired for the affordable housing
pmjcct which you are, or nin be, westing from the City of Carisbad:
No financial assistance or incentives will be requested from the City of Carlsbad at'this time.
Identify any other project conditions which may be relevant to project feasibility:
Housing Coduion Review Application
Rgc 2 1211.93
The following item must be atlacha -3 this application:
0 Site Development Plan for Affordable Housing Units;
0 Narmive describing how rhe projca mcc~ the Housing Needs and Priorities as expressed within the City of
Carisbad's Housing Element md Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy;
Narrative on the projca's consistency with the City of Carlsbad's Affordable Housing Policies as expr&d in &e
Housing Element, Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. General Plan and other related documnu;
0 Development and Operating Financial Proformaj indicating sources and US# of hds for the project, including justification and identification of subsidy sources;
Complete description of financial assistance or incentives including specific tern that arc, or will be requested from
the City of Carlsbad for the project, if applicable; ad,
0 Completed Disclosure Statement of Owaership Interens within the project.
Property Owner Name, Address and Telephone No.:
I, the unddgaed, do hereby certify that 1 am the legal owner of the subject property and that the above Information
is tnre and correct to the best of my knowledge.
SlgTIatUrt Date
I, the undersigned applicant, do hereby certify that I am the representative of the legal owner of the subject property
and that the above information is trae and cocrcd to tbe best of my knowledge.
Date Application Rdved:
Application Received By:
Staff Recommeodation:
Due of Housing Commission Review:
Aaion on Application by Housing Commission: .
other Commmu:
Housing Commission Review Appliudon Page 3 1218 93
' Housing Commission Review Application
The Terraces at Sunny Creek
Supplemental Page 4
Property Owner Name, Address and Telephone No.:
I, the undersigned, do hereby certifjr that I am the legal owner of the subject property and
that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature Date
Martha Anna Pillsbury
I, the undersigned, do hereby cert~ that I am the representative of the legal owner of the
subject property and that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
CanAm Properties, L.L.C.
(Please Print) ..
The following information must be discfosed:
1. Aoolicant
List the names and addresses of al persons having a financial interest in the application. CanAm Properties, L.L. (L .
5850 Avenida Encinas
Suite A
Carlsbad, CA 92008
2. Owner
List the names and addresses of all persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. CanAm Properties, L.L.C. Martha Anna Pillsbury
5850 Avenida Encinas CLO marjess Evans
Suite A 4429 Ohio Street
CA 9 2008 San Diego, CA 92116
3. If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a corporation or partnership, list the nm anc addresses of all indiiduafs owning more than 1096 of the shares in the corporation or owning any parz?erst?:p
interest in the partnership.
4. If any person identMed pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a non-profit organization or a trust, list the namts afid addresses of any person serving as officer or dlrector of the non-profit organization or as trustee or benefiaary
of the trust.
FRM00013 8/90
2075 Las Palmas Onve Carlsbad. California 92009-4859 0 (819) 438-1161
Otsclosura Statement
5. Have you had more than 3250 worth Of business transacted with any member of CiQ statr. ecarc
Commissions. Commitfees and Council within the pas! twelve months?
Yes - No - H yes, please indicate person(s)
Print or type name d owner Print or type name of applicant
Signature of.Owner/date Signature of applicant/date
Print or type name of owner Print or type name of applicant
Exhibit 3
, City of Carlsbad
City of Carlsbad City Clerk’s Office
Attn: City Clerk
1200 Carlsbad Village Drive
Carlsbad, California 92008
, 1998, by REAL PROPERTY (“Agreement”), entered into this
and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation (“City”), and
(“Developer”.$, is made with reference to the following:
day of
A. Developer is the owner of certain real property in the City of Carlsbad, in the
County of San Diego, California (“Subject Property”) described in “Attachment A,” which is
attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
B. Developer wishes to construct 172 residential units (“Development”), 50
Affordable Multi-Family Units, and 28 Second Dwelling Units on the Subject Property. The
City has approved Carlsbad Tract Map Number CT 96-02, Planned Unit Development Number
PUD 96-02, Site Development Plan Number SDP 97-02, General Plan Amendment Number
GA96-01, Zone Change Number ZC96-01, Specific Plan Amendment Number SP .190(B) and
Special Use Permit Number 96-01 for the Development of the Subject Property. The City issued
these approvals subject to certain Conditions of Approval, including a condition requiring fifteen
percent (1 5%) of the units in the Master Development to be affordable housing as required by the
City’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.85 (“CMC
Chapter 21.85”). In that regard, this Agreement, as supplemented and amended from time to
time, is intended to implement the requirements imposed by CMC Chapter 21.85 for these
approvals and all future City approvals of tentative maps, planned development permits and site
development plans pursuant to the Master Plan.
