HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-01-13; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesJanuary 13, 1964 Us* r«gul«tr monthly meeting .of tist .Library Board of i!*ttvtMf*tt was called to order at 7i46 on January 15th, 1964 the Childp«n»s Library on Ussriisg Street. Hr»* Saaptner, chairman pr« siding, Minutes w«re read and corrected. Thare vaa no correspondence. Mrs. Kamptner had attainted the city Council abating regarding tha *«1* of tha Elm 3tr»»t proparty but arrived there too Xate to hear the vote. However, §heftt*t«4 that the Library on Hit Street 1* to be used for two year* rent free. She alao ata ed that the architect it oompletlng the plane for the new library. There waa a dl»ou»*lon of the Accelerated Public Worke Program. It wa.0 voted that * letter be tent to the 61% Council, j£ John Slater a«kln« If they would pasa * resolution authorltlug the city maaager to apply for matching funds fro» the Aoeekeratod Public Worka It w«« announced that S«hw*b*oher cmianot give loan plan* are completed. wae announced that the price of the library for the new Oceanalde-Carlebad Junior College will be $360,000.00 and will service only about 1200 people, It was stated that at their last meeting the Friends of the Library voted $180.00 to purchase more prints for the Ruth Coats was appointed by the Chairman to compile figures on salaries of olty employees as ooapared to the salaries of library employees. Adjourned *t 9tOO. Ruth Coats Secretary BEST ORIGINAL