HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-08-10; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES OP THE CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AUGUST 10, 1964 The regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees was called to order on August 10, 1964, at 8:00 P.M. at the Children's Library by the President, Mr. Robert Stauber. Present were Trustees James Gaiser, Sheffler, Stauber and Wrench and Librarian Cole. Mrs. Sheffler arrived at 9:30 P.M. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read. Letters were received and read from Mr. and Mrs. Monte Weaker and Jerry D. Colling, M.D., expressing support for the present library plans. It was noted by the Secretary that though the meeting of the Friends of the Library on June 30, 1964 had been discussed outside Board meetings, there had been no Inclusion of remarks for the minutes. There were numerous favorable comments by those present on the thoroughness and thoughtfulness of the report Mr. Stauber pre- sented to the Friends on June 30. A vote was taken and every person attending voted MyesM to support a $400,000 bond election to build the library as planned. No dissenting votes. Letters favoring the bond election were received by many who could not attend. Approxi- mately sixty persons attended. Election of officers was postponed until a full Board is, present. Mr. Stauber reported on the Building Committee meeting of July 20, 1964 j At that meeting, the councilmen recommended that an outside agency be hired to reevaluate the work that has been done but-:the Board could not support that proposal. The Board members asked the couneilmen's approval of the plans, but they refused to commit themselves. At the Council meeting on July 21, 1964, a motion by Councilman Hughes to approve the working drawings died for lack of a second. Instead the Council soted unanimously to refer the whole question to Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall for study. Mr. Stauber continued his report. He attended a meeting on July 22, 1964, together with Daniel, Mann representatives, James Sutherland, Carl Neiswender, Jack Jardine. He attempted to get more precise terms Included in the contract with respect to (1) timing — giving the library priority, setting aside the five year planning goal in its case; (2) utilization of what has been done — relating their evaluation with an eye toward building plans which already exist. The contract was negotiated with a report due by Daniel, Mann, Johnson, & Mendenhall on September 30, 1964. For their study of municipal facilities the fee is $1,500, Including §300 for the time limit placed on the study. The planning firm has requested the following Information of the Board for the years 1957 to the present: MINUTES OF THE CARLSR4D IBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Cont. August 10, 1964 Page 2 Circulation Book collection History of cardholders Yearly budgets broken down in different categories e) Sources of the building criteria Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Wrench will compile the material for DMJM. It was the consensus of the Board not to submit a written annual report other than the Librarian's report since the Councllmen are provided with copies of the minutes. On behalf of the Board the Secretary was instructed to thank the Friends of the Library for holding the meeting of June 30, 1964, and for painting the adult library and building the display case there. Mrs. Cole announced 3 scouts, Ronnie Call, Ted Curtis, Dick Tozler, earned community service merit badges for painting the fence at the library and preparing and planting the Elm Avenue pe rkwmy. The parking and driveway situation at the Children's Library w»s discussed. Mr. Gaiser will talk to City Manager Masioux to see if the drive could be graded, the bumper guards moved nearer the building in front and some placed on the south side of the building. The Garden Club recently presented five memorial gifts to the Library end other memorials received have also been acknowledged by Mrs. Cole. The books were viewed by the Board. Mrs. Cole will mske the final selections to be purchased with the Jardine funds and 9 list will be sent to him when it is ready. Mrs. Cole announced the Children's Party for the Summer Reading Program will be sponsored by the Friends on August 29, 1964. The library will provide and send the Invitations. After B discussion of library policies, it was moved by Mr.. Stauber, seconded by Mrs. Sheffler end unanimously approved that it is the Board's policy to make available in the library a balanced collection of material on current events of a controversial nature, not Including viewpoints that advocate the overthrow of our govern- ment. Mrs. Cole announced the |1300 added to the final 1964-65 budget was apportioned flOOO books, |300 equlpaen^. She will purchase twoj fifteen drawer, catalogue trays immediately. Mrs. Cole read a draft of the planning grant report for the "Seven Cities" library group. The Board commended her for the work she has done for the project* MINUTES OF THE CARLSBAD LIBRARY BOARD OP TRUSTEES Cont. August 10, 1964 Page 3 After a. discussion of loan policies for transcients at La Costa Beach State Park, It was agreed the library should, place a two book limit on such borrowers. Mr. Galser presented a sketch made by Mr. Christiansen of the Patterson property on Lincoln Street in Carlsbad. A recent letter by Christiansen to the editor of the Carlsbad Journal proposed its purchase for library use. After discussion of its feasibility, it was agreed all board members should attempt to visit the property for background purposes. Personal opinions can be re- layed to Mr, Christiansen on the merit or practicability of such a project. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, JaVquea.lne Wrench Secretary ec: City Clerk & City Manager City CouncUaen vXibrary File