HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-01-12; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees Time of Meeting: 8:00 pra. Carlsbad City Library Trustees Present: Hickiethier, Hill, Howard-Jones, v j,, Librarian Cole. The meeting was called to order at 8:10 by Chairman Howard- Jones Minutes of the December 11 meeting were read and approved. The Board was informed by Mrs. Cole that the scheduled program of Christmas music by Anisa Angarola and Terry Weseloh had been cancelled. GIFTS COMMITTEE Mrs . Cole presented a rough draft of a stated policy for the Gifts Committee and discussion produced several suggestions for a final draft. It was decided to ask Mrs. Marge Temple and Mrs Jo Caldwell to serve on this committee and also to see if Mrs. Kathryn Jones would continue to serve. Mrs. Howard-Jones will contact the two prospective committee members. Also, Pat Hanson •.£o be liasion between library and Art Gifts Committee. Mrs. Cole also gave Bill Hill and Don Hickiethier a list of publications suitable for a nucleus of volumes for the proposed special business section of the library. They might find this lists useful when they contact the Burroughs Corp. for sponsorship. They plan to visit one such library, possibly in the City of Commerce before presenting this project to Burroughs. BUILDING LETTERS Don Hickietier will get the specifications for those used on the City Hall building in order that matching ones might be purchased for the library. REST ROOM LOCKS Mr. Hill reported the completion of the locks on the rest rooms project. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY A letter-reprt from the Friends covering their recent activities in the library was presented. The monthly workshops and the Museum of Man exhibit are going smoothly, as is the evening volunteer program. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Mrs. Cole reported the proposed permanent planting for the live Christmas tree which was given to the library by the Williamson family last month. It was agreed that the tree will be planted in the east end of the parking lot and Mrs. Cole is to contact Mr. • Kruger to this effect. Mrs. Cole told of a proposed meeting with Dr. Harmon regarding the teachers of the school district visiting the library in order better instruct their students on its use. Shee offered to secure from him the school district's statistics on projected growth for the Library Board's use in its future planning. A list of current magazine subscriptions was presented, It is twice as long as last year's. CITY OF CARLSBAD Minutes of the Library Board of Trustees Time: 8:00 p.m. Carlsbad Ci 7 Library Date of Meeting: January 12, 1970 page Mrs. Cole presented copies of an article regarding a '^library censorship" incident in Los Angeles County, a copy of new legislation which affects the position of a librarian as a "distributor" of "harmful matter" in possible censorship cases, > nd copies of the Librarian Bill of Rights as stated by the American Library Association. There was some discussion of #6 of the latter, relating to the use of the library meeting rooms by political and/or religious groups. This library's present policy is to exclude such groups. The report of expeditures, encumberances, and appropiati balances for the pa st six months of Library operation was. also discussed. The meeting was adjourned,at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marjorie Howard-Jones Acting Secretary