HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-02-09; Library Board of Trustees; Minutes- CITY OF CARLSBAD LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES February 9, 1970 Trustees ^resenti Anita Donahue, William Hill, Donald Hiokiethier. Margery Howard-Jones, Librarian Georgina Cole. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Howard-Jones and the minutes of the January 12, 1970 meeting were read and approved. It was agreed that Anita Donahue would rework the draft of the poliey for aooepatanoe of gifts and also compile a list of suggestions and procedures of use by that committee. Bill Hill and DOn Hickiethier reported on their recent trip to Santa Ana Public Library to inspect the business section there. This section has about 15,000 volumes of the total 220,000 books im the collection. Approximately $3,000-4,000 is spent annually for these services* It is housed in an area 10x30 feet on the mezzanine and has two coin operated typewriters as well as a microfilm reader available for use. There is also a newspaper section and a collection of about 600 directories. The reference librarian assumes responsibility for this section. Bill aad Don agreed to draft a proposal within the next two weeks, showing the material our library could contribute toward such a collection, and what would be needed from an outside source. The two trustees will then present their proposal to the Burroughs Corporation for their consideration. Don Hiokiethier reported on the cost of letters for the outside of the library. The company which supplied the letters for Civic Center, quoted $90.00 per 24 inch aluminum letter plus $184.00 for installation. Another bid by K.M. Shamp, •'•no., was $480.00 for 18 inch wooden letters. The suggestion was made that the word LIBRARY in 18 inch letters be attached to the Wist-sideidf the building and that CARLSBAD PUBLIC LIBRARY in 12 inch letters be attached on the Elm Street side. This would reduce the overall cost considerably. Since there was some concern about the appearance of the letters on the building, it was decided to have photos taken of those •ides for further sttdy before any final decision would be made. It wai also felt advisable to secure professional advice omtthe placement of the letters, appropiate material, size etc. A progress report on the activities of the Friends of the Library mentioned a recent successful art program and a second one, featuring author,uon Levine, scheduled for ^arch 1st at 2«jOO P.M. Mrs. Cole also mention- ed that book fair books are again beginning to pile up in the library workroom. The problem of securing an adequate number of volunteers for night duty in the library was then discussed* Junior High School students are causing disruption in the library at night and also mutiliating books. The Trustees requested Chairman Howard-Jones to discuss this matter with Mr. Knudsen, Principal of Valley Junior High School and also to write a letter to Mayor uunne requestlong that the police department patrol the library grounds hourly and cooperate in protecting the library. -2- CITY OF CARLSBAD LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MIITOTES February »f 1970 It was suggested that the Board of Trustees might like to establish a policy of requestlag eaoh new business in the area to subscribe to a business magazine or service for use in the library. It was reported that the landscaping project for the library seems to hare come to a halt. There is also a need for weeding and general maintenance* The chairman will check on this. The Librarian reported that the Serra System will now have a college level examination available for the self-educated individual who wishes to try for admission to eeollegee She also stated that the Carlsbad Public Library is now able to accept requests for talking books for the legally blind and has a machine on loan from the Braille Institute in Los Angeles. Respectfully submittedt Anita Donahue, Acting Secretary