HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-07-06; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesJ £/<> A ^ MINUTES OF TIE CAPLSQAP ...Cm LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES JULY 6, 1964 A special meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was celled to order"on July 6, 1964, at 8:10 EM. at the Children's Librery by the President, Mr. Robert otnuber. Present were Truatees Sheffler, Stauber and Wrench and Librarian Cole. Absent was Trustee felker. Note: Ko action had been t^ken by the City Council at the last meeting to fill the present vacancy on the Board. The rajnutes of the June 3, 1964, meeting were read and approved. The letter dated July 2, 1964, sent to the Council was read recommending the oond election for the new buildingr. Those present approved the format. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss any changes or additions to our presentation to the City Council July 7, 1964. Kr. Stauber will spesk. on behalf of fie 3o?.rd. Mr?. Sheffler and Mm. Wrench will also be present. Mrs. Wrench reported Kr. Msmoux reserved a tentative dste of September 15, 1964, with the County Begiatr.»Trof Voters for a bond election. This would require authorization from the City 60 days prior to th»t date so September 15 cen be held only if the Council passes a resolution authorising the election &t the meeting July 7, 1964. Mr. Mamoux stated the next dstes available would be after the November general election. Mr. Ksiuoux had Indicated a preference to wait until the first of 1964 and combine the library with fire department cspltpl acquisitions. Mrs. Sheffler questioned the advisability of the library issue combining with n school bond election on September 15« It was Pgreed th^t while it was sdvantageous to be in an entirely aeo«.r«te election it w*»s better to risk competition thnn an Indefinite delay. Mr. Stauber reported on meetings with the Finance Conaalttee representstive, Councilman Jardlne, and Kr. Jardlnels subsequent meeting with Mr. Msraoux. The Board had rfeQuested^wTf^lllQfer froa the general fund to, in effect, cover part or all of the capital""" outlay for land (original Vaughn property purchase). We have been advised that the sousrhtafter increase or changes were refused for inclusion in the 1964-65 final budget. The Board did receive a verbs!^commitment by Mr. Mamoux to consider, later in the yeor, upon special request by ;,the Board of Trustees a transfer from the gBaeral fund if e specisl need and lack of funds can be demon- strated. Mrs. Wrench asked to discuss planning continuing publicity of the activities of the Board and the library. It wae decided to make "News Releases'1 an item on each agenda to determine publicity desired after each meeting. Mre. Wrench will prepare the material for distribution to the papers. Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees July 6, 1964 Page 2 It was reported the Friends of the Library sre anxious to start publicity on the proposed bond Issue. A meeting will b» proposed &6 soon as the council acts tomorrow night for the Board, Friends' representatives and any persons we con secure to help us who sre experienced In planning bond campsigns. Two people suggested were James Qalser and Jack Kubots. Meeting adjourned st 10:35 P.fc. Respectfully submitted, Jla'cqtllne Wrench iiBecretsry cc: City Clerk & City Manager City Councllmen Library File