HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-10-12; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD MBTUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY October 12, 1970 Trustees present: Anita Donahue, Marro Howard-Jones, ^ill ^ill, Dorothy Librarian Goorgina Cole, '•'ounoilman "Bud Lewis and ^ity Manager Jack Arnold also attended the raseting• Minutes of the July 13 vrore read and approved with the follovfing additions: A display of paintings by Dr. Joseph toossberger is currently on display throughout the library; in reference to the current budget, tne referenda position in. the libastry was cut to a half-time position as well as the new position of Audio-Visual coordinator. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT COMMITTEE Mrs. Coward-Jones reported that Lucy Triona is active in ^.I.c. and will contact Bill nill to see howthis organization could help in making library more effective in that area. Mrs. Road and Mrs. Donahue will plan to attend the C.I.C. meeting scheduled for Wednesday, ^ctober 21 at City Council Chambers. MAYOR'S STUDENT COMMITTEE A1r. •'-'ev.-is described a new plan set up by the uity Council which vn.ll give students an opportunity to s«c city government in action and also to express their ideas about it. About 12-15 high school and college students from this area, all volunteers, will have the chance to meet with each city groupi water, public works, library etc.) and learn more about what goes on behind the scenes. Students will indicate their special interests and .be sent to observe at that branch of city government. ART GIFTS COMMITTEE Mrs. Glenda Hasselo has been appointed for a term of three years, as a new member of this committee, ^rs. Jo Caldwell was appointed for one year and is the chairman, while Marge xemple is the two year, members IJ-'his group plans on two projects this year: one, to find ways to make the multi- purpose Vi-Qom more warm and inviting and two, to find a suitable place for the Richard Armour stone block, riow in the children's patio. ANNUAL REPORT Bill Hill asked about the area library referred to on page seven of the report. &rs. Cede commented that nothing had happened yet in this direction but stated that she recommends tha idea of three area each with special collection^.( this is a. possible ftlerally funded project) EEPRA LIBRARY CARDS xhe lew number of &erra cards for Carlsbad, indicated in annual report •is simply an indication of those sent out when report was published. Total will be about 7,000 when all distributed to present card holders. TEN YEAR PIAN This ccranittee reviewed minutes of its last meeting with other trustees and indicated that thoir concern was for the extension of good library service as the city grows. After plan developed, the problem of economic feasibility will be'taken up. MINUTES OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY October 12, 1970. . Since each member of the board was given a copy of the minutes of the °ctober 2, 1970 meeting of the committee, only a brief summary will be given here. Mrs. Read gave a report on ways to approach. this plo.nn.ing by deciding population trends, locational shifts, general level of education etc. %*s. Howard-Jones offered a list of ideas for extending use of the present plant and ^rs. Donahue presented possible ways to extent libary program beyond physical plant. It was agreed that the committee would divide their work into a five year plan and a ten year plan and then establish priorities. lir. Hill indicated concern that we include both children and adults in our thinking of ways to extend service to the Spanish speaking section of Carlsbad population. 1'he committee also agreed that some dialogue with high school and college students to so© how they view the library of the future would be hojpful. ' Mr. Lewis commented on the attitude of many present day teenagers and their need to have actual experiences, for example, in the library doing research for people who have requested it. •^r. Arnold commented on a meeting with teen agers vihich he attended recently and stressed the importance of getting a.cross-section of young people when discussing their views of the library. Ho also gave the board some indications of the economic growth ' which Carlsbad may experience in the future, '•'•'he possibility of a new branch library in the south area might be in future planning as studies indicate major growth will be in the south and east. The °ity Council is now studying the possibility of in- corporating Leucadia as part of our city.-"We can't ignore growth, but must plan for it", ho emphasised. commented that she was very interested in the idea of a store-front branch on the ^est Side of the freeway0 Several of the trustees expressed concern over whether the underpass at •^Im St. would include a walk for the children, '•''his vrould definitely effect the use of the library by those who live "West of the free- way. Mr. Arnold, commented that it might be possible to got several city branches of government together toiholp^riranc.e-aobranch*^v*- Parks division, for example. Ten-year committee should work up standarSs for location of a branch library, ^rs. uol© indicated that she was already working on this idea. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT A planning group from Coronado is coming to Carlsbad Friday, °ctober 15 at 2:30p.m. to view the Carisba£ library. %rjo-Howard-Jones will plan to be on'hand to answer questions. About 50 students from Valley Junior High held an$ independent study session at the librftry this past week. California Library Association will meet in LOs Angeles, October 20-C3 and ?'rs.. ^olc plans to attend. Business and. Professional Women are meeting on Friday, uctober 23 at Twin •'•nnn and L'rs. Cole requested Chairman Bill Hill to attend and make a three minute speech about the purpose of the library. City will pick up the tab for his dinner. Saturday, October 24, Friends of the Library will produce two puppet plays at the library at 1:00 and 2:oo p.m. "eeting closed «.t 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, r-onahue, secretary