HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-05-17; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY BOARD Regular meeting—May 17, 1978 LIBRARY OF T R U S T. E E S \ The meeting was called to order at 3:00 by President Schindler. In attendance were Trustees Falkenstein, Driver, and Hammond. Also: Mrs. Cole,'Librarian; Mrs. McWilliams, Genealogical Society; Miss Ayars, Friends; Mrs. Bishop, League of Women Voters; and Mrs. Casler, City Council. Mr. Mannen, Adminis- trative Assistant to the City Manager, arrived at 3:15 p.m. Trustee Munn was absent. Minutes of the April 19 meeting were approved as submitted. COMMITTEES Building and Grounds; Mr. Falkenstein called the Board's attention to the memos to and from Mr. Eggleston at Parks and Recreation regardin the problem with the area adjacent to the Library offices (ref. minutes of 4/19). The Board doubted that merely sinking pier pilings would be effective in stopping foot traffic through the area A more likely solution seems to be something along the lines of Mr. Eggleston's second suggestion, a fence. The problem with that is largely an esthetic one, finding appropriate and attractive material Since budgeting is always a problem, the Board briefly discussed the possibility of volunteer labor for installation. Mr. Falkenstein further reported that some problems had deve- loped with the low bidder regarding application of the sun-shield film to the atrium glass. City staff is handling the problem. Personnel; No report. Pending is the City's classification study. Planning: No report. Legislation; No report. OLD BUSINESS CLSI; On May 16, the Council approved unanimously Carlsbad's contract with CLSI. Pending is approval by the Oceanside City Council to complete the joint purchase arrangement. On behalf of the Board, Mrs. Schindler expressed appreciation to Mrs. Casler for her support of computerized circulation and to Mr. Mannen and the City Manager's Office for their diligent and thorough research of the project. Statistics: Circulation for April 1978 was up 4,172 over April of last year. Refer to sheet for complete statistics. Master Plan; The Friends volunteered to run the pin-map survey of Library patronage during the week of April 24-29. Miss Ayars reported that patrons were most cooperative in giving the volunteers information. Mr. Holt will use the data gathered in his revision of the master plan. Once again, through the help of the Friends, a time-consuming but valuable task has been completed. Trustee Positions: Mayor Packard has indicated his intention to appoint Margaret Brownley and Ron Cipriano to the positions being vacated by Father Driver and Mrs. Schindler. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY BOARD LIBRARY OF TRUSTEES Regular meeting—May 17, 1978 (cont'd) NEW BUSINESS Library Report; Mrs. Cole was to give this month's staff report, but Mrs. Schindler requested that the report be delayed pending the seating of the new Trustees. Everyone was amenable to the idea. Oral History: Mrs. Cole reported that Ede Westree had served as interviewer of Rev. Roy Brokenshire and Verla Cochran had inter- viewed Manuel Castorena. Both sessions were videotaped by Joe Skymba. Next month, Ray Brookhart will interview Ray Ede. Mrs. Cole also told the Board that Marge Howard-Jones had t completed the first chapter of the new Friends' History of Carlsbad and that Anne L'Heureux is hard at work on the lay-out and graphics of the new book. Jarvis-Gann: Mr. Mannen reported that the City stands to lose approx- imately $2.4 million from the General Fund if Proposition 13 passes. He s-aid that City staff is currently investigating ways to deal with" the loss in taxes and to allocate funds if the proposition does pass. Genealogical Society; Mrs. McWilliams gave the Board a list of 15 books and assorted periodicals the Society has recently added to the collection. The additions were accepted with the thanks of the Board. Friends; The Friends' $100.00 scholarship this year goes to Carol Ongais, Miss Ayars announced. The slate of.officers for 1978-79 was approved at the Member- ship Tea at Mrs. Schindler's house. And the Book Fair is all set to go on Sunday, May 21 in spite of the fact that the Journal headline said it was to be Saturday. Librarian; Mrs. Cole reported that Dan Arnsan has been working with the deaf/hard of hearing group from the school district and had, in the process, added mastery of sign language to his many accomplishments. He also got a T-shirt from the kids that reads: "Stop Noise Pollution: learn sign language." On a sobering note, Mrs. Cole informed the Board that the Library will have exhausted its available -space for books within the next two years. The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, T Tom Hammond Secretary Next meeting: Wednesday, June 21, 3:00 p.m. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY STATISTICS Da' C I_RCJJLATI.ON_ Current Previous Increase Year Year (Decrease) Adult Total il, i i 3 /5, /-H a^L^i Juvenile Fiction *f, a- gi x 3 .4T o Juvenile non-fiction—including periodicals a.,a.%q a . o,-1o Bookmobile Total (,3-1 TOTAL CIRCULATION 15 3i-5 3-i 155 f- AUDIO VISUAL —FILM AND PROJECTOR Film circulation 1/2.4 Film showings *7_o1 Audience 3-1 j^a. . 3.3. xSi 3 o 15 Projector Bookings , / o a. X_x ±.p REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED Adult reference questions \0*1_ Adult Readers Advisor Service / 3 it, TOTAL ADULT ' " __l/tlA . 3.o3? 335" Juvenile reference questions i ¥ o Juvenile Readers Advisor Service TOTAL JUVENILE 4x6 TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED 2..? REGISTRATION OF BORROWERS' TOTAL Adu.lt--added - - 43% TO DATE Adult--dropped TOTAL ADULT 3.64 ' 3-3.. t Juvenile—added ^3 Juvenile—dropped . ^ TOTAL JUVENILE |j_ ?. 10*f MATERIALS ADDED Adult fiction 3-^T5 CURRENT MONTH Adult non-fiction TOTAL Adult Miscellaneous Pamphlets KI :c r- c~f V F 141 H.-cr«-£:cko Records < Q f Nl < £- Cassettes ^l PaTtPr^i 4 : a I <•Maps 5 Plfl Films 10 — — (^ Tele(, Kcj.e Dl^^ct. Ready Reference T_ A»^^g| /? e,-p e r-t~S _ ^0 TOTAL ADULT Juvenile fiction TJX Unced^l< c^ J' ft B-' Juvenile non-fiction 5_L ! Juvenile, records Juvenile cassettes . Toys TOTAL JUVENILE TOTAL ADDITIONS xb