HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-04-09; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LTBRARY BOA'RD OF TRUSTEES Minutes - April 9, 1973 mooting was called to order at 4:00 P.M./' Present wore Chairman Brookh.nrt, Trustees Driver, Schindl$r and Canler and Llbrurifin Hodor. . , The rninutoa of March 26, 1973, were accepted.' . 'i» i Chairman Drookhart presented a memorandum-from Tim Flaiagan, En^lnoerlng Division, on the modification of the-mezzanine area. As the cost, far exceeded original' estimate, discussion v/as held concerning possible reductions.1' It was 'reported that'City Manager Arnold stated the staff would replan. Librarian Hoder presented the revised budget for discussion, i , i The next mooting will be on May 14. Fathor Driver will bo unable to be present. '• . / • The mooting was adjourned at 5jSO, P.M. Mary Cas/ver, Secretary