HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-04-19; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY BOARD Regular meeting—April 19, 1978 LIBRARY OF TRUSTEES > The meeting was called to order at j:uz p.ra.By Father Driver,acting as President in Mrs. Schindler's absence. In attendance were Trustees Falkenstein, Hammond, and Munn. Also, Mrs. McWilliams, Genealogical Society; Mrs. Cole, Librarian, and Mrs. Hoder, Administrative Assistant. Mr. Bussey, City Manager, arrived at 3:05 p.m. Minutes of the March 15 regular meeting were approved as submitted. Minutes of the special budget meeting on March 30 were approved with the following correction: in paragraph l(c) under "Library Pages", delete the word "would" and substitute "may" to read "...one of the Page staff may be designated...." COMMITTEE REPORTS Building and Grounds: Mr. Falkenstein reported, for the Board's infor- mation, that sun control film will soon be applied to the windows in the atrium. This had been budgeted for the current fiscal year. Mr. Falkenstein also reported that pedestrian and bicycle traffic had destroyed planting and created a nuisance between the Library administrative offices and the concrete block screen at the east end of the building. Mrs. Munn moved, and Mr. Falkenstein seconded the motion, that the Board contact Mr. Eggleston at Parks and Recreation for assistance in solving the problem. Mr. Bussey suggested that a personal contact, in addition to a written memo, would expedite the solution. Motion approved unanimously. Personnel; No report. Planning; Mrs. Munn reported on a meeting she had had with Mr. Bussey concerning salaries for Library staff. Mr. Bussey explained to the Board that an employee reclassification study was pending and would probably be completed within 30 days. He hopes and expects that this study will establish levels of job parity throughout all City departments. Mr. Bussey also mentioned that, since the city employees had voted recently to organize, we could all expect increasing formalization of employee/employer relationships. Mrs. Cole expressed concern that, unless some adjustments were made in Library salaries, we would continue to be a "training ground" for librarians. The Board decided to wait for the results of the reclassification study before making any recommendations or taking any action. Legislation: No report. OLD BUSINESS Computerized circulation: Mrs. Cole reported that Oceanside's computer specialist had recommended consideration of CLSl's Model 25. She pointed out again that CLSI had much more experience in this field than the competitor in the bidding, 'Data Phase; and she distributed a sheet of comparative costs for the two which indicated that CLSI would cost about $1600 less to purchase and maintain for the first year. Statistics: Circulation for March was up 4,873 over March last year. This keeps happening, and Mrs. Munn said that when she tried to put all this on a graph she ran off the top of the paper. X X X ' CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular meeting—April 19, 1978 (cont'd) \ \ the Board will be composed of all-freshmen Trustees in July when the appointments are made. Mrs. Munn suggested that any of the names submitted to the Council in connection with the California Library Services Act would be likely candidates for appointment. Serra Advisory Board; The Council appointed Patra Straub to the position. NEW BUSINESS Master Plan; To assist Ray Holt, the Friends will man a pin map at the Library entrance for six days beginning Monday, April 24. Patrons will be asked their residences, pins will be stuck in the map accordingly, and some kind of use-location correlation will be established. A-V Technician: The Board was given biographical data on John Shellham- mer, the Library's new A-V Technician. In connection with the A-V Department, Mrs. Cole mentioned that Joe Skymba will be working with the Carlsbad Fire Department to produce a slide show. Trustee Position:Father Driver announced that he will not seek re- to the Board. Hammond voiced a preference for Mrs.appointment Schindler's re-appointment.Unless Mrs. Schindler seeks re-appointment CETA Position; Mr. Bussey informed Mrs. Cole, just before he left this meeting for another, that the Library's request for a CETA position had been approved by the Council. Summer Reading Club; Dan Arnsan reported on plans for the Summer Reading Club. The theme this year will be "World Record Summer", focusing on the Guinness Book of World Records, and will feature films, puppet shows, Mr. Mclntyre's drawing classes, and the reading program itself, run in conjunction with the city schools. The Friends will throw a party for participants at the end of the summer. Departmental Report; Mrs. Hoder reported on what she and the rest of the "backroom" people do to keep the Library running smoothly. Income Tax Assistance; The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program was again a resounding success. The three gentlemen who served expressed gratitude that appointments were made for the people seeking assistance in filling out their income tax forms. This practice is not observed in other local libraries, resulting in periods of inactivity, followed by long lines of people waiting for assistance. Genealogy: Mrs. McWilliams submitted a list of the Society's contribution between April 1977 and March 1978. Friends of the Library: Miss Ayars was not in attendance, but the Board was reminded of the membership tea at Schindlers' on May 8 and the Book Fair on May 21. Carolyn Ayars has agreed to lead the Friends for another year, much to everyone's pleasure. Librarian: Mrs. Cole pointed out the new wall clock in the room, a gift of the BPW. A letter will be sent, thanking them for their generosity and thoughtfulness. Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, T Tom Hammond Next meeting: Wednesday, May 17 at 3:00 p.m. Secretary CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY STATISTICS Date CIRCULATION Adult Total Juvenile Fiction Juvenile non-fiction—including periodicals Bookmobile Total TOTAL CIRCULATION AUDIO VISUAL—FILM AND PROJECTOR Film circulation Film showings Audience Projector Bookings , Current Year f. 7 07 Previous Year 1*7 I a. o 3 .in "7 Increase (Decrease) 3 .n4\ ? 13 3-0 0*7 ;7 REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED Adult reference questions Adult Readers Advisor Service TOTAL ADULT Juvenile reference questions Juvenile Readers Advisor Service TOTAL JUVENILE TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED REGISTRATION OF BORROWERS Adu.lt--added Adul t—dropped TOTAL ADULT Juvenile—added Juvenile--dropped TOTAL JUVENILE MATERIALS ADDED Adult fiction Adult non-fiction -. TOTAL Adult Miscellaneous Pamphlets V F Records Cassettes Maps Fi 1ms I u .~~ ~~ • Ready Reference -LAil JV7 3.^5-7 TOTAL TO DATE ID 2. CURRENT MONTH l.3if Ao TOTAL ADULT Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Juvenile Toys TOTAL fiction non-fiction records casse'ttes . JUVENILE 'e C N T , I e er.t^r P B's 3.3.• et t 5o TOTAL ADDITIONS