HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-05-21; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesJONUTES OF THE CARLSBAD CIIY LIBRA HI BOARS OF TRUSTEES MAX 21, 1964 A special meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was called to order on Msy 21, 1964, wt 7*45 P.M. at the Children's Library by the President, Kr. Robert Stauber. Present were Trustees Sheffler, Stsuber and Wrench and Librarian Cole. Also present were City Manager John Memoux and Councilman Jack Jerdine. Absent were Trustees Kaoptner and Merkle. Mr. Jsrdln© presented his check In the "tsount of |44.55 to the 8o«?rd of Trustees to be used for the purchase of books. Mr. Stauber, on behalf of the Bo^rd, accepted with sincere appreciation Mr. J*trdtne's g?.ft. Mr. Jardine then excused himself. The minutes were read and approved. Correspondence wee re?d. A copy of Mrs. Gu?t*»v K#irptner 's letter of resignation from the Library Bosrd of Trustees w»s re*d. Mr. Marnoux reported on the site for the new library. After consultation with olty engineers, It wae determined that the building as presently designed could be situated approximately 20 feet east of the Greenwood residence on Elm Avenue without any major grading problems. The Board at the last meeting had Indicated a preference for that area If any move were made. Mr. Maffloux had superimposed the exterior d4menaions of the building on the land map of the ares so the Board could see It. He stated securing traffic control devices on thst corner If they are needed should not be a problem. The Bosrd will request a meeting of the Building Committee on Tuesday, May 26, 1964, at Ts30 P.M. at the Children's Library to discuss the site and building. Mr. Msaoux then presented cost estimates of n bond Issue. Based on 20 year general obligation bond's at misestimated 5j6 Interest rate, Mr; Mmrimm^'j^^^^^-'^^ymt^y., ts^ rate needed to retire the bands b^sed on present assessed valuation of approximately f33,^G$)>©OQt to be ^ per §100 assessed v«luttlon for a fpc® obliga- tion of |200,000, 8«f for §300,000 and $1^ for |400,000. He reported the new cost estimates from Mr. Melvln on the present plans are now |343,OOC. Mr. Melvtn h*d presented the city with a bill for |13,000 for his fees to d*»te. There followed a discussion of the feasibility of possible chtnges in materials used end/or reduction of size to effect a lower totsl cost without destroying the total esthetics of the building. Mr. Stauber will ask Mr. Melvln for estimates of savings effected by eliminating the isezranlnes, air conditioning, light well, and glsse wall In the multl* purpose room, together with estimates of the architect's time and feea to effect the proposed changes. BEST ORIGINAL Mlnutee of the Csrlsbsd City Library 3o*rd of Trustees May 21, 1964 Page 2 The Board then discussed possible replacements for Mrs. Kpmptner. The Bo??rd unanimously agreed to recommend Dr. Dusn® Walter to the City Council to fill Mrs. Keneptner'e unexplred term. Mr. St<?uber will check with Dr. Walker to see If he will serve If appointed. Meeting adjourned et 10:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Jacqueline Wrench Secretary oc: City Clerk City Ms»n City Councllmen File