HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-06-11; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesBOAHD CF 'VMSinS8a'8H£IXL WNB 11, 1962 The Board of Trustees of the Carlsbad klbraiy laet in a special nesting at the Children's Library on 4une nth, 1^62* Those present vers President Strause, trustees Dunne, Merkle, Librarian Cole and City -Manager Slater, City Attorney Hayes* Councilman Micro* and Oucrvara* She purpose of toe •eting was « di0euaai<m of the neirits of the Pio Pico land for the Libraxy versus the Ela Storeot dowitcMi land. i4r» Blaree stated that the oit& needs income and since the Ha street property is valuable, it will be a source of revenue for the city* Hrs, Colo reaarked that the real proble.; of the Library is tha Catholic Church1 s need of the library building on Harding Street in a few years* Because of the energetic library group (Friends of the Library), a bond issue presented to the people would probably pass* Mrs* Straus* asked that tiio proposition be tabled until a new survey sheet be put out* 4 discussion of the Carlsbad City Code revealed that there oust be one parking space for each 250 feet of floor apace, i.e*, for a library* Mrs* Strause askod that %* Melvin be requested to look over the tOa Street land* She movod that the Building Conusdttee and the Board of Trustees go over the land with Mr* ftelvin, the architect, before any decision la made concerning the future of the Bin Street property* the notion uas seconded by Mr, Guevara and passed* the meeting was adjourned* Kay Dunne Secretary Pro*tam BEST ORIGINAL