HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-03-14; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesOF fHI C^SLSaiB CITY LISWR3T BOARD OF TRU3fIE3 KABCK 14, 1964 A special setting of Merch 14, 1964, w«s? called to order at 3? 00 F.M. at th« Children's Library by Mrs. Sustev K*nfepto«?r» Fr^tdent* Pre-uent were- Mrs. Etsptncr, Mrs. trench, .Dr. Jterkle, Mre. Colt toes new trustee, Mr. Eo'bcrt 3t»uber* Absent w»e Miss Ruth Costs. the aslGutee of the ®«fe-tlng of M*»rch. 9» 19C4 wtre read and Approved as corrected. Mrs. Is.eiptncr r«»«3 § copy of « letter <t«ted *iarch'13t 1964sent to the City Coutteil by Kiss Buth CoisTts tendering her reelgna-tiaa fro® thf Library Board of Trustees. 3h€ had also resignedas Secretary of the .Board. reslgnstlon as Fr«eldent of the Board wts with regret, there followed. »£t electioo of ne>; officers. It w?s8 moved, seconded snd csrritd thst tftc i3*er«t*'ry ce.et a unnnisoufi 'ballot for Mr. Hotoert Stauber as President afid Mrs. Gerywrench, Secretary. A discussion of 0 rcplsctment for Kiss Costs to be suggested to the City Council followed. Hr. iJavld Frfl4t«..dt w»s cooaidered agood choice at this time, and Urs. Esaptncr w«§ fuatructfd to re-qutst his perra.Jaeion for us to suggest his name to tht Council. The .Secretary will write the Coun-cil if h© ecctpts. The Secretary was instructed to prepare a, letter to be sent tothe ?«rke and B«creatloo Cosasiseion thinking thc» for their interest is the landscaping of the n«te" building and advising, theie of the Bonrd's Interest in supervising tht whole project. The Sosrd hopee to direct .the design plans ».od*to be eble to enlist other professional help 1n the project if th«y ©o desire. The Board's poeltinn in the- promotion of the oew building plena w«e di^cus&ed* It w?g e greed t fi»ct «h©tt preeentlng sll the bue&f round fscts ©ad figures considered in the design of the building wse needed. Dr. &erkle "voluntesred to guide the prep&retion ofthe materiul «nd Krs. Cole end other Board sseaberc will aid in gathering the facts. Following a dl.scuseisn of the building plane, the Sosrd unsni»ouply agreed the sir conditioning ^'iMWWhP^ in all but the Conference Rooai be r«ewlu»t®d. fh.eir "rfrcsMameDdstion for its possible removal will be- conveyed to Mr. Kelvin. It w*?a fgretd that e aeetirif be echeduled with Mr. Mel'vin as eoon «e possible to dl«- cuts floor coverings and othtr fini siting: pfeaect of the building. Mrs. Cole we? instructed to arrenge the ae«tl«g and notify the meeting adjourned »,t 5*30 P.M. Beepectfully submitted,\ "" -- --yf 'f^C-f-<AJL, -C'-, Jacqueline ORIGINAL 3eoretst7