HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-08-16; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCARLSBAD CITY .' LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular meeting—August 16, 1978 VA \ \> V- The meeting was called to order at 3:07 by Chairman Munn. In attendance were Trustees Falkenstein, Cipriano and Brownley. Also, Mrs. Casler, City Council Mrs. Cole, City Librarian; Miss Ayars, Friends of the Library; and Mrs. MeWilliams, Genealogical Society. In the absence of Mr. Hammond, Chairman Munn asked Mrs. Brownley to take minutes. The minutes of the July 19 meeting were amended to correct the date of the continued Council budget hearings regarding Proposition 13 from Saturday, August 5 to Tuesday, August 8. The minutes were approved as corrected. Chairman Munn asked if the third Wednesday at 3:00 was still satisfactory for the regular Board meetings. There was no objection, so the time of meeting remains the same. Agendas are available the preceding Friday at Bobbie Hoder's office. OLD BUSINESS Appointment of committees: Building and Grounds will be retained. Tom Hammond is to be responsible for that area, reporting back to the Board. Mrs. Brownley will be responsible for Personnel, including CLSI. Mr. Falkenstein will be responsible for Budget, and should sit in on staff meetings. Mr. Cipriano will be responsible for youth Library programs and the continuing survey for young people's reactions and requests. Each Board member is urged to continue their contact with- the City Council as part of the public relations for the Library. The Board will be a "committee as a whole" for Public Relations. This includes the general public and the City Council. Progress report on CLSI: Patron registrations are up to 1,481; books are over 10,000. July statistics: Circulation in July was up 5,238 over July of last year. Refer to the monthly sheet for details. There was some dis- cussion of the drop in Audiovisual. It was felt this is due to the change in policy of cooperation with the schools and the fact of no summer school this year. NEW BUSINESS CLSI: The City Council at its August 15 meeting approved $22,800 for the down payment on the Library Circulation Control System from the continuing appropriations. California Library Services Act: The City Council will discuss at their September 5 meeting jurisdictional authorization to participate. Mrs. Casler raised two questions. She maintains that City Ordinance #1072 is the legal instrument for the Library. Mrs. Cole differed, stating that the Library is also subject to the State Education Code. Clarification of this point will be sought. Second, Mrs. Casler said that the Pasadena Library was evidently charging a fee for non- city residents and wondered why it could not be done here. Mrs. Cole will look into this, since no fees can be charged within the Serra Cooperative Library System. Sample budgets for 1978-79: A special meeting of the Board is being called for August 23 at 3:00 to review these. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY , L'IBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular meeting—August 16, 1978 (cont'd) GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Before the meeting was formally called to order, Mrs. MeWilliams reported a very successful rummage sale which raised over $700. This money is all being turned over to the Library for purchase of books for the genealogical collection. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Miss Ayars reported that the Friends are going to seek group memberships from'clubs and organizations, and also plan to seek support from busi- ness organizations for the Library. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Mrs. Cole reported the purchase of a new children's catalog. Also, the new.microfilm reader is now upstairs. Both of these purchases came from the 1977-78 budget. The meeting adjourned at 4:48 p.m. Next regular meeting: Wednesday, September 20 at 3:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, A •Sx-fcxl.wJ^ Margaret Brownley Secretary Pro Tern CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY STATISTICS Date £i!CUL_A!!ON- Current Previous Increase Year Year (Decrease) Adult Total c? IQ / is1 i/H 3.1 o$ Juvenile Fiction i.i q c\ L,, 5w c ( \ ."L£O Juvenile non-fiction—including periodicals \.<\ %*-(- l.S ' ? C 3wJ Bookmobile Total ^py 3 ^7 3-i T TOTAL CIRCULATION 3.UH& a.*f.T5o 5.3,521 1—-t . j AUDIO VISUAL--FILM AND PROJECTOR Film circulation 5gj 1^ ( 111) Film showings (,£(, B2 (> L Audience i^.U^o ^^ l^b ( Projector Bookings , la.-; i 12 i q REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED Adult reference questions ^07 Adult Readers Advisor Service {Z~lo TOTAL ADULT a x-?n . i |33 Juvenile reference questions . Juvenile Readers Advisor Service 3 M-c. TOTAL JUVENILE £73 Jot, x 17 TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED 0. H 0 ^.^^^ 3 q^ REGISTRATION OF BORROWERS TOTAL Adu.lt—added • £2% TO DATE Adult—dropped .la TOTAL ADULT l.S'B ' a -f, 7 o 5 Juvenile—added jq.| Juvenile--dropped ;1_ TOTAL JUVENILE /fl 2 1 3~3L MATERIALS ADDED Adult fiction /3 6 CURRENT MONTH Adult non-fiction TOTAL Adult Miscellaneous Pamphlets V F Records I ' ^ j_ I *^ r^ v-t . *^fiCassettes Maps 5 Films 11- >— — 3_ Ready Reference H »_* v C.I K^&po i-"t "i. I 0 TOTAL ADULT 6^3 Juvenile fiction _______ Juvenile non-fiction Juvenile, records Juvenile cassettes . Toys TOTAL JUVENILE • TOTAL ADDITIONS