HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-11; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCITY OP CARLSBAD- ..... Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees Tim* of Meeting! 8tOO P.M. Carlsbad City Library Date of Meeting! August 11, 1969 Trustees present- Hill, Hiokethier, Howard-Jones, Donahue, Librariam Col*. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Margerery Howard-Jones at 8i05p.m Minutes from three previous meetings were vead and approved. /Hf Mr* Hill read a letter dated July 22, addressed to him from ^yor JXcmne regarding the reopening of the library at night. He also mentioned that •while the ^ibrarian reports directly to the^ity Mamager the Library Board ino±txwdciy reports directly to the yity uonoil* With this in mind, M»yor Dunne suggested that ax9p"ii« * l«aiaafo»rrr better eommunioation might result if a Council Member were appointed as a lias on pCSRbn between the Library Board and the uou£Ll and Jd^ would attend the meetings of the library board* Members of the Library Bpard £nidbcfck±x agreed that such a more should give the Council a bettexf understanding of library problems • Mr, Hill stated that he would reply \fco that effefit to the Mayor. ill a graduate of U.S.C. library school Mrs. Louise Ray of allbrook will assume the position of reference librarian three days a week. (Mon. '^ues. ^ed.» the busiest part of the wewk for the library) Mrs. Charla Boodry will assume the position of library clerk in the children's department three nights a week and Saturdays, Mrs. Kay Formosa will assume the fuja. time position as library clerk. Her duties' will consist ehiefly of processing audio-visual materials and pamphlets The new appointments were made through the personnel department of the City Hall. Mrs. Cole then read a letter from Martin ^etersea, Curator, Western Arts, Fine Arts Gallery of san ^iego, giving dates he would be available to present a-Rf^* \an art lectureCat Carlshad Putlie Library. Mrs. Howard-Jones wi'_ present this idea to the Fri«mds of the Library to see if this group woa-vi presto in sponsoring such a project. Ohe reopening of trie library ac night wdddackng is now set for S«p|tmeber 2, if two volunteers per aight can be located, 'i'he chairma», Howard- will contact the Friends of the Library organization for c ^ y*r*,;/// A.d<r^.*- A^ /'LCA^yrv 7"* ^ COPY ^r.fjx~x There is a great need for more technical magazines in the library and Mrs* Cole will preparC* li«t of such titles^<\It was suggested that perhaps this might be another project in which/the Friends of the Library could play an important role* F of the L. ^,J..,~sf~~ Help with landscaping projects., funds as well as specific plants to conform to thelandscaping blueprint are urgently needed* Librarian's report i The iaUHmer Reading Club party will be held at 10A.M. at the Jeffersnm School. At this time three movies will be shown and awards made. The library now owns six children's films and can borrow others from the S«rra Film Circuit* The possibility of obtaining a record player and talking books for the blind from the Breiile^ Institute in. Los Angeles was alsom mentioned by Mrs. Cole* The Board agreed this would be a very useful service the library could make to this community and it was suggested that tfciz the idea be presented to •* of the Library as a suggested project for that group. %e rierr HIIUJ'I tul I Iml |r ~ "*"'i ~ f tjO-" The AxkfxSbt Art Giftsx Committee of the library needs to be redefined and its role analyzed* T^xMgnnma£xMiaixfiiranai±tMx Communication between the Museum of Man Committee and the Board also needrto be improved so that each group is ntuwxsf more aware of the activity of the other. Mr. Hill brought up the question as to the best location for the granite block inscribed with the Richard Armo^ poem. It was xxgixKxxjcx originally intended to be set in the floor of the library and since that was not possible, it should be relocated as soon as possible. The members of the Board were requested to tktnk consider xmBxjaxxifeix the problem and discuss it at a later date. Meeting was adjourned at 9»50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, JL^->,x/fe\_ £jt*^f^ '* * -' r A-