HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-10; Library Board of Trustees; Minutesii CITY OF CARLSBAD Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees Time of meeting: 8:00 p.m. Carlsbad City Library Date of meeting: November 10, 1969 Trustees Present: Howard- Jones, Carli, Hill, Donahue, Hickethier, Librarian Cole, Mrs. L. Sippel, MR. The meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m. by Mrs. Howard-Jones. * ART GIFTS COMMITTEE Anita Donahue informed the Board, in answer to their question about the library's Art Gifts Policy, that the committee intends to inquire of at least three other public libraries regarding their policies before formulating an Art Gifts Policy for submission to and approval from the Board. The Board was notified that a replacement for Mrs. Rost whose term expires January 1970, must be sought in the near future. MUSEUM OF MAN COMMITTEE See attached letter. • It was recognized by the Board that Mrs. A.J. Carpenter will remain as chairman of this committee. Furthermore jurisdiction over this committee is to be given by the Board to the Friends of the library. MUSEUM EXHIBIT It was decided, after some discussion , that a letter be forwarded to the museum in San Diego, requesting more frequent changes in exhibits during the year. It is hoped that at least four new exhibits per year take place. SERRA SYSTEM REPORT The report was discussed in some detail by the Board. It was generally recognized that a number of re- commendations made by tjte report were not consistent with many of the findings in the report itself. Such ( seems to be the case with regard to the formation of an Area Library for the North County. The Board recommended that a letter be written to the Serra System stating the Board's position on the issue of an Area Library. Presently, there is no single library that is so aaEMAMlftg* superior to the others that it warrants Area Library status. The unique services an Area Library can provide the other libraries at this time are negligible. It cannot provide any services the local libraries * can't provide for themselves. LANDSCAPING Mrs. Howard- Jones reported that she had approved the latest changes in the landscaping plans. With the approval of other Board members, she met with Don Wyatt a*t his request to approve changes made for the sake of appearance and because certain plants were unsuitabl for thearea. Some of the changes were as follows: 1 ) Kinchia palms were substituted for bottle brush in some locations, 2) replaced yucca with African Date Senegal Palms, 3) addition of Japanese cherry trees contributed by Dick Geyer, 4) addition of birds of paradise also received from Mr. Geyer. The rest of the landscaping is to wait until piping is relocated. ' •» ^ -, 1 1 \ •> ' . . • CITY OF CAR-.SBAD Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees Time of meeting: 8:10 p.m. Carlsbad City Library Date of meeting: November 10, 1969 page 2 LANDSCAPING (Cont'd)! : %: It was learned that the DAR is contributing funds for a tree . FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY 1 ) Magazine lists for people intersted \n contributing copies to the library — will be available for the Friends at the next Board meeting. 2) Report on Desk Volunteers — They have been a great help to the library. The volunteers have been very dependable, both in attendance and service. 3) Clown Program and Marty Peterson Program- Attendance at both was excellent. . . :s'. 4) Letter from Friends regarding the acquisition of space for preparing books for the Book Fair—- See attached letter. After much discussion, it was moved that the Friends' request to use the library for preparing books for the Book Fair be reluctantly denied and that the Board aid the Friens in seeking an alternative location for that purpose (preparing books for the fair). The denial is based on the fact that the area presently being used for storing book fair materials is an office area, other book storage area, and an employees lunchroom. Continued use of this area for this purpose would impair em- ployee and library efficiency. The long-range consideration for marking and stqrag space is to be taken up at the next regular Board I meeting. LIBRAEIAN'S REPORT •" " !•' "I -^•••^^^•^••-l* «•»••••• •!••' j Mrs. Cole reported that Stu Wilson, /the 6ity Attorney, advised against ep the librar/^'pohsoring the entertainment group ^presenting the Christmas show. This was in answer to a request made by Mr. Hoseph Angarola at the last Board meeting. However, the presentation -at the library is still scheduled for December ">. . ' Mrs. Cole also pointed out that the library has installed, on a trial basis, a new photocopy machine. REST ROOM LOCKS Mr. Hill reported that he has been dealing with the West Coast Regional Manager of Sclage Lock in an attempt to come up with a lock to serve our specific „ needs. Currently, there is no lock available for our purposes but they are working on the problem. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, \V\\\\ Name \ ''%» \ '«&, M.1, '• - • Hill Donahue • 3 N • - • X X