HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-03-18; Library Board of Trustees; Minutesoy TOS cm .LIBRARY. ..BOARS OF . MARCH 18, 1964 A special meeting of larch 18, 1964, we called to order at ?:30 p»»."at the Children's Library by Mr. Robert Stauber, Presi- dent. ^reseat were Trustees Seorge Merkle and, Jacqueline Wrench, and Mrs. Col® Librarian* Also present were Mr. Robert Kelvin and Mrs. Russell Shef fler. fhe minute® -were dispensed with. fhe purpose of the meeting was to discuss £bor coverings other finishes for the new library. Mr* Melvin made a presentation on floor coverings regarding mattrials available* relative eosts, and other features, ffeiose reeoafflended by Mr. ifelvia Included vinyl asbestos, carpeting, solid vinyl, snd terrazzo. He recommended the use of only three in e0abiaation. The prime consideration* of the Board were durability, ainigium maintenance, and cost. It wee ffioved and seconded that the Board reeofflsj^ad vinyl asbestos for use in the work rooms and mezzanine, terr«zzo in the entry and reeding rooms except the adult reading rooa la which cftrtiet is the choice. Motion carried by the majority of trustees present. It should be noted that solid vinyl and terrazgo for this large an area are approximately |l»0©/sq» ft. and |l*10/so,* ft. respectively. With the cost so near the sane, the Board felt the terrazzo to be preferably because of its low maintenance require* ®ent8. fhough vinyl asbestos is only 3§#/»Q» ft., it would require daily maintenance, and Mr. Melvin felt It would not wear well, but require replacement of tiles frequently. Mr. Melvin recofflaended the carpet In the adult reading room to break the Imrdness^of the building and baffle some sound* It was noted that the quality carpet to be used has a miQlnuat guaranteed life of ten years, but probably would wear about twenty years if properly maintained. There followed a lengthy discussion of the conference room walls* It was felt more wall space was needed for hangings and exhibits. It was moved and seconded th»t the Board rectaaftstead to the architect that the west glass wall be sjude solid and that the wood paneling on the north and east walls only cover four feet of the wall measuring from the celling down. Motion carried unanimously, 1?h© fsct sheet concerning the new building was discussedbriefly. Mr. Melvin invited Sr. Merkle to check with him on some of the background material* Meeting adjourned at 11s45 p.m. Bespeetfully submitted, jt_ l/U*-*>*-<*—-' cos City Clerk, City of Carlsbad Library File Mr. Robert Melvia eqiieline Wrench, Secretary