HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-06-08; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesM) ii^pflij Qg* ffit]K OABTjJTtA'D (TTTy l.TpmipT BO^RP OP* June 8, 1964 The regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was called to order on June 8, 1964, at 7:45 P.M. at the Children's Library by the President, Mr. Robert Stauber* Welcome was extended to Dr. Duane Walker, the newly appointed Library Trustee, present for his first meeting. Also present were Trustees Sheffler, Stauber, and Wrench, Librarian Cole, and Friends of the Library President, Mrs. Tony Howard- Jones. Absent was Trustee Merkle* The minutes of the May 21, 1964, meeting were read and approved* Mrs. Sheffler reported that at the May 27, 1964 meeting of the Library Building Committee the Committee approved a recommendation to the Trustees to plan an open meeting with the membership of the Friends of the Library to present the plans of the library with the architect present to answer questions and to present to the membership for discussion the alternate site on the property adjacent to the city hall* The Committee was interested in securing the support of the Friends for a bond issue to finance the new building* There followed a discussion of the recommendation with Mrs. Tony Howard-Jones* She said her group would be happy to sponsor such a meeting to rally support for a bond issue based on the present scope of the drawings. The Board agreed to have the meeting on June 25, 1964, at one of the schools, Jefferson, if possible* Mr. Stauber will organize the presentation calling on Board members when needed and with the help of the architect prepare statistics and visual aids for the cost analysis of the construction and bond issue* The Friends will prepare notice of the meeting and mail it. If those present at this meeting indicate firm support of the plans as proposed, the Board will write the Council to accept the plans, change the site to the pro- perty on Ha, east of Pio Pico, approximately 90 feet back from the new alignment of Pio Pico when the freeway is widened and recommend that an election be held as soon as possible to approve general obligation bonds up to 1400,000 to finance the project* The Board reviewed the library budget for 1964-65 that received preliminary approval by the Council* It was decided that certain operating needs had not been met and a need still existed for some new equipment* It was moved, seconded and passed unanimously that the Board request an infor- mal meeting at Mrs* Sheffler's home on June IS, 1964, with the City*s Finance Committee to review the budget and outline our needs* Mrs. Cole reported that Dr. Merkle had asked her to tell the Board he does not chose to be reappointed to the Board when his term expires June 30, 1964* A replacement for Dr. Merkle was discussed, and Mr* Jack Kubota was the unanimous choice of the Board* If he accepts, the Secretary will write a recommendation to the City Council immediately. Meeting adjourned at 11 P.M. Respectfully submitted, JaxjflueMne Wrench