C. Developer has indicated that it intends to meet its inclusionary housing
requirement for its development by constructing, or causing to be constructed, 50 Affordable
Multi-Family Units and 28 Second Dwelling Units within the development.
03/03/98 1
D. Developer is required by the Conditions of Approval to enter into an Affordable
Housing Agreement as required and with the content specified by CMC Chapter 21.85. This
Agreement is an Affordable Housing Agreement pursuant to CMC Section 21.85.020(b)(5), and
shall be signed prior to the approval of any Final Map for the Subject Property.
NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the undersigned parties as
1. Incorporation of Recitals. The Recitals are hereby incorporated in this
2. Satisfaction of Affordable Housing Obligation and Conditions of ADDroval. In
order to satis@ the Conditions of Approval of CT 96-02 and the requirements of CMC Chapter
21.85, Developer shall cause a minimum of fifty (50) affordable multi-family units and 28
Second Dwelling Units to be affordable to lower-income households (the “Affordable Units”),
according to the schedule and terms contained herein.
3. Number and TvDe of Affordable Units. Developer shall construct, or cause to be
constructed, fifty (50) multifamily dwelling units (“Affordable Multifamily Units”) and 28
Second Dwelling Units.
4. Terms Governing Provision of Affordable Multifamily Units. Provision of the
Affordable Multifamily Units shall be governed by the following terms:
4.1 Location of Multifamily Units. The Affordable Multifamily Units shall
consist of fifty (50) units to be constructed within the boundaries of the Development.
4.2 Size and Bedroom Count. The Affordable Multifamily Units shall include
studio, one, two and three bedroom units in the numbers and with the square footages indicated
in “Attachment B” to this Agreement.
4.3 Affordabilitv Requirements. The Affordable Multifamily Units shall be
restricted to occupancy by households with incomes, at the time of initial occupancy, that do not
exceed 80% of the median income for San Diego County, adjusted for actual household size.
Monthly rents (including utility allowance as published by the United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development) of the Affordable Multifamily Units shall not exceed 1/121h of
30% of the designated percentage of median income for San Diego County, adjusted for assumed
household size appropriate for the unit. Median income figures shall be those published annually
by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Assumed household size
figures shall be provided to Developer by the City of Carlsbad Housing and Redevelopment
Department. With respect to each Affordable Multifamily Unit, the affordability requirements of
this Section 4.3 shall continue for fifty-five (55) years from the date of issuance of a Certificate
of Occupancy by the City for such unit. The affordability requirements of this Section 4.3 shall
be set forth in the Regulatory Agreement between the Developer or its successor and the City,
provided for in Section 4.7.4 below, which shall supersede this Agreement with respect to the
Affordable Multifamily Units upon recordation of the Regulatory Agreement.
4.4 Affordable Housing Develouer. Developer has indicated it will develop
and construct the Affordable Multifamily Units. Should the Developer, at a future date, select a
separate affordable housing developer, the Developer shall obtain prior City approval of the
affordable housing developer and proposed development agreement for the units (“Affordable
Housing Development Agreement”). The Affordable Housing Development Agreement shall
describe with particularity the financial arrangements for the construction of the Affordable
Multifamily Units, the restrictions applicable to the Affordable Multifamily Units and the record
keeping obligations for the management of the units.
4.5 Schedule for Developing Affordable Multifamily Units. Developer shall
provide the Affordable Multifamily Units pursuant to the following schedule:
4.5.1 Prior to the approval of any Final Map for the Master
Development, the following shall be in place: This Agreement shall be duly signed and recorded against
the subject property. A Site Development Plan shall be approved for the
Affordable Multifamily Units.
4.5.2 Building permits shall not be issued for more than 38 of the market
rate units included in Development prior to Building C of the Affordable
Multifamily Units being under construction. For purposes of this Agreement,
l’under construction” means approval and issuance of the building permits and
completion of inspection(s) for the foundation(s) for the initial phase of the
Affordable Multifamily Units.
4.5.3 Building permits shall not be issued for more than 91 of the market
rate units prior to completion of the construction of Building C and a final
Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the Affordable Multifamily Units.
4.5.4 Building permits shall not be issued for more than 105 of the
market rate units included in Development prior to Buildings A & B of the
Affordable Multifamily Units being under construction. For purposes of this
Agreement, “under construction’’ means approval and issuance of the building
permits and completion of inspection(s) for the foundation(s) for the initial phase
of the Affordable Multifamily Units.
4.5.5 Building permits shall not be issued for more than 128 of the
market rate units prior to completion of the construction of Building C and a final
Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the Affordable Multifamily Units.
