HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-10-13; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesC C CITY OF CARLSBAD Minutes of the Library Beard of Trustees Time of Meeting: 8:00 p.m. Carlsbad City Library Date of Meeting: October 13, 1969 C Trustees Present; Howard-Jones, Cafcli, Hill, Donohue, Hickiethier, Librarian Cole, Mr. Angarola. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Howard-Jones at 8:00 p.m. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Mr. Angarola spoke to the Board on behalf of Misses terry Wesloh and Anisa Angarola regarding a Christmas program they wished to present at the library sometime during the month of December. The program, coordinated by Kathryn Manning, Mr. Wortham, and Mr. Angarola, is to be a potpurri of Christmas pageantry, involving medieval scenes and costumes. It is to run for 1 1/2 hours (2 parts, 35 minutes each, plus intermission.) Mr. Angarola also asked the Board to consider sponsoring, in name only, the production.group as they perform in other areas of the community qnd county. The Board, with respect to this latter request, decided to speak to Mr. Stu , the City Counsel, regarding the legalities of such sponsorship. With regard to the Christmas program, the Board, moved that the library be available to Misses Wesloh and Angarola one Sunday in December, possibly the 21st. LANDSCABING Trustee Hill reported that Don Wyatt is following the approved plans with minor, if any, changes. Mr. Wyatt indicated that many sprinkler heads are being stolen; therefore, ground cover should get in as soon as possible. MAGAZINES It was reported that the Friends of the Library will contact various social, business, and other professional groups for contributions to the library. "ARMOUR" PLAQUE The Friends of the Library will consider taking on the 'project of mounting the Armour plaque. ART GIFTS COMMITTEE Mrs. Rost, who replaced Mrs. Tuome, can no longer serve. Mrs. Gross1 term will expire in January. Mrs. Jones sugeested some possible replcements for Mrs. Rost—Mrs. Henry, Pat Hansen, Joanne Caldwell. ThesBoard was also informed that the Committee will , catalog each gift received so that we may keep track of what is given to the library. In keeping with this efficiency, it was decided that the Board, through its representative Anita Donohue, and the Committee,, represented by Mrs. Jones must formulate policy with regard to presentation and acceptance of future gifts. This policy should be in writing and available to contri- butors. Mrs. Jones also would like closer coordination between the library display chairman (Pat Hansen, art director) and the Art Gifts Committee. '• \ \ *« '» \\ » •> \ \ »\^;\\N>\ of Member CITY OF CARLSBAD Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees Time cf Meeting: 8:00 p.m. Carlsbad City Library Date of Meeting: October 13, 1969 page 2 \\V\\\ V\\\>N Name V%\, Member MUSEUM OF MAN A suggestion was made by Lucia Sippel that the Museum of Man committee be under the Friends of the Library rather than the Board of Trustees. The matter is to be taken under consideration. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT ' Mrs. Cole reported that: 1) the Toastmistress Club presented the library with a clock, presently hanging in the Conference Room. 2) Keith Broman cancelled the class scheduled at the Library—lack of enrollment. 3) Mrs. Runzo contributed two hundred redord albums 4) After resigning the position of Secretary of the Serra System,Mrs. Cole was appointed President of that same system. 5) The members of the Serra System are currently considering the recommendations made in the county-wide library study, particularly the re- commendation regarding Area Libraries. It is Mrs. Cole's feeling that the Board should forward a letter to the Serra System, clearly stating the Board's position vis-a-vis the study's recommendations. Currently, it is the Board's feeling that the data in the body of the report does not justify the recommendations. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Angelo Carli Secretary