HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-11-18; Library Board of Trustees; Minutesc C CITY OF CARLSBAD Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees Time of Meeting: 5:30 p.m. Carlsbad City Library Date of Meeting: November 18, 1969 Special Meeting Trustees Present: Howard-Jones, Hill, Hickiethier, Carli, Librarian Julie Almack. The meeting was called to order by T-'rs. Howard-Jones at 5:30 p.m. The .purpose of the meeting was to discuss the action taken by the Board regarding the Friends of the Library reouest for space to prepare books for the Book Fair. Mr. Hill opened the meeting by describing how he had, since the Board's last meeting, discussed the matter with Mrs. Sippel, the Friends' representative, and Mrs. Cole, tie librarian. He concluded from these discussions and from examirdrg the facilities that it was possible , withir limits, for the library to honor the Friends' reouest. A letter from Mrs. Cole to the City Manager regarding this matter was introduced into the meeting at this ti^e. -(See- attached—copyi}-? After extensive discussion it was moved that the Board rescind its action taken at the November 10th meeting with regard to the Friends Hill request for space to prepare books for the Book Hickiethier Fair. In addition, the Friends be offered the use of the Conference Room in accordance with existing regulations and additional regulations as follows: 11) Use of the room shall be for book marking and sorting only; no storage. 12) The applying group understands that it shall conduct its activity without assistance from the library staff, and without inter- fering with the normal function of the libra y. 13) Activities shall be limited to the Conferenc Room, with the exception of moving books from the accumulation point to the Conferenc Room at the bepinring of the use period. At the conclusion of: the use period all books shall be moved "rom the Conference Room to a storage place outside the library The secretary was directed to forward a letter to Mrs. Sip )le informing her of the Board's action. The question of over-accumulation of Book Fair donations in the Library was considered somewhat but further conclusive discussion is to be undertaken at a future meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, <• Angelo Carli Secretary