HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-06-03; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees Time of Meeting: 8:m Carlsbad City Library Date of Meeting: June 3 , 1969 SPECIAL MEETING v\\\\ Trustees Present—Hill, Wrench, Sheffler, Carli, Librarian Cole. The meeting was called to order at 8:15 by President Wrenci: Mrs. Wrench remarked that the meeting was called to in- form the Board as a .whole on the status of the proposed preliminary budget. She reported that the approval of the budget would not take place until June 15. Mr. Hill, the Board's representative to the Council, then reported on his attendance at the Council meeting wherein pBelirainary budget was first discussed. In his opinion, the Council did not seem to be convinced of the need for additional staff personnel. Hill defended staff needs with statistics of circulation/staff member, making comparisons with Escondido, Oceanside, Ban Diego. He pointed out that even with 2 additional staff members, the ratio would •still be 20,000 books/member. He also pointed out that the library is open 62 hours per week. Mister Hill also remarked that Mr. Martin generally defended the budget as submitted. The Board was quite concerned that the Council did not seem to receive the proposed budget as accurately reflectirjg the needs of the library. In light of the care and effort made to formulate and present and economical yet accurate proposal,the hesitancy of the Council was difficult to comprehend. It was decided that the members of the Board would do everything possible to inform the meters of the Council about the validity of the proposed preliminary budget. Librarian's Report— Mrs. Cole reported that it has become impossible to keep the library open during the evenirtg hours. A combination of circumstances, such as staff summer vacations, lack of available volunteers (they take summer vacations also), and postponement of decision on the budget for the new fiscal year (thereby leaving her in doubt about staff size available to her) made it necessary for her to reque t the Board consider temporarily closing the library in the evening. The Board members proposed various alternatives but it became obvious very quickly that Mrs. Cole's recommendation was the only possible reccjurse Thus, the Board moved and ^ar sed unanimously the fo "lowing motion: Due to the immediate limitations of staff Carli and money, the library will temporarily close at Hill 6:^0 p.m. Monday through Friday. The meeting was adjoutned at 11:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Angelo Carli Secretary