HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-10-14; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD Minutes of Library Board of Trustees Time of Meeting: 8:00 p.m. Carlsbad City Library Date of Meeting: October lU, 1968 TRUSTEES PRESENT: Sheffler, ¥rench, Carli, Howard-Jones, Librarian. President Wrench called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previuos regular meeting were corrected approved . CORRESPONDENCE: None LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Circulation: 10,112 --- 1968 635U — 1967 Use of the multi-nurpose room: In thp month of Sentember, the multi-purpo room wag used sixteen (16) times, approximately 9 or ten times by regular clubs. Volunteer program: There has been good attendance by monitors. The program seems to be opera tin satisfactorily thus far. Other Business: 1) It was reported that approximately ninfety students, sophmores from Carlsbad, toured the library recently. 2) Public reaction to the one dollar limit for fines on children's books has been mixed. There seem to be as many people critical about as there are for it. 3 ) Informal count kept on requests for drinking facilities dur ng the past month showed 13 adults, 50 children. U) Di stributlohnof the" provisions of the Brown Act to trustees. A copy of same will bp retained with these minutes. OLD BUSINESS Shelving : President Wrench reported that Mr. Martin, City Manager, agreed that the city would refinish the shelving in the music room, and that the job would be completed within the nes month. She requested the librarian to call Bill Baldwin to determine when they plan to do it (so shelves may be cleared in time), and where they plan to do it. Shelves available: 18 doubles Space available: East walls— 38 '(6 doubles) West walls— 32 '(5 doubles) League of California Cities delegate expense allowance: Dorothy Sheffler received travel funds of $100.00 taken from departmental fund. Our budget allowance does not permit this expend- iture, Mrs. Sheffler reported. However, in light of the fact that registration fee had already been paid and the interesting program it was thought that attendance would still b}E worthwhile. It was moved that Board approve akMrs. Shef Her 's expenses at convention. - . , '•:"• .1. . . ' " • " ' • • * * \ * * \ \ V * \ *» ' 0 *%£&»•£Member &&?< f nd - ;e '> •' . t i j ." ' •'" 1 Howard-Jon sCarli - Iv4% * CITYrOF CARLSBAD Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees Time of Meeting: 8:00 p.m. Carlsbad City Library Date of Meeting: October lU, 1968 Member Art Gift from Garden Club: Mrs. Howard-Jones reported , that she has been in touch with the president of Uhe Harden Club but that no meeting has been held between the officers of the Club, representatives of the Board of Trustees, and the Art Gifts Committee,as r>er the discussions at the Special Meeting. Mrs. Howard Jones called Mrs. Williamson, president of the Garden Club to suggest Club officers discuss the matter with their members. However, it seems ihatf there was a grea^ deal of informal conversation about the entire matter, much of it uninformed, prior to the officers presenting the subject to the Club itself. The misunderstanding that arose from this uninformed exchange, i.e. that the Board had rejected the offer of the sculpture, when in fact it had not, resulted in the Garden Club shelving the entire project. Upon learning of this decision, Mrs. Howard-Jones once again tried to make clear the ' Board's true position in this matter to the; Garden Club but felt that the Garden Clutt still is unclear on the matter. She recommended that the position of the Board in this matter be presented to the Garden Club officers, Mrs. Williamson in particular, and to suggest that they contact the Art Gifts Committee tf theyJwishetoi continue presenting an art gift to the library. The necessity for designing a more effective system for donartors"arid Board working with the Art Gifts Committee.was introduced by President Wrench. It was felt that some of the problems in communication encountered in this Garden Club exoerience coul3 have been avoided if more concrete designations of responsibilities and procedures had been established. NKW BUSINESS Primitive Arts Class: This matter was discussed by Sheffjler and Wrench with two teachers at the September 16 .meeting they attended in San Diego. It was learnel then th»t the Library was expected to.supply both the teachers and the materials. It was decided, therefore, that it is somewhat premature to attempt this program at this timej perhaps sometime in the Spring. Art Rental Committee: President Wrench referred to Policy and Procedures for Exhibitions in Multi-Purpose Room—Carlsbad Library concerning the responsibility of the Art Rental Committee to the Board of Trustees. It was determined that the stated policy clearly establishes that the commititee is responsible to the Board. The meeting adjourned at 9:15. Respectfully submitted, Angelo Carli