HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-14; Library Board of Trustees; Minutes• '' .'?'. L.'..' -.^uaiajimJL CITY OF CARLSBAD Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees Time of Meeting: 8:00 p.m. Carlsbad City Library Date of Meeting: tficpeft lU, 1969 CMivJt- Trustees Present: Wrench, Hill, Sheffler, Carli, Librarian Cole Guest: Mrs. Joy Vessey The meeting was called to order at 8: "to p.m. by Mrs. Wrench. Mrs. Vepsey reported on the operation of the junior high school section of the Library. It was her oninion that more people are needed to take care of that section. Not only is more than one person necessary on those evenings volunteers are available— they are alee necessary every evening. She reported that the voluntee have provided good service but these people do not have training or experience to help the children in their research problems and unfamiliarity with library pro- cedures. Her recommendation is that trained and therefor paid personnel be hired for the job. In any case, it , is Mrs. Vessey 's conviction that the section should be kept available to the junior high student as much as 1 possible. After Mrs. Vessey' s presentation, the minutes of the previous meeting (Feb. 10) were approved and the minutes of March 10 were approved as revised. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Garden Club Representative Irene Gof f regar presentation to Library of^ grandfather clock gift. NEW BUSINESS The Board accepted the Srt Gifts Committee's recommenda to receive the clock. It was decided that representativ of the Board meet with Mrs. Goff to discuss the matter. 6"Wr TY-^ ^W-^ ••.•.-^'VMrs. W. Roy Pace presented a Ramona painting to the Lib Board approve^ agreement with Genealogical Society. . Landscaping; Plans have been officially changed as per discussion at last month's Board meeting. Sprinklers are in the process of being in- stalled. 'Trustee Hill expects the price estimate on the landscaping to be in on Wednesday, April 16. a JUvjytM, cWv^.r,. '//? £9-20; (jJ™y ^M01 1 ' ' TT"Ul ' PThe meeting was adjourned at 9?00 p.m. ^^ •' "y> • - ' /' ////5><'rvv <?"-UT Respectfully submitted, v\\\v\\\v\\\ Name\Vk\\ °f '&!% VMember ^&$3 » li-s ihe -ng • .on 5 iry. ^Ulr^, S? ?^>.<jj;uTV -f-y-y i - ,--0. «, * r;l. \4k