HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-04-13; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesHiiR«E*a or THE caRLsaapcm LIBRAEM ..flfliRp oy APEIL 13, 1964 fht regular meeting was called to order on April 13» 1964, nt 7*45 p.su at the Children's Library by the President, Mr. Robert Stauber* Pretent *er« trustees Hre. Imaptneri Mrs. Sbeffl»r, Dr. Herkle, Mr. Stuubtr end Mre* Wench and Librarian, Mre. Cole. The iBlnutes of the lust meeting were re«d and approved «« read* Correspondence received v«e a. copy of the City Manager's notice of eppolntoent to the Sosrd of lire. Sheffler. A letter h»d been aent by Mr. Stauter to Mr. Pelvis reouesting » lint of Items, including epproxi»ate oast, needed for the new library, but not provided for In the present budget, Thla was requested by the Friends of the l»lbr*ry for the uie of their Memorltl Coawlttee to pronote glfta for the new building. Mr. Sttubttr h«d also %rrttten the California 3t«te Library requesting inforssstlon on state «ad ftderel »ld to public libraries. Mr. 3tauber, reporting on his meeting, with Mr. £1 Murray, reviewed with the Board the whole process of sir conditioning, plumb- ing end he*tl8§. the heating and air conditioning capacity la planned for the total future capacity of the bulidlo§ or 19tOOO aq. ft. Coat of the air eooditloolof feature alont is estiasted at |20,000. Future installation would cost sore because of limited nceesa, and to Ju«t plUBb for future installitloe would not reduce the cott by the wholt $20,000, Mr. Sttubtr reported th«t lo« humidity, but not high hualdlty, can be controlled with a husidistst at an «*pproxiaate cost of |200. Mr. Murray could not give an estimate of how auch greater the cost would be to install air conditioning at a later date, but aited plumbing wag* increases over the past 4 yesre: $4.56/hr. in I960 va. |6.15 in 1964 -- an Indication of rising building coat®. The recent sale of property nesr the proposed building site wes dlecusaed. The piece now up for resale la the 160 ft. frontage on Pio Pico, ifflisedittely south of the librsry ulte} tht esking price la 136,000. It wfts reported thst the city has no Money to buy the land, and It appeara aseurpnees by the city council that the land between ?lne and Chestnut Avenues would be used for librsry and parl facilities only ©re in question* The Board expressed the need of a meeting with a full Building Committee after the election to be held April 14 to discuss all plena for the library. The secretary was Instructed to write the council asking thnt two members be appointed to the Coisoittee and requesting a meeting for April 30, 1964. Dr. Merkle presented his preliminary idets for the organization and content of m fact sheet on the plans. After a dlscuseloit, Mr. Stauber volunteered to proceed and enlarge an the material «nd aske his presentation at our next aaeetlng. It was moved and seconded thpt & special meeting of thf Trustees be held April 27, 1964, at the Children's Library at ?:30 p.a. Motion passed unanimously. All present «»lved special notice. Minutes, Library Trustees cant. April 13, 19642 It *9s moved and seconded th»t the Boerd Investigate fro® .allaspect.e the availability nod us® of federal and state aid* Motioncarried unsnl»ausly. Krs. Cole presented a proposed library operating budget for1964-65 to be suboltttd to the City Manager before the end of April.Item were discussed et length; the total budget showed an increase froo 145,671 to |49»440 reflaetlng proposed e»lery lncrt«s«s for the librarians »nd h«r «.e*l8t»Dt« and an ineroaeed allowance for oewaqulpaent oeed«d »t tbe prtstHt tfeat will ®lso IHI uetd in th« newlibrary. It wss raoved and seconded that the budget be recommendedby the Biord and taat It be submitted to the City Meaager with an accompanying tteteatnt pr«pmr®d by Mr. Stauber and lira. Cole outlining reasona for the necessary Increases. Motion oerrled unanlroously. It was noted tbat tbe Ctrlabisd Board of Library Trustees trustAccount held at the Oceans ide Federal Savings and Loan required a change In signatures. Mr. 3t»ut»er and Mrs. Wrench were authorised to sign on the account §nd Mrs. tfrenob instructed to attend to the detail©. the meeting adjourned at 11s 00 Ef»I. Respectfully submitted, «Jftj|4uelrne Wrench, (Hre. Gary D.} cot City Cl«rk, City of CarlsbadLibrary Pile