HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-05-27; Housing Element Advisory Committee; MinutesMay 27, 2020
CALL TO ORDER: 1:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Committee member Luna, Barnett, Novak, Perez, Streicher, Weis, Proulx (absent). Committee
member Sachs joined the meeting at 1:01 p.m. Committee member Evans joined the meeting at
1:04 p.m.
Correction by Perez, motion by Streicher, seconded by Weis to approved the committee meeting minutes of May 13, 2020,
as amended. Motion carried 8/0/1 (Proulx absent).
Chair Luna directed everyone’s attention to the screen where a PowerPoint presentation for tonight’s new business items
would be displayed.
1.Regional Housing Needs Allocation – Overview, initial housing sites inventory, and potential strategies and
Consultant Rust presented Agenda Item 1. Agenda Item 1 was discussed in four subtopic categories including; RHNA
Overview, Housing Site Inventory, Meeting RHNA, and Addressing Remaining Needs.
Consultant Rust discussed subtopic one, RHNA Overview. Mr. Rust discussed the sixth cycle housing element and its
projected planning period. Additionally, Mr. Rust discussed SANDAG’s numbers including the City’s target number for the
upcoming housing element. Income categories were discussed including the difference in breakdowns between the
upcoming housing cycle and the current housing cycle.
Mr. Rust responded to committee questions and comments on subtopic one, RHNA Overview.
Committee member Barnett clarified the City’s current target number and whether we have achieved the current target
set by SANDAG.
Committee member Perez clarified the current allocated number for very low income housing units and whether the City
successfully hit the target with projects including Robertson Ranch and The Preserve.
Housing Element Advisory Committee Minutes
May 27, 2020
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Consultant Rust moved on to subtopic two, Housing Site Inventory. Mr. Rust discussed site suitability in regards to both
physical and jurisdictional site constraints. Mr. Rust provided examples and maps of site constraints including steep slopes,
transmission corridors, flood zones, and airport land use computability zones.
Mr. Rust responded to comments and questions to subtopic two, Housing Site Inventory.
Committee member Perez shared a GIS Mapping tool from SANDAG illustrating flood zones. Committee member Perez
clarified if these GIS maps were similar and relevant to the information that Mr. Rust was sharing regarding flood zones.
Committee member Evans requested clarification on the process of looking at site constraints and whether developers
and agencies look at these constraints layered on top of one another.
Committee member Perez requested more information on the history and process of approval for projects such as The
Preserve and Quarry Creek as it was built in a flood vulnerability zone. Mr. Perez remarked that understanding this history
could be useful for looking at potential sites for the upcoming housing cycle.
Committee member Weis provided some clarification on Quarry Creek and concurred with committee member Perez in
regards to sites still having potential despite site constraints and engineering difficulties.
Chair Luna requested more information on how heavily site constraints such as flood zones are being weighed in relation
to one another.
Consultant Rust continued the discussion on subtopic two, Housing Site Inventory. Mr. Rust discussed the difference
between vacant and underutilized sites and its implications on housing site selection. Additionally, Mr. Rust discussed the
potential of changing zone and land use designations to help meet RHNA numbers and shared maps of current vacant and
underutilized sites that are under consideration. Furthermore, Mr. Rust discussed additional constraints such as minimum
lot size and infrastructure and discussed development potential in regards to extending density limits.
Mr. Rust responded to additional committee questions and comments on subtopic two, Housing Site Inventory.
Committee member Streicher clarified whether a site next to Senor Grubby’s in the Village qualified as an underutilized
site. Mr. Streicher requested more information on whether the City can put requirements on properties for future use or
if it is up to the property owner.
Committee member Weis requested more information on whether there is a formal design review or process in place so
that city planners can have a better understanding on what sites are potentially coming down the line. Mr. Weis further
clarified what the trigger is in terms of what sites count for this upcoming housing cycle.
Chair Luna clarified the process of entitlements and permitting in response to committee member Weis.
Committee member Evans requested a master list of projects that includes a breakdown of projects that have and have
not been approved, have permits, and are currently underway.
Committee member Perez concurred with Committee member Evans and requested something similar to Appendix B in
the City’s current housing element.
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May 27, 2020
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Committee member Barnett commented that there is potential for looking at underutilized office spaces due to Covid-19
however, it is too early to tell and move forward with that.
Committee member Streicher concurred with committee member Barnett in regards to it being too premature to look at
underutilized commercial sites. Mr. Streicher acknowledged that there is still potential since the planning period will
extend through 2029.
Committee member Barnett requested some type of medium such as an interactive map to better be able to look at
potential housing sites and their respective neighborhoods.
Committee member Perez requested if something similar to SANDAG’s mapping tool could be created for the committee.
Committee member Barnett requested clarification on the amount of low-income units in the Carlyle Carlsbad Village
housing development.
Consultant Rust requested committee feedback on higher densities such as 40 du/acre.
Committee member Barnett acknowledged that higher density projects can look less impactful depending on how they
are built.
Committee member Weis shared his concern regarding parking and traffic congestion associated with higher density
Consultant Rust moved on to subtopic three, Meeting RHNA. Mr. Rust discussed planned projects such as Aviara, West
Oaks, and Marja Acres. Additionally, Mr. Rust discussed the City’s inclusionary housing program and accessory dwelling
No comments or questions were made at this time.
Consultant Rust moved on to subtopic four, Remaining Needs. Mr. Rust discussed the gap in housing units, and four
approaches to potentially help close the gap. The four approaches discussed included: increasing density in specific
residential designations; redesignation of residential areas to higher density designations; mixed-use development; and
redesignation of non-residential properties.
Mr. Rust requested committee comments and feedback.
Committee member Barnett clarified the number of units that the City is currently short on for the sixth housing cycle.
Committee member Weis commented that he likes the idea the idea of mixed-use as it brings in jobs and revenue. Mr.
Weis acknowledged that there will likely have to be several of the four approaches used.
Committee member Novak commented that there will likely be opportunity in redesignation of non-residential properties
post Covid-19 which may be something to further consider.
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May 27, 2020
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Committee member Sachs inquired if there is a process in place to better know which sites have been previously evaluated
in order to save time and effort in the future when looking at potential housing sites.
Committee member Evans inquired if the committee would like to come together and look at potential housing sites in
order to better understand where potential housing sites are located.
Committee member Weis asked for clarification on the difference between the first and second approach that Mr. Rust
Committee member Streicher commented that each approach is going to have to be looked at in a more specific context
in order to really weigh which options makes sense to implement.
Committee member Perez commented that taking a mixed approach may be necessary when looking at potential traffic
scenarios and overall LOS (level of service). Mr. Perez commented that certain parts of the City are already seeing high
LOS and approaches are going to have to be analyzed on a project specific level.
Committee member Barnett reiterated the concern for parking congestion when considering housing sites.
Chair Luna acknowledged that there will likely need to be a mix of approaches in order to find a practical and balanced
solution. Chair Luna inquired about next steps and data the committee can expect for the next meeting.
Committee member Weis requested clarification on whether a property owner is notified if the City does a zone or land
use change.
Chair Luna asked for clarification on how the public currently has the ability to share comments during the HEAC meetings.
Consultant Weatherby commented that due to social distancing as a result of Covid-19, the committee cannot come
together to take a tour of potential housing sites. Ms. Weatherby acknowledged that the committee and City staff will
need to continue with remote methods to analyze potential housing sites.
June 10, 2020. 3 p.m.
Motion by Evans. Seconded by Sachs. Motion carried 8/0/1 (Proulx absent).
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May 27, 2020
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The meeting was adjourned at 3:05 p.m.
Jenna Shaw
Minutes Clerk