HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-11-24; Library Board of Trustees; Minutes24, 1964 A special netting of the Librery Board af trustees w»« celled to order at 0?00 fr.is. at the Children 'B Librtry by the President, Robert Sttuberv Present were Trustees $«lser» Shuffler, Stuuber* Walker and Wench mod Llbrerisw Cole. Minutes of "tat last ttett&agwere r'e»<5 and approved us re-ad. It wise established tfeet the Librsristu bed completed h®r portions of the *pplic».tiaiji for f«der*l aid, i>n<5 they »T« now In Mr. off!c« to be ®tf»®d sodt t«k«o to Mr. St*ub«r reported tbtt the City Council ba« receipt of tH® flaul report on eity fscllltle® prtptred by B»ul»ltMenu, Jotosott 4 Hendenfcitll (BMJM) *»<i h»i r*f»rr«A it to tht Library Boftrd for their rtooontod^tl^n to tht flu tiding -Cownltttt, who will, in turn, prtetnt a rtconntndiiitlon t^ tht Council* Mr. Stftubt'r i»for*td tb® So»r«S ht h»d written § letter to tht Editor of the §^dt- -^.rlbjinf In rtt|>0ns® to- their j»«ws article cltlffi- ing DMJM r « c ^awtadtd ^Jink lag* pr«««at lltertry plans. ffe« Sotrd coa- hie action «n<2 agrttd there 1« us Mala for such a stotemeiRt. there followed * long dls'oueeloa -of tht flns-1 DMJH report. Itwas moved end eecon<3ed that the Board of Trustees ®cknovfl«f4g« receipt of the flnel BMJM report «nd priteot to the Building/ 60®»lt tee «mr eveiue.tiot} of the report baeed ow It© factual eonttfit*- Motion pussed unmnluoualy. Heeere* Bob Stiu-btr »»fi Jiai ^l®er will prepure the Mrs. Sheffler will 0rr»uge for » Building CoAttittet atettng Monday, Hdwaber 30, 1964. Mr. Gslser will frringe to have tht issue placed on the Council's December 1, 1964 i§«nda. It w^e moved »nd seconded thtt Urt. WrtEtch be the Botrd'e liaisonwith the new® aedtn* Motlo» passed at3*»l»fijiiy* Mrs. Cole reported all shelf »f?fce «t the Adult tlbr*ry hae been filled, and the floor will he*t to terve for it or* gt space now. Srtster utillf-atiou of spftct'tt the Children's Library ws« dis-cussed. It vt-- s mo^ed 0£id iseconded thet the -iaa.rd stud t request tothe City Manager asking that he arrange to havt city employees asove the heairy furniture «Bd «HQU lament -neceasery to tTrnuge for aor« epecefor books; requesting also tfeet this be scco.japlj.^l^'ld before December 25, ed'Jbiirned ;et' Reepectfully submitted, eci City Clerk A City Manager City Wreoch, Secretary File