HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-09-14; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesMINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY SEPTEMBER 14, 1970 note; August 1970 meeting was cancelled. Trustees present: Anita Donahue, ^on Hiokethier, Hill, Marjorie Coward-Jones, Dorothy Read. •Julie Almack substituted for Georgina Cole who was on vacation. Jack Jardine met with the group as a. member of the City Council. Minutes of the July meeting were read and approved with the following corrections: the word "increase1* should be added to the fourth line, third paragraph, page one after the word "rate11. On page 2, paragraph 2, the name should be changed to von Hiokethier, £R OGRESS REPORT ON BURROUGHS MEETING The week of July loth "ill %ill and Don Hiokethier met with Mike Schaeffer, general manager for Burroughs and presented their ideas for a Burroughs business section iiuithe Carlsbad ^ity "^ibrary. The inital reaction was not unfavorable, the trustees reported, ;rbut Mr, Schaeffer requested further information and data as to how (and how much) such a library would be of service to the community. Sill Hill has already met with Georgina and gathered some material on library usage by businesses in other areadc and Don ^iokethier suggested an informal survey locally to see if usage would justify expense. The possibility of contacting department heads of local business firms and also librarians at Mira. Costa and local high schools was considered. Mr. "ardine commented that in his business experience the availability of a good business service was essential. Bill, Don and Dorothy will meet soon and decide the best approach to answer the questions raised by Mr. °ohaeffer. ART GIFTS COMMITTEE Since the newest member of this committee has just • moved away, the following names were suggested: Mrs. Glenda Hasselo and Mrs. Sandra Curtin. &rs. . Howard-Jones will contact one or both of them, depend- ing on availability. PUBLICITY FOR BOOK FAIR Coronty Read reported that the San Diego Union is willing to give full coverage to this events if information Is given them early enough, ^rge will carry this word to the "Friends". TEN-YEAR COMMITTEE No meeting was held in August. Mr. ^ardine suggested that the committee might find a meeting with Joe Olinghouse of oity planning, helpful in determining our objectives. The committee plans to meet next month and continue their study of ways to expand library service. BUDGET f The city budget has been finalized ascLthe main change "vth«- the library budget was a reduction 66 the new full-time Audio-Visual position to a half-time person. $.28 per $100. per assessed valuation was approved for the library. W OV TUW Vu \r\UD UK 'fl CITY l.IttHMlY SEPTEMBER 14, 1970 •BUDGET cont. Ja6k Jardine stated that although there had been outs in the current budget, he was optimistic for futwee economic improvement in this area. The san Diego Gas and ^leotric uo. is presently planning to add generator units here which would help Carlsbad financially. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Julie Almack reported the following! on Tuesday, °ept.8 the new teachers from Carlsbad city Schools were taken on a tour of the library| the Tipuana Tipu tree, a gift for the children's patio, is in the process of being orfldred from Carpenteria; the libary has hired Dave and Michael %rtinea, college students, to man the children's room and front door at night, Monday thirough Thursday! The "Friends" will hold a membership tea on September 30th at IsSOp.m. at the public library to acquaint newcomers with that org nization. Catherine •"•insworth of Monrovia., will be the guest speaker; The Gem and Mineral ^how will be held in the library on September 27th.j copies of the annual report were then distributed* RECOGNITION for children's summer program • %rgo Soward-Jones suggested that the Board make some recognition of the creative work done in producingj children's glays this summer by Pat Hansen and Lu ] ^ones. Mr. Jardine mentioned that the Board might like to write a letter to the City Council, asking for a Resolution of regognition for a special contribution to the community./ b&rge Howard-Jones will write this up and senft to Council. Meeting closed at 9*40 P.M. Respectfully submitted,. Anita Donahue, Secretary