HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-10-14; Library Board of Trustees; Minutesjctooer 14, 1065 regular Hontbly apse/ting of t&e Library Board of Iru«tc0a ms culled to order at 7*15 p.m. m October 14, 1965 in til* Childreus Library on jiardlng Street. lira* chairman, pr«»Idlng. 'iT-uatctts present w«r« Miss Jftttb Mr** Jet>n iSaraptner, UPS, Jeanne MoCMn, Dr. Goorge Mcrklo, and ;^r3. Jacqueline 'Ar«nch. Up* Goorglna Cola, head librarian, waa present, M®mb»rs of tJi® elfey council prasent word MayorWAS present.Ouftvar* and Hal iii«rc«. John Plater, city tmnager, W Keproaantlng the City Jterkft and R»cr»ation cosa.iittee were Ellzaboth v.»lbriok and Mr* and Mrs. vfack J«rdln«. Friendsthe Library w«re repr«aent«d by Dorothy Uiefflcr arid wary Grooae. Robert M®lvln, arohltect .for tbo library, was present. Tno proas w»a r«pt^aonted fey Mr, owena of tiie iilads-lrlbuiio and Mr, Curtia of the Carlabad Journal. were raud and approved at oorracted. Mr* wanted to rriake correction In minutes stating that the ciiangea to be !,iad«» Flo Fico Stars®t waa raovscl It would not take any library laiad. i4r. Melvin oorrected him BtAtin^ It would take a small portion of the a r«o*p of feii» i.«tory of tee library atafclng 'tiiat tiia library Inm oper&ted on a scanty budget, fii library is In small quartara and camiot expand anymore, 'rhe cMldrsn's library Is th« best In this area* Juast year there was a 73,00® book circulation, uvor 5,OOO care holder 3. Autliorlaatlon for tne aroialteota plans was made »t the ^ay- council n :.«ting. m-. Blnr«>« ®tet€<t tlmt tie tteMgbt th^re waa efiougb In tli® budget to take care of the architects foes* Council had ia» true ted Mr* i>l&t<$r to write Mr* Melvinhim to procood wltli the firml plans. Hr* ^olvln s&ld tumt he had aot received letter of authorization. Ms** Slater d«14 be Mdl no ratsney to pay Mr. Calvin, Mr* Sister rend letter froja Mr, Malvin regarding contract. Mr. Melvln wants the cl y of Cnrl8ba.it to pay Interest If he MA to borrow money to caset payroll on tlila project, Mr, Slater stafceii ti\at lie end city attorney Wilson are to discuss ctmtru-;t witii :ielvin 1j&mi9®* morning, l^p* Melvln thought it would take six months to finish drawings- three weeka to « month for bide »nd at least three months for construction, iir. Plater stated tlmt tiie contract wf. th Mr1* Mel vine was to l»« dleouased at th« couno.U ne«tlxig 4h» next night. AP* '"iolvln 8 tuned tliftt hir would send the board of trusses a th^rmofax copy of the contract wi tilths city council. Mrs. McCaim gave a suEsaary of tint off«r of % loan from Siatsr stated that City Attorney v.iiaon will present the Iden of a loaj« with achwab«ch©r to the city counoll tomorrow ni£;ht. :JT. ttelvln stated that the city &tt may should be working on the loan during th@ tin® tlmt the pinna were being mad*, BEST Mr* Hieree suld ha baa b«*n In favor of a libraryalon und in reply to a question atufced that If property ton Bte la leased tho library on Uuit property will continue aaft library F®nt fi*®« until Another fcalidiag 1* built* /«ira. MoCann *«ld that we eliould be informed aa to whatIs gdl^tg to h&ppan so w* etui raaks our plans. lr§* Colo stated that on® of Uae biggest problems Is laek of ooESEjuuioatldnfl*Mr. Slater agrsed to send copies of «tll letttrs r«gardingto th* begird of l-ioCann «a@ eleefc^ct cbairmatt of th®for th«» iJoard of iruat^ea. Dorothy ^heffler a:>pointed secretary. Meetiuga will be on & monthly basis unless a ,«c!alcalled. anaoimeed ti-iat shoe £i«M»€ axfcra ahalvas fortli« librarj, Butii Coats aald she would get MI organization to d letter WM read from t&» council dated 0etob«r 3rd, *«,*«*pernilaslon for th® C«rlabad City Idbrary to part lei patewltii otli«r B&n i>lego County cities Ira obtaining a planninggrant pursuant to aaaerably till Ao« 590# Meetting ttujoinaci at 9:00 Buth G