HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-01-09; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesJanuary 9, Wi The meeting of the Corlibad Clfy Library Commlwloo was called to order at 7:30 p.m. on January 9th, 196?, In the Children's Library. Ail commissioner! and Ubrarian Col* wort present. Guest* Included Mayor Sonnefwon, Council noon Guevara, City Manager Slater, City Attorney Kayos, and Finance Director Scholink. The minute* were read and approved. Or. Spivey reported rhe library plan which tfw State Library wot to sond Carlifaod still Have not been received. Or, Splvey wa« imfructed to write afjain to the State library. Mrt. Hayes was invited to lead a ditamien of the proposed city ordinance estabiifhing a Board of Library Trustee*. A ditcuttion of each article followed. The matter will be dimmed again at the City Council Mooting on Tuesday, January 17th. The mooting adjourned at 9ilO p.m. Reipeetfuliy iwbmitted, Lowell G. Richardton, Secretary cc: City Clerk, City of Carllbod Corltbod City Library BEST ORIGINAL