HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-05-13; Housing Element Advisory Committee; MinutesMay 13, 2020
CALL TO ORDER: 3:04 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Committee member Luna, Proulx, Barnett, Evans, Novak, Sachs, Streicher, Weis, Committee
member Perez joined the meeting at 3:19pm.
Motion by Streicher, seconded by Sachs to approve the committee meeting minutes of April 8, 2020. Motion passed 8/0/1
(Perez absent).
Chair Luna directed everyone’s attention to the screen where a PowerPoint presentation for tonight’s new business items
would be displayed.
1.Review of Housing Element Goals and Policies (cont’d from 4/8)
Consultant Weatherby reviewed the Housing Element goals and policies that were discussed during the previous HEAC
meeting. Ms. Weatherby discussed the three overarching housing goals that pertain to site selection. Additionally,
Ms. Weatherby acknowledged two policy recommendations that she has received so far from committee members
including mixed housing and workforce housing.
Ms. Weatherby opens up this agenda item for discussion in regards to goals and policies that are important to prioritize
for the committee members.
No recommendations from committee members were received at this time.
2.Status update on Housing Element Programs
Consultant Weatherby addressed the second agenda item. Ms. Weatherby briefly discussed the purpose of the
Housing Element Annual Progress Report and the need for addressing current progress on housing programs and
policies. Ms. Weatherby provided examples of programs that have shown progress and slower progress than others.
Ms. Weatherby responded to comments and questions.
Committee member Sachs requested more information on City-Initiated Development and whether the current state
of the program is typical.
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May 13, 2020
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Committee member Evans requested more information on how the general public including new residents can access
housing information within the City.
Committee member Proulx requested more information on Loan Banking and how utilized the program is within the
Committee member Weis inquired about current housing projects in the City and whether those housing units would
contribute to this upcoming Housing Element RHNA targets.
Committee member Barnett requested more information on new mixed-use apartment complexes in downtown
Carlsbad and whether those will count for upcoming Housing Element RHNA targets.
3. Site Selection Strategies in relation to overall General Plan goals and policies/Carlsbad “smart growth” concept
Senior Planner Donnell presented Agenda Item 3. Mr. Donnell discussed the importance of taking into account other
General Plan elements when considering potential housing sites. Mr. Donnell emphasized the importance of
consistency and coordination across all General Plan elements and ensuring housing sites are compatible with each
element. Additionally, Mr. Donnell discussed the idea of Smart Growth and presented SANDAG’s Smart Growth Map
illustrating good examples of Smart Growth currently in place in the City.
Administrative Secretary Flores read public comments received from the following individuals into the record:
Diane Rivera concurred with committee member Evans regarding accessibility of housing information and
opportunities to both new and current Carlsbad residents.
Senior Planner Donnell responded to committee questions and comments.
Chair Luna requested clarification for the group on the difference between a goal and a policy.
Committee member Streicher inquired about potential site restrictions due to heavy rainfall and flooding and the
implications of that on housing site selection.
Committee member Barnett inquired about housing policies and whether there are ones that are weighted more
heavily than others.
Committee member Perez commented on the relationship and implications that housing site selection has on the
mobility element. Additionally, Perez requested more information on SANDAG sites in relation to the Noise/Quiet
Zone. Mr. Perez requested more information on Corey Creek and the process that housing development went through
including challenges and lessons learned.
Committee member Evans reiterated her concern for accessibility of City information regarding housing information
and opportunities for both newcomers and residents.
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May 13, 2020
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Committee member Sachs inquired about Covid-19 and the implications it may have on the Housing Element process
and site selection.
Committee member Barnett commented on the implications of Covid-19 in the commercial sector and acknowledged
that developers may take Covid-19 into account with building design.
4. One-page handout/FAQ
Senior Planner Donnell presented this agenda item. Mr. Donnell held a follow up discussion regarding the one-page
handout and FAQ sheet.
Mr. Donnell requested comments and feedback on the one-page handout.
Committee member Barnett suggested having a more descriptive and clear subtitle stating “Housing Element”.
Committee member Proulx suggested reversing the first and second paragraphs and making the second paragraph
more clear in regards to it stating “Housing Element”.
Committee member Streicher suggested to have a “for more information and further comment” section at the bottom
in bold.
Committee member Novak requested adding representatives from ach quadrants somewhere on the handout.
Committee member Weis suggested having the topic at hand be more clear by stating something similar to “Carlsbad
Housing Element” somewhere on the handout.
Chair Luna suggested having the various commissions the Housing Element Update will go through somewhere on the
Mr. Donnell requested comments and feedback on the FAQ sheet.
Committee member Barnett acknowledged how helpful it would be to keep an updated FAQ sheet going.
Committee member Streicher recommended implementing similar design from the FAQ sheet into the one-page
Committee member Novak acknowledged how easy the questions are to read.
Committee member Evans suggested clarifying the topic at hand by stating something similar to “Carlsbad Housing
Element” at the top of the FAQ sheet.
Committee member Streicher inquired about including information on the FAQ sheet regarding SB330 and other
housing legislation that helps clarify the gravity of this Housing Element.
Committee member Evans inquired about how these materials will be distributed to the public.
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May 13, 2020
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Communications manager Sara Lemons suggested the potential of making an informational video to distribute
through the public.
Committee member Sachs commented on the possibility of spreading the word through other commissions and
agencies that committee members are involved in.
Committee member Weis commented on the high potential creating a video has on spreading the word.
Committee member Barnett suggested spreading the word through organization’s newsletters that go out weekly.
Committee member Streicher acknowledged a few organizations that could be helpful in terms of sharing information.
Committee member Perez acknowledged this effort may require more of a grass roots approach and is happy to help
assist. Additionally, he inquired about putting names/information on the handout page for the public to contact.
Committee member Evans inquired about an email subscription service that people can join to get weekly
informational emails regarding the project.
Committee member Sachs inquired about information and/or deliverables that she could give to other commissions
after each HEAC meeting.
5. State of California letter regarding Growth Management Plan moratorium provision
Senior Planner Donnell presented this agenda item. Mr. Donnell gave a brief discussion on the State’s recent opinion
surrounding growth management plans, moratoriums and the implications that may have on housing site selection.
Mr. Donnell described Zone 15 within the City to provide an example of how housing moratoriums may impact
potential housing sites and meeting RHNA targets.
Senior Planner Donnell responded to committee questions and comments.
Committee member Perez inquired about new updates from the last City Council meeting regarding the extension of
College Boulevard.
Senior Planner Donnell shared that there is a time conflict with the next HEAC meeting on May 27, 2020.
Chair Luna collected feedback from the committee members regarding a new time for the next HEAC meeting. The
meeting time for May 27, 2020 is now at 1pm. Subsequent HEAC meetings will return to 3pm.
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May 13, 2020
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May 27, 2020. 1pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:03pm. No vote was taken.
Jenna Shaw
Minutes Clerk