HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-05-27; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES OP THE MEETING OP THE LIBRARY BUILDING COMMITTEE May 27, 1964 City Hall Annex 2960 Pio Pico Drive Carlsbad, California The meeting was called to order at 9:15 A.M. by the Secre- tary, Mrs. Russell Sheffler. The first order of business was the election of a chairman. Nominated were Mrs. Gary Wi*ench and Mr. Robert Stauber. Mrs. Wrench declined the nomination and Mr. Stauber was elected by unanimous vote. ' Mr. Stauber outlined the proposed changes in the structure of the library from a cost standpoint as (1) elimination1 of the central light well and reading patio, (2) elimination of the air conditioning, (3) replacement of glass wall in multi-purpose room with solid block wall, and (4) elimination of'the mezzanine if built structurally so that it may be constructed at a later date. • Mr. Melvin reported the cost changes as (1) eliminating light well and reading patio, the cost would remain the same, (2)'elimination of air conditioning would represent a saving of $10,237.00, (3) a solid wall instead of glass in multi-purpose room would cost $298.00 more, and (4) eliminating the mezzanine floor would save $60,262,00. This figure does not include the cost of any changes in the structure to add the mezzanine at a later time. Placing steel beams to support an added floor would cost approximately $9,000.00. The estimated cost of the building was discussed (without changes) and the figure was given as $343,000.00. Deducting the estimated cost of improving the soil condition of the Minutes of the Library Building Committee, May 27, 1964 page 2 Holiday Park site would reduce the cost by about $5,000. or leave a total cost of $338,000.00. Ibis does not include furnishings but covers some shelving and displays. A recommendation was made that the building committee request the Library Board of Trustees to plan an open meeting with the'membership of the Friends of the Library to present the plans of the library with the architect present to answer questions and that the alternate site on the property adjacent to the city hall be presented to the membership for discussion. Mr.'Mamaux suggested that the meeting be held in a'school auditorium, ' The'chairman asked that the city engineer provide the architect with a topographical survey and soil test of the new site undir discussion. ' Meeting adjourned at 10:50 A.M. Respectfully submitted, PRESENT: Mr.'Robert Stauber Dorothy Sheffler (Mrs. Russell N.) Mrs. Russell Sheffler Secretary Mrs. Gary Wrench Mr.'Jack Hughes Mr. William Atkinson, Jr. Mr. John Mamaux Mr. Robert Melvin