HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-09-20; Library Board of Trustees; MinutesCARLSBAD CITY LIBRARYt * LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular meeting—September 20, 1978 The meeting was called to order by President Munn at 3:03 p.m. In attendance were Trustees Brownley, Cipriano (3:10), Falkenstein, and Hammond. Also in attendance: Mrs. Casler, City Council; Mrs. Cole, Librarian; Mrs. McWilliams, Genealogical Society. The minutes of the Special Meeting on August 2 were approved as submitted. Mrs. McWilliams asked that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 16 be corrected to indicate that funds raised by the Genealogical Society will be used to buy books that will be turned over to the Library, not that the money raised at the Society's rummage sale will be turned over to the Library. The correction was approved. Committee Reports Budget: Mr. Falkenstein reported that the Audio-Visual Clerk's position will be included in the 78-79 budget, although Council approval will be necessary to re-fill the position should it become vacant in the future. (The position was originally slated for deletion from the budget.) Mr. Falkenstein introduced material from the Serra system concer- ning budget categories for the upcoming program budget. Building and Grounds: Mr. Hammond reported that work will begin soon on the stairway from the #1 mezzanine. Children's Programs; Mr. Cipriano reported that 300 attended the end-of- summer program for the children's reading club. Woolworth's at the mall not only donated gifts for the reading club but also donated racks for use in displaying paperback books. Dan is setting up a special collection of material dealing with traumatic events children may run up against—death, divorce, moving, etc. A Betamax has been given by the Friends. Personnel; Mrs. Brownley reported progress in "finding out what the job is", and stressed the importance of all Trustees familiarizing them- selves with matters regarding personnel in order to be able to answer questions about Library "over-staffing". Old Business California Library Services Act: The Board noted the approval of Council resolution 5531 authorizing city participation in the CLSA. Master Plan revision; Mrs. Munn asked the Trustees to familiarize them- selves with the revision for discussion at the next regular meeting. Statistics; Circulation in August was up 6,731 over circulation of a year ago. New Business Public Relations: Mr. Hammond reported that, in a telephone conversation, Phil Lukei had expressed concerns about possible Library over-staffing, about the validity of some aspects of the Children's program, and about the nature of the audio-visual program. Lengthy discussion followed about how to convey to the public the nature, scope, and effectiveness of the Library Program. Mr. Cipriano pointed out that the efforts of the Children's Department were of such a nature that their effects could only be assessed in long-term results (as, for example, in terms of how many children became regular Library users as a result of their early exposure to the Library). Mrs. Munn suggested that the Trustees submit names of five people who might find a tour of the Library informative and that, at a later date, the Board discuss the specifics of tours of the facility. .CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular meeting—September 20, 1978 (cont'd) Discussion Meetings; Trustees were given a copy of a letter from Mr. Oscar Orman suggesting that a club be formed for the purpose of discussing ideas and concerns of the day. Since Mr. Orman's idea bears certain similarities to a suggestion made by Mr. Falkenstein at the November 1977 meeting, Mr. Falkenstein was asked to contact Mr. Orman. Mr. Falkenstein agreed to do so. Budget Meeting of Council: It was noted that the Council approved the city budget at its meeting on September 19. Fee changes; Mrs. Cole announced that the Library will raise fines from 5C to IOC per day on overdues and will raise reserve charges from IOC to 25C. Fees for Library use will be discussed by Council at a future meeting. Efficiency Methods; A copy of a memo from Mrs. Cole to the City Manager was given to the Trustees. The substance of the memo was that the Lib- rary has taken steps in many areas to increase efficiency in the Library. Mrs. Munn mentioned in this context the numerous and frequent contribu- tions of the Friends (listed in the memo) that have helped increase staff efficiency and the overall level of service. Genealogical Society Mrs. McWilliams submitted a partial, list of material that has been ordered by the Society. Friends Mrs. Brownley reported, in Miss Ayars" absence, that the "Little Things Sale" (magazines, etc.) raised $126.01. The Friends will hold the sale monthly, since the initial response was so good. Mrs. Brownley also reminded the Board that the Friends tours of Hickory Farms are upcoming. Dates are October 10 and 12. jibrarian Mrs. Cole had no report. Mrs. Casler mentioned that several people had asked about parking for handicapped patrons at the Library. (Note: this matter had been discussed on March 15, 1978, and the Board had recommended adding spaces for the handicapped at that time.) Mr. Hammond will look into this. The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tom Hammond Secretary Next meeting: Wednesday, October 18, at 3:00 p.m. CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY STATISTICS Date -7 $> CIRCULATION Adult Total Juvenile Fiction Juvenile non-fiction--including periodicals Bookmobile Total TOTAL CIRCULATION AUDIO VISUAL—FILM AND PROJECTOR Film circulation Film showings Audience Projector Bookings , REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED Adult reference questions Adult Readers Advisor Service TOTAL ADULT reference questions Readers Advisor Service Current Previous Increase Year Year (Decrease! 3-1. 5 11 /6,3o ? 5, H 3 1.754 7 0 1 11,1 11 ?>(, 22 o 133- $ct> 4c 3 o 1 UC (Go) (72. 1-7 124- Juvenile Juvenile TOTAL X oS*f JUVENILE 4-7.S So TOTAL REFERENCE QUESTIONS ANSWERED REGISTRATION OF BORROWERS" a, £ Adu.lt--added Adult--dropped TOTAL ADULT Juvenile—added Juvenile--dropped TOTAL JUVENILE MATERIALS ADDED Adult fiction Adult non-fiction TOTAL ' Adult Miscellaneous Pamphlets V F Records ' Cassettes Maps Films Ready Reference ^fOTALftADDUT^ Juvenile fiction Juvenile non-fiction Juvenile, records Juvenile cassettes . Toys TOTAL JUVENILE TOTAL ADDITIONS TOTAL TO DATE 3.5.13' iox -± / o CURRENT MONTH L14.