HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-03-15; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular meeting—March 15, 1978 The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by President Schindler. In attendance were Trustees Falkenstein, Hammond and Munn. Also Miss Ayars, Friends'President; Mrs. McWilliams, Genealogical Society (3:06); and Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Hoder, Librarian and Administrative Assistant. Absent: Father Driver. Minutes of the February 15 meeting were approved as submitted. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1) Building and Grounds; Mr. Falkenstein reported that three auto accidents had occurred within the preceding week as cars were leaving the Library lot. (A memo from Mrs. Cole to Mr. Bussey to this effect was given to Board members.) To try to remedy the problem of a blocked line of sight for cars leaving the lot, the city will extend the red zone on the curbs 60 feet east of the exit. The Board discussed Mr. Beckman's memo concerning expansion of the parking lot. Included were a cost estimate and tentative drawing. After lengthy discussion, the Board recommended the following additions to and modifications of the plan: a) leave the existing parking spaces 10 ft. wide instead of reducing them to 9 ft.; b) extend space width to 10 ft. in proposed new lot (as opposed to 9 ft. width suggested); c) create some smaller spaces in the new lot for small cars and motorcycles; d) leave the present entry as it is rather than change it for 2-way traffic; e) add spaces for the handicapped in the existing lot. The Board also wondered if the 15 ft', turn space at each end of the proposed lot was adequate for traffic circulation. Finally, Mrs. Schindler expressed concern that the cost of a new parking lot would have to come from the Library budget. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT At this point in the meeting, Chris Holt arrived (3:20 p.m.) and Mrs. Schindler asked her to give her report on the Bookmobile. Miss Holt explained that the goal of bookmobile service was to reach isolated areas and non-mobile library users. A two-man staff makes nine regular stops in various parts of the city, including the Levante St. stop in the southeast quadrant, which was begun on November 19, 1977. She hopes the bookmobile service can, in the future, assume a larger role in reaching shut-ins and minorities. Included was a statistical breakdown of bookmobile circulation by stop. COMMITTEE REPORTS—cont' d 2) Personnel: no report. 3) Planning; no report. 4) Legislation; no report. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular meeting—March 15, 1978 (cont'd) OLD BUSINESS CLSI—CLSl's bid was some $7,000 over the lowest bid submitted but there is some question whether the low bidder can fulfill a clause in the bid which calls for demonstrated success in public libraries. CLSI may still, therefore, be awarded the contract. Statistics—February circulation was up 3,042 over February 1977. Refer to February sheet for complete statistics. Master Plan Revision—The Council approved a contract with Ray Holt and the revised plan should be finished in mid-June. A-V Technician—Testing for the position will be on March 24. The Board is pleased that this position, budgeted for fiscal year 1977-78, may be filled by the beginning of fiscal year 1978-79. Shelving—The new shelves are in, but due to a mistake somewhere, it will take about three weeks to get the wood facing for some banks of shelves. Suggestions for New Trustees—Mrs. Schindler asked that the Board have suggestions for the April meeting for people to serve on the Board. Her tenure and that of Father Driver end in June. Serra Appointment—Mrs. Schindler will contact Mayor Packard concerning the list of names the Board recently submitted. NEW BUSINESS 1) See above for departmental report. 2) Budget—Mrs. Munn and Mr. Falkenstein will meet with Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Hoder to go over the proposed budget. The Board will meet on Thursday, March 30, at 1:00 p.m. to discuss the results of the Budget Committee's meeting. Mrs. Hoder gave a preliminary presentation of the budget for fiscal year 1978-79 to acquaint the Board with what is happening. 3) Library as Polling Place—Mrs. Schindler mentioned that a citizen wished the Board to consider offering the Community Room of the Library as a polling place for elections, since the fire station is rather uncomfortable for election officials. The Board strongly opposed this suggestion, primarily because a) the Library is already overcrowded and b) the Community Room is scheduled for other use on Tuesdays. GENEALOGY No report. Friends of the Library Miss Ayars reported that the names of nominees for Friends' Board will be posted at the Library on April 24 and new officers will be chosen at the Membership Tea on May 8 at the Schindlers' home. The Book Fair is scheduled for Sunday, May 21, and the theme will be "Sunday in the Park". CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular meeting—March 15, 1978 (cont'd) LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Mrs. Cole discussed the possible effects of the Jarvis/Gann initiative and predicted that its passage would not mean wholesale firing of city employees. She also mentioned job reclassification for all city personnel done by a professional firm. Meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tom Hammond Secretary Next meeting: Thursday, March 30, at 1:00 p.m. CAlTCSTlATTn Y LiUK ART " MONTHLY STATISTICS Date Current Previous Increase CIRCULATION ' ' Year Year (Decrease) —AdZFTOHtal mi* /Mf' —^304 Juvenile Fiction -* ** <; *7 ^ Juvenile non-fiction-including periodicals a a •* fr. ; a. 6 s_ Bookmobile Total T^TAL_CI^CyLATJON . 13, ^ ?. 3-Q . 4gJ AUDIO VISUAL_j^_FILM AND PROJECTOR Film circulation " . JU'-k Film showings *>TX Audience • $-^. 5. £ I Projector Bookings I3--5 t p£FFRFNCE_gUESTIONS ANSWERED Adult reference questions *1% % Adult Readers Advisor Service TOTAL ADULT Juvenile reference questions _ Juvenile Readers Advisor Service _ TOTAL JUVENILE TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED TOTAL REGISTRATION OF BORROWERS - " TO DATE Adult - added 453, Adult - dropped xg TOTAL ADULT - 435 g a.. -7 f, J Juvenile - added 7/3 Juvenile - dropped •' 1 TOTAL JUVENILE 10 0 6.1 ^ MATERIALS ADDED Ad"ult fiction IA^ CURRENT MONTH Adult non-fiction TOTAL Adult Miscellaneous Pamphlets • P&tt e r ^ s 33 V F IU 8 fk,^.^ Mgt^^.U £Records / c o (Cassettes . ' Maps 5 Films Ready Reference ) o _6 hvrsL'A-i i\gpt) »~t s 2.' TOTAL ADUL'T Juvenile fiction l^g A.r--t Pr-:^ Juvenile non-fiction l^ Ch a Juvenile records ' " Juvenile cassettes ' '_ Toys _______ ' TOTAL JUVENILE TOTAL ADDITIONS