HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-14; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD MI10JTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY JUNE 14, 1971 Meeting opened at 8:00 P.M. with, the following members present: Anita Donahue, , ^on Kickethier, Marge Howard-Jones and Dorothy Read. Librarian Cole and guests, Clay TVeist and Ray Brookha'rt were also present. OLD BUSINESS Minutes of the May 10 mooting were read and approved, The Board heard a letter from ^V. and Mrs. Dana Blaynoy of Oceanside, Calif, in regard to their bequest to the Carlsbad ^ity Library of the sum of $25,000 to be used for purchase of genealogical materials. The donors wish to make available a research center for genealogists under such terms as were discussed in the special meeting of March 26, 1971 (see minutes for details) City Attorney, Mr. Moe and City Onager, Mr. Arnold have been sent copies of this letter. • Marge Howard-Jones will inform the Art Gifts Committee of this generous offer and of the •'•ndian head statute, another gift which is included in the Blayneys ' • will.» •• - C.I.C. meeting Dorothy Read reported her attendance at the May meeting a-t C.I.C. and commented especially on the remarks made by one citizen in attendance, Mr. Cliff Billot, in regard to the usage of the library. Mr. Billot mis-_ takenly believed that the library was not being used to capacity and that circulation haa not increased since the move to the new building. Actually, circulation of materials has doubled in the past two years and the library is used extensively by all age groups and especially by students from high school and college in the evenings, Mrs. Read was able to'explain these facts to those in attendance, Store-Front Library-progress report ' Bill Hill reported that he has discussed this possibility again with City Planner, Joe Olinghouse and that another office is being looked for since the owner of the present location is opposed to use of the office for a mini- library. The Board will continue 'to encourage Mr. ^linghouse and the Director of ",U.D» to look for quarters where the H,U.^. philosophy could be implemented more fully, Budget Bill Hill attended the meeting of City Council last week when the budget was under study but reported nothing definite, had been decided abou* the needs of the library as articulated in the library budget. However, Bill did learn that the ^ity Council minutes of June 1, 1971 seem to indicate a misunderstanding relative to gifts made 'to the City Library, Ordinance A072 charges the Lii)rary Board with the responsibility of this type. Specifically in question \ms the $3,500 raised by Friends of the ^i an incorporated group, for the purpose of aiding the library. Bill Hill,.as chairman, will write a letter to the ^ity Council explaining the situation. CITY OF CARLSBAD MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY ' ' p&ge 2 JUNE 14, 1271 • ' (cogi.) Mrs. Cole indicated that both the gardening; and custodial staff time and responsibilities to the library need to be more clearly delineated since this money ($4,000) is now part of the library budget. Services in both areas are inadequate to fill the needs of the present. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Mrs. Cole reported that many school classes are now touring the library and viewing the museum exhibit din the mezzanine* A program "Beyond Books" was recently conducted by the library for the Carlsbad "omen's Club for the purpose of giving members a glimpse of the multi-media approach of the library and explaining the varied services offered the community. ' . ^n July 25 the Braille Mobile from the Bcaille Institute in LOS Angeles will be open for viewing in the library parking lot during that day. Friends of the Librarv are being asked to contact blind members of the community and arrange transportation for them to attend the exhibit, SUrj.:er Rea'ding Club will have "The "ild, Wild West" as a theme this year and children can register in the Indian tepee set up in the library. Armchair Travel Program - "Through Europe with camera and fork" is the. provocative title of the next travel program to be held in the library Wednesday ^une 23. ^iss Banks and Miss ^armichael will show their slides and narrate their adventures in ^-urope. '^'he public is invited to see this lively and entertaining program.. ' . In the offing is a six weeksfilm making program to be conducted by Keith Eanssei of Palomar College. It is a cooperative venture of the local schools, colleges and the erra system and is open to all age groups. Exact dates will be announced soon.\ Meeting closed at 9:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted. Anita Donahue, secretary