HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-06-22; Housing Element Advisory Committee; Minutes
June 22, 2020
CALL TO ORDER: 3:01 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Committee members Luna, Barnett, Novak, Perez, Sachs. Committee member Evans joined the
meeting at 3:03 p.m. but was unable to participate in the remainder of the meeting. Committee
member Proulx joined the meeting at 3:03 p.m. Committee member Streicher joined the meeting
at 3:04 p.m. Committee member Weis joined the meeting at 4:41 p.m. (8/0/1 Weis absent)
Motion by Novak, seconded by Perez to approve the committee meeting minutes of May 27, 2020. Motion carried 8/0/1
(Weis absent).
Chair Luna directed everyone’s attention to the screen where a PowerPoint presentation for tonight’s new business items
would be displayed.
1. Regional Housing Needs Allocation – Draft Housing Sites Identification
Consultant Rust presented Agenda Item 1. Agenda Item 1 was discussed in three subtopic categories including; RHNA
Overview, Housing Sites Inventory, and HEAC Sites Discussion - Addressing Remaining Needs.
RHNA Overview
Consultant Rust discussed subtopic one, RHNA Overview. Mr. Rust discussed the sixth cycle housing element including the
projected period and planning period. Additionally, Mr. Rust discussed SANDAG’s numbers including the City’s target
numbers, income category breakdown, and housing affordability.
No comments or questions were made at this time.
Housing Sites Inventory
Consultant Rust moved on to subtopic two, Housing Sites Inventory. Mr. Rust discussed site suitability in regards to
physical and jurisdictional constraints. Mr. Rust discussed land use designations for both residential and non-residential
along with a discussion on density and extending density limits.
Housing Element Advisory Committee Minutes
June 22, 2020
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Mr. Rust responded to comments and questions .
Committee member Novak asked for clarification on the concept of density bonuses.
Committee member Luna asked for clarification on the difference between density bonuses and inclusionary housing.
Consultant Rust continued the discussion on subtopic two, Housing Sites Inventory. Mr. Rust presented a draft Sites Map
Book that was provided to each committee member and started to discuss the six potential housing unit sources to help
the city meet its RHNA, including current planning projects, ADU’s, vacant sites, redesignation of industrial/other sites to
residential, redesignation of commercial sites to residential, and underutilized.
Mr. Rust further responded to comments and questions.
Committee member Perez asked for clarification on any protocols in regards to visiting sites that are private property
and/or are restricted property.
Consultant Rust continued with presenting potential housing sites. Mr. Rust presented the remaining maps and potential
housing sites that have been identified to be the most feasible so far. Mr. Rust further discussed each of the six housing
unit sources in depth and provided examples for each.
Mr. Rust further responded to comments and questions.
Committee member Streicher asked for further information on why the lower income RHNA target numbers can be more
difficult to meet.
Committee member Luna asked for clarification on how ADU’s get incorporated into the draft element and what that
further means for RHNA target numbers.
Committee member Streicher commented on financing and the general confusion about ADU’s. Mr. Streicher stated that
if there was a more streamlined process, ADU’s could potentially spike in popularity.
Committee member Perez commented that there are a lot of questions in the community regarding the difference
between ADU’s and JADU’s and what a person can implement with the specific type of home they have. Mr. Perez echoed
committee member Streicher in that a more streamlined process and clearer information could potentially make ADU’s a
popular and good option.
Committee member Luna acknowledged that someone who is livestreaming the HEAC meeting may potentially be seeing
their property for the first time. Committee member Luna clarified that nothing has been redesignated or changed and
that everything is at the discretion of the property owner.
HEAC Sites Discussion
Housing Element Advisory Committee Minutes
June 22, 2020
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Consultant Rust moved on to subtopic three, HEAC Sites Discussion. Mr. Rust discussed the status of hitting RHNA target
numbers taking into consideration the sites that were presented.
Committee member Luna requested comments and feedback from the other committee members.
Committee member Barnett inquired about how the committee could potentially get creative in identifying more sites for
the moderate-income category.
Committee member Novak asked for clarification on how combining the very low income category with the low income
category works and whether there are any red flags so far in reaching both those categories when separated.
Committee member Perez asked for clarification on a few different items. Mr. Perez asked for clarification on one site
(Map 14 in the Sites Map Book) on whether or not that site is actually vacant and how updated the list of sites that Mr.
Rust presented is. Furthermore, Mr. Perez commented that some properties he has noticed, particularly in the northeast
area of the City are just sitting idle. Mr. Perez asked for clarification on who he can go to for clarification on the status of
some properties. Finally, Mr. Perez asked for clarification on whether or not site constraints such as steep slopes would
automatically make a site unsuitable for potential housing development.
Committee member Proulx asked for further information on whether or not the high density sites will be intermixed
throughout the City and not concentrated in one area.
Committee member Sachs inquired about potentially splitting up the sites between HEAC members if that were to make
seeing the sites in person more manageable. Committee member Sachs asked for clarification on what happens in 2029 if
the City is highly developed and land is more limited.
Committee member Streicher asked for clarification on a group of sites presented and whether those are vacant lots zoned
as commercial that could potentially be rezoned for residential. Mr. Streicher then asked whether there are any physical
commercial structures that could be considered as underutilized.
Committee member Perez asked for clarification on a specific site on Map 15 in the Sites Map Book as to whether that
site is the same as a senior living housing project being built in that area.
Committee member Luna requested the potential for separating the sites out by quadrants for each quadrant
Committee member Weis requested clarification on the Southwest Quadrant boundary. Committee member Weis agreed
that it would be easier to have sites separated into quadrants.
Committee member Novak commented that it would be helpful to have the sites separated by quadrants.
Committee member Proulx stated that she would also like the sites separated by quadrants.
Committee member Barnett concurred with having the sites separated by quadrants.
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June 22, 2020
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Committee member Streicher stated he will work with the maps in the Map Book as he does not have a designated
Committee member Perez stated he will also work with the maps in the Sites Map Book.
Consultant Rust clarified what format the committee members would like the overall sites map. The overall sites map will
be given out electronically.
Committee member Streicher proposed to push the meetings back to 6:00 p.m.
Committee member Luna took a poll for feedback on the current start time of the HEAC meetings.
City Planner Neu commented on the difficulty of changing the current start time but would look into seeing if it is possible.
Senior Planner Donnell stated that the next HEAC meeting is primarily on public outreach and communication.
July 8, 2020. Time TBD.
Motion by Proulx. Seconded by Streicher. Motion carried 8/0/1 (Evans absent).
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
Jenna Shaw
Minutes Clerk