03/03/98 3
4.6 Compliance Report. Following completion of construction of the
Affordable Multifamily Units, a Compliance Report meeting the requirements of CMC Section
21 .85.180, verifying compliance of the completed Affordable Multifamily Units with the terms
of this Agreement and certified as correct by a third-party, shall be submitted annually to the
Housing and Redevelopment Director. If similar reports on the Affordable Multifamily Units are
required for regulatory compliance with other financing programs, those reports may be deemed
satisfactory for the purpose of this section by the Housing and Redevelopment Director, with
respect to the Affordable Multifamily Units covered by such reports, provided that copies of
those reports are provided on an annual basis to the Housing and Redevelopment Director with a
third party certification addressed to the City.
4.7 City ADproval of Documents. The following documents, in form and
substance acceptable to the City, shall be used in connection with the rental of the Affordable
Multifamily Units. Such documents shall be prepared by the Developer or its successor and shall
be submitted to the Housing and Redevelopment Director for review and approval no later than
the commencement of construction of the Affordable Multifamily Units:
4.7.1 A marketing plan establishing the process for seeking, selecting
and determining the eligibility of tenants of the Affordable Multifamily Units.
4.7.2 A form of Rental Agreement.
4.7.3 A property management plan.
4.7.4A form of regulatory agreement between the Developer or its
successor and the City ("Regulatory Agreement").
5. Terms Regarding Provision of Affordable Second Dwelling: Units. Provision of the
Affordable Second Dwelling Units shall be governed by the following terms:
5.1 Location of Units. The Affordable Second Dwelling Units shall be as shown
on Planned Unit Development No. 96-02, and as shown on Exhibit 3 of this agreement.
5.2 Size and Bedroom Count. The Affordable Second Dwelling Units shall meet
the requirements of CMC Section 21.10.01 5 and City policies relating thereto on the date of this
Agreement, as respects use of a secondary dwelling unit to fulfill affordable housing requirements.
Further, the Second Dwelling Units shall be consistent with Planned Unit Development No. 96-02.
5.3 Affordabilitv of Second Dwelling Units. Affordable Second Dwelling Units
shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of CMC Section 21.10.015. Affordable
Second Dwelling Units may be, but are not required to be, rented. If an Affordable Second
Dwelling Unit is rented, the monthly rent (including utility allowance) shall not exceed 1/12th of
30% of 80% of median income in Sari Diego County, adjusted for assumed household size
appropriate for the unit, as required pursuant to CMC Section 2 1.10.01 5(P). Median income figures
shall be those published annually by the United States Department of Housing and Urban
Development. Assumed household size figures shall be provided to Developer by the City
Department of Housing and Community Development. The affordability requirements of this
Section 5.3 shall continue for the useful life of the Affordable Second Dwelling Units, which is
assumed to be not less than 55 years from the date of completion of original construction.
5.4 Schedule of DeveloDment of Second Dwelling Units. The Affordable
Second Dwelling Units shall be constructed consistent with the approved phasing plan for the
project and as shown in Attachment "D" of this agreement.
5.5 Permit Reauirements. Prior to receiving a building permit for the single
family homes which have been identified to include second dwelling units, the developer, or their
sucessor in interest, shall file and receive approval for a Second Dwelling Unit Permit, as required
by Section 2 1.10 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code .
6. Release of Subject ProDerty From Agreement. The covenants and conditions
herein contained shall apply to and bind the heirs, executors, administrators, successors,
transferees and assignees of all the parties having or acquiring any right, title or interest in or to
any part of the Subject Property, and shall run with and burden the Subject Property until
terminated in accordance with the provisions hereof. Prior to the issuance of building permits,
Developer shall expressly make the conditions and covenants contained in this Agreement a part
of any deed or other instrument conveying any interest in the Subject Property. Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary set forth in this Agreement, individual purchasers of single-family units
pursuant to an approved public report in compliance with the California Subdivided Lands Act,
and mortgage lenders holding deeds of trust on such individual units after sale to such
purchasers, shall not be subject to the terms of this Agreement; and the terms of this Agreement
shall be of no further force or effect with respect to such completed unit on the date of the
recordation of a deed to the individual purchaser. Upon allocation by the Developer of the
building permits for the first 38 market rate units among the villages in of the Master
Development, in any combination as Developer determines in its sole discretion, then those 38
market rate units shall be released from the burdens of this Agreement. Upon allocation by the
Developer of the building permits for the 39* through 9lSt market rate units among the
Development, in any combination as Developer determines in its sole discretion, and after the
Building C of the Affordable Multifamily Units is under construction, then the 39* through 91''
market rate units shall be released from the burdens of this Agreement. After fmal inspection is
complete, or a final Certificate of Occupancy is issued for Building C for the Affordable
Multifamily Units, then the next 37 market rate units in of the Master Development shall be
released from the burdens of this Agreement. Upon allocation by the Developer of the building
permits for the 39* through 91'' market rate units among the Development, in any combination
as Developer determines in its sole discretion, and after the Buildings A and B of the Affordable
Multifamily Units are under construction, then the 9Td through 128' market rate units shall be
released from the burdens of this Agreement. After final inspection is complete, or a final
Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the Affordable Multifamily Units, then the remaining 44
market rate units in the Master Development shall be released from the burdens of this
03/03/98 5
7. Default. Failure of Developer to cure any default in Developer’s obligations under
the terms of this Agreement within ninety,(90) days after the delivery of a notice of default from
the City (or where the default is of a nature which cannot be cured within such ninety (90) day
period, the failure of Developer to commence to cure such default within the ninety (90) day
period or Developer’s failure to proceed diligently to complete the cure of such a default within a
reasonable time period) will constitute a breach of this Agreement and the requirements of
Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapter 21.85 and the City may exercise any and all remedies
available to it with respect to Developer’s failure to satisfl the Conditions of Approval and
Chapter 21.85 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, including, but not limited to, the withholding of
building permits for the market rate units within the Master Plan.
