HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-09-09; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesLii>*sry $&fd t£ Trustees Minutes The regular raeetin • of September 9» 1963, was called to order at ?fi*0 p»o* at the Children's library by fire. Tuatav Karptnear, Chairman pro tea* Present were Strs* Katnptner, ifrs* McCann, Mrs. Cola, aori new trustees, Miss Ruth Coats and Hrs* Qary * rench. Also present was Mr* John Slater* Absent ma Or* Markla* Mr, Slater displayed a aap describing the route of the proposed freeway expansion* It was noted that Pio Pioo uould, in effect, be turned over taking a portion of the land now proposed for the new library. Ha said the architect had been consulted, and the expansion ;: Id net interfere with the building plans* Trustees directed questions to Mr* Slater, asking «Jsy the tax increase to provide for a new building had not bean proposed by the City Council at their final budget session* Mr* Slater claimed no responsibility in the natter and stated that it was not within his position as City Manager to budget such an item* the Trustees then asked why funds to pay the architect had not bean pro* Tided for in the city's 196U budget* Mr* Slater could not give any reasons lor this, but aug jested funds sight be borrowed from the ikaeral fund to pay the architect* Mr* Slater reported that Hr* Halvia was not proceeding vita plans despite a decision made by the City Council authorising the final drawings* when asked wily* ftr* Slater said it was because written authorization had not been given Mr* Melvia* The Trustees than requested that fir* Slater urite the letter of authorization* Mr* Slater excused hiaself from the Meting stating he would talk the next day with Councilman Meres and iJeiswendar about the letter to Mr. Melvin, and would also discuss with ftr* Melvln the possibility of deferring part of his fee* Hiss Coats moved that brief quarterly reports in letter fora be sent to the City Council* Seconded and carried* Election of mu officers was held* Urs* Oustav Kanptner was unanimously electetl Presidentj Hiss liuth Coats was unanimoxusly eleotod i3ecratary* lira* HcCann aoved that tho offices of Secretary and Treasurer be combined if legally possible* Seconded cind carried* Mrs* Cole then presented her report* The Suexaer Heading Progvaa had been oliaaxed with a theater party on August 2U, sponsored by tt^e Friends of the Library, Aporosdiaately 300 attended* «a Open House was held by the friends of the Library at the hone of Mr, and Mrs* iiuaaell Sheffler on Septcea&er d and was described as "successful and lovely" by HTQ. Cole, Site suggested a review of the duties of library trustees as a possible project in an ef brt to strengthen the Board* Mrs* Cole raporteti a decision of the "Seven Cities" library group to cooperate arv ; share ti,oir landing facilities * possibly providing one oard to a borrower good at al libraries participating* Meeting adjourned at ?iUO p*m* iiaspectfully submitted, COPY Drench 30oretary pro ten