HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-11-09; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD Meeting of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) November 9, 1976 7:00 P.M. • -Council- Chambers . ' [85] [63] [85] ROL 1. BY OF The L CALL: INFORMAT THE CAR WOME.N V Charte LS OT r IONAL BAD U ERS. City CHART NIT Repo OF_ rt ER C THb ITY RE PORT - SAN DIEGU1TO , prepared by the PREPARED LEAGUE Carlsbad Present Unit of the League of Women Voters, was present- ed to the City Council by Mrs*. Mackett represent- ing the San Dieguito League of Women Voters. BEA CARLSON, of the Carlsbad Unit, expressed appreciation by the League for the cooperation and assistance by the City staff and all others during the League's research on Charter City. She briefly reviewed the recommendations and conclusions contained in the report. In a letter addressed to the Council, dated October 19, 1976 the conclusion was that the advantages of a Char- ter at this time, appeared to be too few. A list of some of the changes that could be explored under the existing General Law City were include ed. • MIGNON BOWEN, of the Carlsbad. Unit, posed^ ques- tions regarding business licenses and referred to the League of California Cities Business Tax Report. Questions were answered by the City Manager and the City Clerk regarding the method of computing business license fees. Mayor Frazee thanked the San Dieguito League of Women Voters for their in-depth Charter City Study. RECESS: Mayor Frazee called for a recess at 7:45 P.M. and the Council reconvened at 8:00 P.M., with all Council Members present. 2. JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCIL. - LIBRARY BOARD OF "TRUSTEES/ Members of the Library Board o'f Trustees pre- sent were: Reverand W. A: Driver, Carolyn Schindler, Jayce McClellan and Dr. William Lipkeman. Board Member Grace Mamaux was absent. Also present was City Librarian, Georgina Cole. PUBLIC OPINION POLL. Members of the Library Board of'Trustees and th? Librarian were given an opportunity to review the wording suggested by the Committee on the Public Opinion Poll regarding the proposed Children's Library. With the exception of Dr. Lipkeman who. expressed dissatisfaction with the entire Public Opinion Poll, it was the concensus of the Library Board that the. wording was satisfactory. CITY OF CARLSBAD -2- November 9, 1976 [63] a) MASTER PLAN - LIBRARY BOARD'OF TRUSTEES - ADOPTED GOALS AND OBJECTIVES. [63] A brief discussion of the Library Board of Trus- tees Goals and Objectives was held. During the discussion, it was pointed out that'the City Council in no way wished to discourage the Library Board .of Trustees from-present!ng its goals and objectives to the public or in methods to implement those goals and objectives. b) ORDINANCE NO. 1072 - RELATIONSHIP OF BOARD TO CITY COUNCIL/RELATIONSHIP OF BOARD TO CITY MANAGER. Following a statement by Reverand Driver, Cha .man of the Library Board, at which time he ex- pressed the feelings of the Library Board Mem- bers, the City Manager reviewed Ordinance No. 1032, adopted by the City Council in 1954. At •that time, a Library Commission was created whose d'uty it was to make recommendations and advice the City Council. 'The City Manager re- contents of Ordinance No. 1032 stat- clear that Ordinance No. 1032 did '.the Education Code in its creation viewed the ing it was not follow of. a Library Commission In 1960, the City Counci1,adopted Ordinance No 1072, which created the Library Board of Trus- tees. An examination of Ordinance No. 1072 and the Minutes which lead to its a-doption was made by _the City Manager to determine the clear intent of the Council when the Ordinance was adopted. Ordinance No. 1072 does follow the Education Code in some instances but in others, it does not. It is clearly not a body governed by the State Education Code. It does give the .Library Board of Trustees authority to manage the Library in internal affairs. Lengthy discussion was held ht which time point? of clarification were made: 1) The Library Board of Trustees has the authority to manage the internal affairs of the Library, i.e. selection of books, types of programs, ect. 2) The City Manager, under the City Council/ City Manager Form of Government has the authority to manage the external affarrs of the Library, I.e. Personnel, Purchasing, ect. 3) The City Librarian Is responsible only to the City Mana- ger. 4) The City Council would seek informa- tion regarding the Library primarily through, the City Manager and he should be informed of- any activities at the Library 5) The Library Board of Trustees is responsible to the City Council. 6) Submission of the Library Budge.t is to be made to the City Manager for incorpor- ation 'in the City's Budget for the Fiscal Year IThe> City Maa^ger expressed his thoughts regard- Ing possible conflict under th-e existing Ordi- nance, stating it has never happened but cited a.n example wherein conflict might arise. He stated it appeared to him that communications between the City Council and the Library Board of Trustees needed Improvement and that 1s why ,, 'CITY CARLSBAD" -3- November 9, 1976 [63] [50] [29] this matter had been scheduled on the agenda. In an effort *to assist in th'ose communications, the City Manager stated he wi11 be attending the Library Board of Trustees meetings. The City Attorney offered .his opinion in the legal sense as to the contents of Ordinance No. 1072. He. stated the Ordinance created a General Law Library Board which has some functions of a Library Commission as an advisory board and some functions of an Education Code Library Board of Trustees. As to a comment regarding the Library Board's autonomy eroding, there is no doubt that the Library Board does.have autono- mybut it is limited. It is very important to recognize those limitations. c) TAX MONIES - POSSIBLE SEPARATION OF LIBRARY FUND FROM GENERAL FUND. . Reverand Driver stated that during budget ses- .sions for fiscal year 1976-77, the Library Re- venues were incorporated in the General Fund by Council action. He state.d the Library Board, in their understanding of Ordinance No. 1072, was under the impression that they could operate within the terms of the budget.percentage stat- ed in the Ordinance. ' Mayor Frazee expressed his reason for voting to have the Library Funds incorporated in the Gen'-. eral Fund. He stated with the anticipated re- forms in the 'property tax in the near future, and with-an operation which relies solely on the property tax, it was his thinking that it would be better to rely on the funds in the budget. Mrs. Cole, City Librarian, referred to a memor- andum'which was distributed to the City Council from the Library Board, stating it was dia- metrically opposed to the Library Fund being taken out and placed in the General 'Fund. She stated if it is decided the funds must remain in the General Fund, then some thought should be given to the Library appearing in the Capital Improvement Budget. At the present time, the Library appears in the Capital Improvement Budget but is not funded.- She stated that re^- f.erence is made in the Master Plan Study to some of the things which should come with growth and unless there is some provision for them, they cannot be accomplished. Relative to the Library Master Plan, the City Manager stated it was presented to the Council and continued for further discussion. He suggested that this matter be set for discussior 1n the near future. • Reverand Driver stated Chapters 7, 8, and 9 of the Library Master Plan were intended to be removed for incorporation in. the :01 ty l s Master Plan. . -4- November 9, 1976 It was suggested by Council woman Casler that recommendations be submitted by the Library Board of Trustees for changes in Ordinance No. 1072, to be considered by the City Council. ADJOURNMENT: ' By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. to Saturday, November 13, 1976 at 9:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, Motion Ayes MARGARET E. ADAMS, City Clerk Nora K. Gardiner, Recording Secretary •*•"