8. Amointment of Other Agencies. At its sole discretion, the City may designate,
appoint or contract with any other public agency, for-profit or non-profit organization to perform
the City’s obligations under this Agreement.
9. Hold Harmless. Developer will indemnifl and hold harmless (without limit as to
amount) City and its elected officials, officers, employees and agents in their official capacity
(hereinafter collectively referred to as “Indemnitees”), and any of them, from and against all loss,
all risk of loss and all damage (including expense) sustained or incurred because of or by reason
of any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, judgments and executions for damages of any and
every kind and by whomever and whenever made or obtained, allegedly caused by, arising out of
or relating in +y manner to Developer’s actions or defaults pursuant to this Agreement, and shall
protect and defend Indemnitees, and any of them, with respect thereto.
10 Insurance Reauirements. Developer (or its successor or successors) shall obtain, at
its (or their) expense, comprehensive general liability insurance for development of the
Affordable Multifamily Units naming Indemnitees as additional named insureds with aggregate
limits of not less than Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) for bodily injury, and death and
property damage, including coverage for contract liability and products and completed operations
purchased by Developer (or its successor or successors) from an insurance company duly
licensed to engage in the business of issuing such insurance in the State, with a current Best’s
Key Rating of not less than A-V, such insurance to be evidenced by an endorsement which so
provides and delivered to the City Clerk prior to the issuance of any building permit for the
Affordable Multifamily Units
11. Notices. All notices required pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and
may be given by personal delivery or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to
the party to receive such notice at the addresses set forth below:
To the City of Carlsbad: CITY OF CARLSBAD
Housing and Redevelopment Department
Attn: Housing and Redevelopment Director
2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite B
Carlsbad, California 92008-2389
03/03/98 6
To the Developer: ConAm Properties L.L.C.
5850 Avenida Encinas, Suite. A
Carlsbad , California 92008
Any party may change its address to which notices are to be sent by notifying the
other party of the new address, in the manner set forth above.
12. Intemated Aaeement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between
the parties and no modification hereof shall be binding unless reduced to writing and signed by
the parties hereto.
13. Duration of Agreement. This Agreement shall remain in effect for 55 years
following the date certificates of occupancy have been issued for all Affordable Units.
14. Recording of Agreement. The parties hereto shall cause this Agreement to be
recorded against the Subject Property in the Official Records of the County of San Diego.
15. Severability. In the event any limitation, condition, restriction, covenant or
provision contained in this Agreement is to be held invalid, void or unenforceable by any court
of competent jurisdiction, the remaining portions of this Agreement shall nevertheless be and
remain in hll force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed as
of the day and year first above written.
CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation
Community Development Director
Approved as to form:
City Attorney
DEVELOPER. ConAm Properties L.L.C.
(Subject Property)
H:\.. .\ContHomes\RanchoCarrillo\Phasel AHA.vO 1
(Schedule and Sizes of Affordable Multifamily Units)
H:\. . .\ContHomes\RanchoCarrillo\Phasel AHA.vO 1
(Location of Second Dwelling Units)
H:\ ... \ContHornes\RanchoCarrillo\Phasel AHA.VO1
1213 1197
(Phasing Plan)
H:\ ... \ContHomes\AanchoCarrillo\Phasel AHA.vO1
- Exhibit 4
I i
\' . p
Encinitas !
mi Hofman Planning
=AS s o c i a t e s Project Location Map
. I.
. -.