HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-05-08; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMay 8, 1961 The mooting of the Carlsbad Library Commission was colled to order at 7i45 p.m. on May 3, 1961, at the Children's Library. Present ware Commissioners Strause, Spivey, Dunne, Carrr Richardson and librarian Cole. The minutes were read and approved. Chairman Strause asked if anyone would be able fo attend the Governor's Conference for Public Library Trustees and Officials in Sacramento on June 12 and 13th . However, no one was able to go to this meeting. The Secretary was asked to prepare a letter of congratulations to the Friends of the Library on the publication of the 'History of Carlsbad", with copies to go to the Carlsbad Journal and Ocean- side Blade Tribune. Chairman Strause reported that $1, 130 Is to be taken from the Library budget to take care of the total amount of retirement for library em* ployees. it was decided that the allotment of terms under the new ordinance for the library would be as follows: July 1, 1961 - Richardson; July 1, 1962 - Strause; July 1, 1962 - Dunne; July 1, 1963 - Carr; July 1, 1963 * Spivey. For the current year (until July 1, 1961) the following officers will continue in their positions! Chairman, Ann Strause; Secretary, Lowell Richardson. The secretary will inform City Manager John Slater of the above allotment of terms. Mrs. Strause will also write a letter to the Council, informing them of library matters. Commissioner Carr exhibited bookkeeping forms for handling trust funds in accordance with city procedure. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, cc: City Clerk, City of Carlsbad File - Carlsbad City Library Lowell G. Richardson, Secretary