HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-12-10; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesThe regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Carlsbad City Library was called to order at 7tl5 P.M. on December 10, 1962 in the Children's Library. Present were Trustees Merkle, McCann, Spivey, Carr, Kamptner and Librarian Cola. The secretary road tho miauto* which were approved as road* Mrs. McCann suggested that wo at a board go oa record as protecting legislation on the State Agenda that would give state aid to libraries. We oppose this Measure beoause libraries would then be state controlled* State aid to librariess 1. benefits those already with many advantages 2. does not benefit us 3. results in loss of looal control It was moved and seconded that the board will write a letter to State Assemblyman Ashcraft and State Senator Sehrade. The notion was carried. A discussion of the protest filed by the Parks and Recreation Board followed. They are not pleased with the present site of the library since it encroaches on their future park area* Mrs. Cole brought up the fast that Mr. Molvia, the architect, had pre- sented a sketch which faced the new library south, with a one-story level only. Mr. Melvin wants to avoid the western sun at the entrance as much as possible. The board would prefer that the building face west on Pio Pico with overhangs or baffling, if necessary, to keep out the sun. Dr. Spivey will go to see Mr. Melvin in Escondido to discuss toes* matters. Dr. Spivey, in talking with Mr. Slater, the City Manager, learned that the State Retirement Fund Isnds money at l& only for necessary municipal publio buildings. Wa, as individual board aaaban, arc to try to find •MUM to f inane* tha building of tha naw library and raport our f indlaga to tha board at tha naxt aaating. Ihara baing no furthar buainaaa, tha oaating was adjournad at 9*00 p«a. Raipactfully «ub«ittad. Jaan D. Kaaptnar Saoratarj