HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-10-18; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesC.ARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD Of TRUSTEES October 18, 1971 - Minutes The meeting opened at 4:00 P.M. with the following members present: Clay Wiest, Acting Chairman, Dorothy Read, Acting Secretary, Ray Brookhart and Georgina Cole, City Librarian.- OLD BUSINESS; Minutes of the August 9th meeting were read and approved. The officia meeting time for the Trustees will be the 2nd Monday at 4:00 P.M. Mrs. Cole presented letters sent to Mr. Howard Teakell requesting jani- torial schedules. The library budget provides for $4,000.00 for the service of a custodian. The schedule received is very inadequate since it does not state where the custodian will be at any given time, with one exception. Mr. Teakell requested Mr. Frank Narez, custodian, to advise Mrs. Cole of his daily cleaning schedule. The discussion on the final budget and library entitlement was tableduntil Don Hickethier could be present. Mrs. Cole explained that we need to explore our book budget, which has remained static for several years. This year $3,000.00 of the book budget was expended on A.V. materials. A few comparisons - Oceanside has a book budget of $50,000.00 and Chula Vista $90,000.00. Our book budget definitely needs to be increased. Additional shelving for 26,900 books is being installed. Needless to say we are pleased, because it is so needed. We need to follow through on Mrs. Coles suggestion made at the last meeting, of forming committees on Finance and Budget; Building and Land- scaping Maintenance and Long Range Planning. A letter was sent to Mr. Jack Arnold requesting the sum of $197.00 be made available for additional help to cover vacation and sick leave. This sum was deleted from the new librarian's salary. NEW BUSINESS: ' " Miss Diane Lee Davenport, presented in bulletin form, the August audio visual monthly report of the Serra /Regional Library System. Diane is out- new A.V. Consultant from the Serra System. Statistics for Carlsbad Library are exceptionally good - 52 films issued - 2nd highest of nine libraries 63 showings - 2nd highest of nine libraries 1,717 audience - 3rd highest of nine libraries The Serra Slide Show and Multi-Media presentation are available for interested groups. The 1970-71 Annual Report of the Carlsbad City Library was presented by Mrs. Cole. Comment will be reserved until the next meeting. Gifts to the City Library Mr. and Mrs. Howard Marx of Carlsbad presented five 16mm documentary films of World War II. They are: Battle of Russia; Battle of Britain; Why We Fight; Nazis Strike; and Divide and Conquer. Director: Frank Capra, Narrators: Walter Huston and James Stewart. Mrs. Victor J. Wagoner of Carlsbad-by-the-Sea presented a 1,500 shell collection in memory of her husband Mr. Victor J. Wagoner. The shells are beautifully mounted, labeled and classified. Many are rare - from the shore of Taiwan, Ceylon, Indonesia and Japan. We are very pleased with these gifts and we would like to encourage other memorial gifts to the library. •. Report of the C.I.C. • ' The Community Involvment Committee,reported by Dorothy Read, ask that we request the city for. a light on the library parking grounds. There has been an accident. The parking area is very dark and we have no lights. Mrs. Cole stated that the Frineds of the Library have already requested lighting and that we encourage,, the C.I.C. to request a light also. Congratulations to Ruth for the "run on the bank". The 150 cassettes and 10 machines were all checked out the first week. It was suggested we write a letter of commendation to Ruth. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, J00/UX&* I/, qjaefi Dorothy Rdad, Acting Secretary