HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-08-13; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMonday, August 13, 1962 The regular monthly meeting of the aomrd of Litorary Trustees was called to order at ?i$0 p*ta« by President Ur» George Berkla. Thoae present were trustees Jeanne JSoSann and Jean Karaptner, and Librarian Qeorgiaa Cole* Ihe minutes were read and approved* 'Die secretary read two letters to the ifeard* One from the City Manager notified us that Councilman Bieree and 'iiesuender would se ve on the Building Cooaittee. the other, from the Friends of the Library, presented as a drive-in book drop for the library* A motion by Mrs. ffoCann to accept the gift of the book drop was aade* It was seconded by lire* Kanptner and •massed* Hie President asked the Secretary to write a letter to the friends of the Library and accept the book drop with thanks and gratitude* lira* Cole stated that when the contract for the architect is signed, the library is to pay a l$00 retainer fee to fir* Melvia* It was decided to ask Halph Scholink, the City finance Director, to explain library finances to us at the next meeting* .iro, Larsen had called Dr« Merkle to protest tlio future site of the library on Pio Pico. 4 discussion followed of the feasability of the Pio Pico property as a library site* There being no further business, the neeting was adjourned at 9 p*&* Jean B» Kaoptaer Secretary