HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-05-11; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY May 11, 1970 Trustees Present: Mar;je Ho war d-J one sv William Hill, Dorothy Read, Don Hickethier, City Librarian Georgina Cole. Minutes of April meeting were read and approved as corrected. The Librarian reported that an initial meeting was held with the Finance Director concerning the 1970-71 fiscal year budget. This meeting resulted in some reductions in the proposed budget, but since $hB meeting was fidjourned, the exact nature of the extent of budget revisions cannot be determined at this time. Trustee Hickethier reported on a rough draft of a proposal for establishment of a business section by donation. The rough draft will be typed and presented %o the local Burroughs Corporation plant within the next few weeks. Librarians Report The Summer intern program, pponsored by the Serra System was described for the benefit of new board members. Jim Pacheco, age 19. has been hired to work 12 hours a week in the evenings. He speaks Spanish and is a day student* at UCSD. Miracosta College has had to resort to curtailing unrestricted move- ment through the library in order to control book thefts. Landscape maintenance appears to be minimal; the chairman will check with Mr. Eruger about this matter. The Library staff has prepard a long list, done in lar&e type, des- cribing the many sources for free talking books for the blind or near blind. Information regarding the availability of this list has been sent to appropriate local institutions, such as churches, hospitals, schools, etc. A collection of over 50 volumes once owned by Elizabeth Maddox Roberts has been added to the Library rare books section. The books all contain her signature, {she was a poet) and are worth considerable more than their purchaw$ price. A set of community development plans were given to Trustees Howard- Jones and Donahue for study in preparation of long-range plans for the library. A "Chicano Bibliography" has been compiled for use in the Library. The Chairman reported on a letter from Mrs. Carole Carpenter of the Museum of Man Committee of the Friends of the Library, and the board agreed that since the present exhibit has been installed since December, the need for attendants no longer exists and the librarians will control access to the exhibit, as they have been doing anyway. The Museum of Man Committee will continue to provide guides. The situation will be reviewed when a new exhibit is installed. Meanwhile, Mrs. Cole will try to find out who at the San Diego Museum of Man is to %e contacted regarding the exhibit, as Mr. Luna, the former contact, is no longer there. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 pm Respectfully submitted Don Hickethier and Marjje Howard-Jones